The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VIII Sun Wukong vs Golden Face Vulcan

The golden face of Vulcan heard it and looked around. It was a look of anger: “Nonsense, my golden face is on the rivers and lakes, and I know everyone. You are less fascinated here, bloody people, and quickly put my family martial nephew Hand over, I will give you a happy!”

Saying, with a big hand, a huge fireball whistling down the ship to the bottom…

“Where, how do you attack us?” Lu Fan male watching the fallen fireball, is a financial expression big change: “don’t tell me that the person said is true…Golden Vulcan adults this is Want to… killing people? It鈥檚 awful… I think my jade face is actually this kind of death…”

“How come…Golden Vulcan adults…it’s such a person…” The other priests on the ship were also shocked by this sudden change, and then the fear of death was swallow up, ‘bang’, whole The ship was submerged in the fire and shattered and sank the bottom of the river.

“They attacked their companions!” Tushan Honghong looked at the golden face of Vulcan, and the facial expression was calm: “This is what you call Da Ren?”

“Hey~ I want to blame them and they hear what they shouldn’t listen to…” The golden expression of the vulgaris is gloomy and full of evil. “When you guys, give me Hell too! As for my martial nephew, wait for me to kill.” It鈥檚 not too late to look at you!鈥?/p>

Saying, the cane crutches in the hand is high, and the fireballs in the four are all flying fast, and go to Sun Wukong and Tushan Red and Red…

“Be careful, this pure sun is very powerful…”

Tushan red and red face was dignified, and the sound was reminded. But half of it was interrupted by Sun Wukong: “Great? Is this kind of garbage fireball also called powerful?”

“鍛儈” Tushan Honghong was stunned by Sun Wukong’s disdainful tone, but the next moment, it was shocked by the picture he saw.

“Now, I let you see what is called TRUE!”

As said, the black inflammation in the eyes emerged. In the twinkling of an eye, the fireballs that whistled were swallowed and wrapped up in Aura. In an instant, the whole sky was covered with black flames of raging Aura.

It was just in the sky where the golden face of Vulcan was, but it left a piece of open space. If he burned him to death, it would be fun.

The golden face of Vulcan is incredibly unbelievable at the moment: “Black fire? This black fire burned out my pure sun inflammation? How… How could it be… My pure sunburn is First Under the Heavens! impossible!!”

“Great! Black fire, Goku brother is so good!!” Tushan Ya Ya on the wall looked excited and shouted.

Tushan Rongrong is also a face of admiration: “It is really powerful, even the pure Yang Yan has been completely suppressed! What is this practice? Haven’t seen it, Goku brother is really more and more curious about me. …”

Tushan red red watching the black sea of 鈥嬧€媐ire, but also shocked: “Not only can burn the pure Yang Yan, even the sky is in Aura, a powerful black fire! If the human body touch, it will not be Aura 杞珼o you want?!”

The golden face of Vulcan was terrified, and both hands were lifted up, the mana surging, and countless fireballs were again condensed and formed, flying toward the black sea of 鈥嬧€媐ire…

Can be just contaminated with black inflammation, pure Yang Yan is instantly swallowed by black fire, turned into nothingness!

At this moment, the golden face of Vulcan is shocked and wide-eyed, and the pure-yang sun that he is proud of, even under the black fire of Mystic/mysterious, such a can bear?

“This is impossible! Pure Yang Yan is the fire of First Under the Heavens, this is impossible! Impossible!!” If the golden face is like a madman, he will not hesitate to train the genius to train the pure yang, even Become so weak cannot bear, how can he accept: “What is this fire in the end? Why is it more powerful than pure Yang?”

“I am not interested in answering the garbage problem, so you can go to hell!” Sun Wukong looked indifferent, his fingers swayed, and the black inflammation of the sky Aura instantly flowed like a life, turning into a black vortex. Vulcan package…

Frightened gold face Vulcan is a cold sweat DC, a look of fear, a sigh of relief, is actually a volley: “Rao … fortune ah adults, small eyes do not know Taishan, please take a small life, small guarantee, from After that, I dare not be right with Tushan!”

Tushan Red Watching Sun Wukong: “Goku, or else…”

Sun Wukong waved his hand: “You are so kind, let the other party clearly understand that even if they are defeated, there is no life and worry, so there are always people who come again and again to find your trouble, you are kind, everywhere. They want your life. For such garbage, your kindness should not be used on them.”

“I know this, just…”

“Don’t just be, I know that you are kind and have been trying hard to live peacefully with the shemale, but even if this is not the case, the killer must be killed, the woman’s benevolence will only harm others. If you can’t protect even the people you want to protect, don’t overreaching and talk about the other!”

“…” Tushan Honghong was said to be speechless and looked at the two sisters on the wall. If there is no Sun Wukong in this time, she would not be the opponent of this golden face Vulcan. If she loses, what will be waiting for the fate of their sisters? Don’t think about it, she also knows…

Silence is half-sounding, Tushan red and whispered: “Maybe… you are right… dreams come true, but the premise is to protect your family. If you can’t even protect your family, why do you talk about dreams… It seems me It used to be too much for the woman, so that it is a disaster today…”

“It seems that you are not stupid, some saved!” Sun Wukong watching Tushan red, reported a smile, then looked at the golden face Vulcan who is still begging for mercy: “The volley is a bit high, this difficulty can be a bit high However, for the garbage, I have always maintained a clean attitude!”

The sound falls, and the black vortex turns to the swallow up. It is too late for a scream, and it is a nothingness by Aura.

The people who came to Tushan this time, one is not left, all died.

Sun Wukong landed on the wall with Tushanhonghong, and they met with Tushan Yaya. Tushanhonghong is a serious face: “The gold face Vulcan has retired, but the status of an airway alliance is not low. This time we killed him, and those who are arrogant will certainly not give up, we have to be prepared.”

Saying, it is looking at Sun Wukong: “You are human, why should we help us?”

Sun Wukong is a smile: “What is the difference between man and demon? It is life, it is born to parents, it seems to me the same, so I only help myself…”

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