The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 111th chapter above the Ten Heavy Mountain

“Why, if I think that I have the skills of Shizhongshan, I would like to challenge me with my own weight?” Sun Wukong watching Shan Yutong is a smile.

It’s just that I heard the ear of the black scorpion and others, and it’s like a thunder: “What?! The single rain boy actually has the skills of Shizhongshan?! This is this…!”

Sun Wukong: “The six mountains in itself, plus the ten mountains that are dry, this single rain boy, but you are the first person in Yingshan!”

“Wow~~ People look so beautiful, even the strength is so strong?” Liang said again, looking at Sun Wukong, there are some concerns: “Goku Brother, have you beat him?”

Sun Wukong looked dull: “You are asking for something extra.”

“Tenzhong Mountain vs. Shizhong Mountain, this is a rare event that has been rare for hundreds of years!” Master Blackbird looked sighed and greeted her and quit the battle circle. He knew that such a battle was only affected. They are not what they can afford, and still far from watching.

Sun Wukong hooked his finger at Shan Yutong: “I have seen the Jiuzhong Mountain. I hope that you will not let me down!”

Shan Yu Tong’s face is dull: “I won’t let you down, I promise you will make you very happy!” Saying, a flash of body shape has appeared in front of Sun Wukong, with the palm of Ten Mountain’s skill. The Hungarian mouth against Sun Wukong was slammed out, and even the atmosphere was slightly shaken under this palm, showing the terror of this palm.

Zuo Xiaoning, they are very nervous at each and every one. They know that the strength of Sun Wukong is ‘Tenzhong Mountain’. Facing the ten-mountain skill of Shan Yu Tong, the winner or loser is probably five or five.

Sun Wukong lifted it up, and it was a sharp and fierce blow that blocked the single rain boy, but even his smack of clothes had not been blown.

At this moment, Yan Ling姣 they are all staying…

Feeling the power of the palms, Sun Wukong smiled: “Well, Jiuzhong Mountain and Shizhong Mountain are just a mountain apart, but they are two different big realms. The strength has increased several times at least. Counting it…”


His own nearly full strength shot was so easily taken by the other party, this face of the flat rainy child’s facial expression changed slightly, the body shape flashed again, kicked out from the left side of Sun Wukong, but still He stopped it and did not move.


For a moment, Sun Wukong is surrounded by a single rain boy who flashes from time to time, just like the thousands of military horses facing Sun Wukong at the same time launching a siege, it is as fierce as the rain, let people see the shock!

It’s just more shocking, but still on Sun Wukong’s body. Faced with all the rainy attacks like all directions, he just swayed with one hand and smacked it, which was to block all the attacks from Shan Yutong. The attack is fierce and powerful, but in front of Sun Wukong, it is still as easy as adults to play with children.

“This is this…” The black scorpion looked a little stunned: “Does this single rain boy have the skills of Shizhongshan?”

“It’s amazing! It’s great! I know that Goku is the strongest!” Liang has seen it already started, and excitedly waved and screamed.

Yan Ling 姣 their each and every one is also a face of excitement.

芊筱facial expression red, whispered: “This guy is really a metamorphosis…”

At this moment, it is also full of shock: “Single rain boy has the skill to leave the mountain, but even in this case, still in front of him is still weak as a child? How is this possible!!”

Shizhong Mountain is the ultimate, two ten-fold mountain confrontation, why is the gap so obvious? It’s ridiculous, black and puzzled, and everyone is puzzled.

Seeing that it can’t be attacked for a long time, Shan Yutong can only give up on this. After she retreats, she and Sun Wukong have opened a certain distance. It is a shock to the face, and it does not disappoint the formerly free and easy: “You…this is impossible!” I am weaker than you, but the gap between the Ten Mountain is unlikely to be so big! You more then Ten Mountain? This is not possible!! The Ten Mountain is the ultimate, it is impossible to exist on the Ten Mountain!”

“Who told you that there can’t be the top ten mountains?” Sun Wukong looked at the watchful single rain boy.

“This…this…this is impossible!!” The single rain boy heard the words and was moved momentarily.

Master Blackbird also had wide eyes and a look of horror: “don’t tell me, is there really a place on the top of the mountain?”

Liang is like a brain powder, generally waved and screamed: “Wow ~ Ten heavy mountains above Yeah! Great! Goku big brother ~”

“On the top of the Tenfold Mountain? How could there be a place on the top of the mountain in the world!” The madness of the cold voice: “Yin is the best of the nine, Yang is the tenth supreme, there can be no realm above!”

“That’s just your ignorant and ill-informed, viewing the sky from the bottom of a well!” Sun Wukong is a smile: “At least, the body skills can reach the top ten mountains…”

Saying, gently licking the ground, shaking the mountain and shaking, the whole earth is cracked and opened, and immediately collapsed, the single rain child spit a mouthful of blood, was shocked to sit on the spot, the ground underneath It was also instantaneously cracked and fell into the collapsed crack. Fortunately, his skill was good, and he stabbed the crack in the soil wall before he fell into the abyss of the bottomless evil.

And they are also shocked by each other and every one, but they are not cracked, it is safe.

The arrogance is very imageless and falls to the ground. Watching around, whole place Yingshan seems to have collapsed in this moment. The figure of watching Sun Wukong is a look of sorrow: “This…this is the power of the meat 1 body? …this…this guy is just a monster! Can even train the power of the meat 1 body to this level!”

“Meat 1 body strength… eleventh mountain?!” Single rain boy’s hair is distributed, but also scared, not to be sloppy before.

Sun Wukong walked to the front of the single rain boy and watched him hanging on the cliff of the abyss. He smiled: “Who told you that my body is the eleventh mountain? It can’t be 12, the Three Three Mountains. , or is it seventeen or eight, one hundred mountains?”

“呃~~” Shan Yutong listened to this, and everyone was staying. I wanted to ridicule it. I watched Sun Wukong’s plain face, and my heart suddenly jumped, a very absurd thought. Raised in my heart: “don’t tell me him…really…no…this is impossible!!”

On the side of Xuan Shuang and others, I heard Sun Wukong, and each and every one is still in the same place. Is this a bit too much?

“What, don’t you believe?”

Sun Wukong looked around at everyone and smiled a little: “Would you like me to give you a demo?”

Said, the Kir of terror suddenly broke out from the body of Sun Wukong, and when it was shaken, the whole mountain was shaken…

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