The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VI Golden Face Vulcan

The tragic man with a bandage wrapped around his body is none other than the fan man who was flying by Sun Wukong.

It was said that his luck was not bad. The land where he landed was actually in a lake, but he was still shaken and his body was broken and he lost half a life.

Fortunately, the gold face Vulcan is training here, and saved him in time, which saved a life.

Of course, it is impossible for him to save people with the help of the golden face of Vulcan. Only the fan of the fan takes the news of the beginning of the East in exchange for the exchange of Gods this.

This can therefore be explained, after half a year will be invited to come to Tushan to deal with Tushan Honghong, why their gold face Vulcan will appear here now.

“Old rules, immediately lost to the old mother!” At this time, Tushan red is also appearing on the wall, watching the people on the boat below, holding the two hands holding Hungary, domineering declaration, dancing and dancing. Unspeakable English.

Tushan Yaya and Tushan Rongrong then jumped onto the wall and came to the side of Sun Wukong. The person under the watch, Tushan Yaya was a bit uncomfortable: “These people are really annoying, every three. To mess up…”

After the golden face of Vulcan listened to the words of Tushanhonghong, it was cold and screamed: “A mad enchanting sorrow, let it die!”

The right hand is lifted up, and a huge fireball condenses out, and the side where Tushanhonghong is located is now falling down.

The blazing temperature makes the air here almost instantly dry, and the oppression of terror is heart-wrenching.

Feeling the strength of this fireball, Tushan Ya Ya was very surprised: “I didn’t expect this person to be so powerful!”

But Tu Shanhong red still has a facial expression calm, eyes watching the fallen fireball, but resolutely jumped up, tearing away with the fireball with bare hands…

The moment when the fireball touched the palm of the hand, it was torn and opened, and then a bang, the explosion opened, and the blazing fire wave swept, like a sharp blade, which collapsed a wall.

Tushan Red is in the disintegration of the explosion of the repercussions. Now he is born, watching his own blackened palm, Tushan red and red facial expression becomes dignified, her hands can tear all the magic of her, touching The fireball was actually burned and injured.

“Hahaha ~~ Tushan enchantress, how, injured!” Lu Fannan looked at it all in the eyes, but was proud of laughing: “Golden Vulcan adults, but now only one one can use the demon – Pure Yang Yan people, this is a enchanting like you, don’t say you take it, even if you touch it will be burned.”

“Destroy the demon god fire… pure sun inflammation…” Tushan red face is unchanged: “This time it is really a trouble person…” said, the corner of the eye moved slightly, stopped at the gold face Vulcan That crutches: “But Goku said that human monks are too dependent on the implements, no instruments, even if they are strong, they can only be slaughtered!”

Saying, at the bottom of the foot, the body is like a string of arrows to the golden face of the fire god rushing away…

“Oh~ want to take my instrument?” Ginen Vulcan is a sneer: “It’s just a melee voluptuous force like you, you have to be close to me!”

Mana runs in the palm of his hand, and countless fireballs are formed from the palm of his hand. The Tushan red and red flies away from the blast, blocking her front rushed road, and also blocking all the space around her.

“Not good, my sister is in trouble, I have to help her!” Tushan Ya Ya sees, the facial expression changes, just want to fly in the past to help, but see a magic weapon flying from her face…

Countless Taoist sprinting Feijian is already surrounded by Tushan Ya Ya and Tu Shan Rong Rong. Of course, it also includes Sun Wukong watching the movie: “The golden face of the Vulcan adults, you can make you like this.” The demon is destroyed, your opponent is us…”

“Bastard! Give me away!” Tushan Yaya looked angry and picked up the jug on his back and poured it into his mouth: “The endless hip flask, full!”

‘Qianlong Qianlong’ is full of drinks, and then put a jug that is bigger than her body to the ground. There is a faint smudge on her face, and the face is full of enthusiasm: “You troublesome slag, today I want Turn all of you into ice sculptures!”

Don’t even say that the current Tushan Ya Ya looks really cute.

“Hey~ District demon, still dare to speak out!”

All the priests are drinking loudly, and offering swords in their hands, such as rain and flying down!

“You bastards, I am not a little demon!” Tushan Yaya looked mad, the small fist clenched tightly, and a fist banged out, but the coldness rushed, in a series of ‘kā kā’ sounds It was the freezing of the flying swords that flew from the air, and then unable to fall to the ground.

“This… is this little demon so powerful?”

All the priests were shocked by Tushan Ya Ya and they retreated.

“Hey~ a small demon that has not yet been formed will scare you into this, it is useless!” A cold voice rang, but saw a middle-aged uncle walking on the magic weapon, flying to the front of Tushan Ya Ya , Watching her 1 familiar 1 body is awkward: “Tut tut ~ is so small, it has such a figure, it is good to catch it back as a pet.”

“This garbage actually dared to hit the attention of my little Lolita, really looking for death!” Sun Wukong squinted at the wretched uncle, never seen, but repaired as if it looks good, it seems that the help of the gold face Vulcan .

“Troublesome guy!” Tushan Ya Ya was uncomfortable by the wretched uncle, his face was angry, and his fists were pinched to the wretched uncle.

I felt the oncoming short a slight chill, but the wretched uncle did not evade, a smile on his face: “In fact, I forgot to tell you, I am also playing ice…”

I saw that he suddenly flew back, and the law was smashed in the hand. The ground immediately formed a frost, and the face of the screaming anger rushed to the hot feet of Tushan Yaya, so that she was in place.

Along the side, Tushan Rongrong met, and was shocked. He just wanted to rescue him, but he saw the wretched uncle’s sword flying in his hand. A sword swayed and the cold frost appeared, forcing Tushan Rongrong had to pull back and dodge, but also I missed the opportunity to rescue Tushan Ya Ya.

“Let’s go, Xiao Yan, my uncle hurts you~” Uncle Uncle’s face smiled and reached for Tushan Yaya.

“Bastard, do you think that ice can freeze me?” Tushan Yaya shouted 1, and the ice-ka-cha of his feet was frozen, but it was broken, but suddenly he saw the cold, and it was Frozen her feet.

The wretched uncle smiled: “My purpose is not to freeze you, just to limit your actions, oh…”.

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