The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 113 The Lord of the World

Just as everyone sighed, Chunyin suddenly pointed to the top of his limbs, and his voice trembled: “Wu…Goku Big Brother… Heaven… Heaven… Someone…”

Said, has moved to the side of Sun Wukong, grabbed his arm, the only way to make her feel safe.

Everyone heard the words, they looked up at the sky, only the brain screamed, and only the remaining indifferent figure of the heavens and the earth, and the inexplicable respect and humbleness of the sudden rise in the heart…

“How… What’s going on? I… Why do I have the urge to worship him?” Ding Shaying’s two 1 legs trembled and gradually bent down…

“I… I am also…”

“me too…”

“What is this in the end? Goku, who is this in the end, good… so terrible!”

They are each and every one is scared by the men in the sky. The instinctive wants to hide behind Sun Wukong, but it is a horrific discovery, because the fear and fear from the soul makes them to themselves. The body has completely lost control and cannot move at all.

“You… leave!”

The man looked at Sun Wukong, Tranquil and calm, but his tone was light, but it was full of majesty.

He was dressed in white, his hair was fluttering, and he was very handsome. He looked like a son, but his temperament was like a singer. It made people look daunting.

For Sun Wukong, he did not show any hostility, and some were just a kind of indifference that the host family did not welcome.

“It seems that I had released Ki before and I was alarmed. Sure enough, realm like me can’t be casually loaded!”

Sun Wukong sighed a sigh, stepping forward, forcing them to block the deterrent from the Lord of this world: “Well, it is more polite than other world leaders, at least not as arrogant as they are. Big, when they come out, they yell and kill. It seems that the Chinese-style world is more conserved than the Japanese-style landlord.”

The Lord of this world is not moved: “Every landlord has his own world. You don’t want to stay in your own world, but you invade the world of others. This has already made a bogey. Please leave immediately. I don’t want to do more unnecessary fights.”

Sun Wukong heard the words, but he grinned: “Is it, are you a ritual soldier? That is really embarrassing. If you have a crime, please accept it yourself!”

“Well?!” The man heard that Ki was suddenly getting sharper.

Yan Lingqi, they are each and every one, and they have cast a big eye on Sun Wukong. What is it? If you have a crime, please accept it yourself. ‘This is a proper hatred.

The Lord of the world has a gaze, and there are thunder flashes in his eyes. Looking at Sun Wukong, he naturally feels the hostility from him: “It seems that you are coming for me…”

Good and heard, it is an exaggeration: “Wow~~Goku big brother, although that person looks too handsome, but you can’t do this…”

“呃~” 汝嫣 They each and every one is also a shocked, scared expression, watching Sun Wukong a pair ‘will not be true? ‘The expression.

“che eggs, play!” Sun Wukong did not breathe a good head, which made her fall back two steps: “Put your brother, now I am coming to pit, right?” To the Lord of this world: “Look, it is necessary to pay attention to the points and be misunderstood.”

If the Lord of this world did not hear it, he waved a light door and his voice was cold and indifferent: “Leave it! I don’t want to say it again for the third time…”

Yan Ling 姣 che Sun Sun Sun Sunkong’s clothes corner, whispered: “He told us to leave Juyingshan? I see we still leave, this person looks so dangerous!”

“Really, watching him and my feet are a little soft…” He also looked dignified.

If Sun Wukong blocked the terrible Ki for them, they would have fallen.

Sun Wukong: “People don’t want me to leave this place, but I want to leave this world. He is squatting.”

“Leave this world?” Qiu Jin, they are all shocked: “He wants to kill you?”

“Can say that…” Sun Wukong looked at the owner of the world: “You let me go and leave, there is no face!”

“Hey ~ stubborn!” The man was cold and cold, and his calm eyes revealed 1’s amazing hostility. Obviously, Sun Wukong has been regarded as an enemy.

Sun Wukong turned to the sense of the moment, a light shield flashed around the whole body, and Xuan Shuang and other women wrapped up, flashed, and reached the height above several kilometers.

Wherever they were, the space suddenly slammed and shattered like a mirror. The whole place of Yingshan disappeared along with the space to shatter and ceased to exist.

A huge Space and Time black hole is presented, black and light can be swallowed up, and the heart is so chilling, such as the soul must be sucked.

“God!! This…this…this…what happened?!” Chunyin, they watched the terror’s evil cave below, almost not scared of urine, the scene is terrible, too spectacular, simply not Imagine.

“In the sky… We are in the sky?!!” Liang and tightly holding Sun Wukong, seemingly a little excited in the horror.

“Whole in the Yingshan…Is it gone?” The violent shocked 1 shakes, it is scared: “This…what is this…what kind of power?”

“Ping Ping~~Where is it? Goku’s big brother, how is it?” Watching the disappeared Guyingshan, Ding Shaying looked around, but did not see his brother’s figure, suddenly became full of anxiety .

“Black grandfather…Goku big brother, black grandfather? Hey grandfather how?” Miao Qiao is also anxious.

“Dead…” Sun Wukong watching the evil cave at the bottom, said.

The whole place in the Yingshan Mountain has disappeared, so the black scorpion and other people who originally lived in the Yingshan Mountain naturally disappeared.

Sun Wukong only had time to save Yan Lingqi and other women. Others couldn’t take care of it. The Lord of this world was working in his own world, but it was a matter of thought, even if Sun Wukong had no time to save everyone.

“Dead?” Ding Shaying, they are all staying.

“Don’t worry, still have a save… wait until I have cooked this guy first!”

“Is there still a rescue?” Ding Shaying heard, and the sadness suddenly became a surprise. She was convinced of Sun Wukong’s words. Since Sun Wukong said that there is salvation, it must be saved.

“Who is he? There is such a terrible power!” Mania only looked at the Lord of this world, it was the horrified soul, the two feet were soft, fell to the ground, shaking 1 shaking his body was a face Consternation, the body is also beginning to turn into a little bit of light disintegration dissipated…

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