The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 10 mad

Sun Wukong looks calm and calm: “Recovering justice? This sale is really good, both can revenge for the golden face of Vulcan, and can get the remnant of the Eastern family, pure Yangyan, more able to suppress Tushan The demon, can be described as a single-handedly, can I say yes?” Sun Wukong watching The foremost middle-aged man: “Wang Quan Baye!”

Wang Quan’s domineering face is majestic, and he screams: “Which Oriental family, I am waiting to come here today, but in order to get a fair answer to the Golden Face Vulcan, what is the relationship with the Eastern family?”

Sun Wukong listened, and suddenly smiled: “Oh, that gold face Vulcan has such a big face, can you please move your one-way alliance to come back for justice?”

Wang Quan’s tyrannical look is righteous: “Golden face fire gods and gentlemen, cultivated to be profound, won the respect of me.”

“The great master said that the benevolent like the golden face of the Vulcan adult was killed by your despicable, and I will definitely ask for a fairness for his old man!”

“Yes! Get back to justice! Stepping on the mountain!”

“To get back to justice, step on Tushan!”

The priests are filled with indignation, and they are all angry and angry. It can be said that morale is strong.

“The deceitful ancestors of the ancestors are also called benevolent gentlemen…” Sun Wukong looked at the clowns in front of these funny clowns: “You guys are really fascinating!”

“Hey! To say that the bully is destroying the ancestors, it is you who are right!” An old man glared at Sun Wukong and sighed with anger: “You as a human race, even with the demon, maiming the compatriots, not the culprits What is it? If your parents know, I don’t know if you regret giving birth to such a 孽1 animal!”

“Sun elders, right! This guy is a bully ancestor, swearing…for…”

All the priests are screaming, but they have not waited for them to say ‘people’, and the whole sky is dull, surrounded by the endless terror shadow, for a moment , each and every one The words of the mouth are abruptly stopped and replaced by panic.

This is… killing? ! !

The killing of terror makes them cold hands and feet, sudden cardiac arrest, just like death is in front of you!

Everyone looked at Sun Wukong with horror, but they almost didn’t scare them alive, because they clearly saw that behind Sun Wukong, there was a shocking shadow, and their eyes released blood. All black and white surrounded, killing the sky, even this world is scared and afraid of trepidation!

This is the phantom of the killing.

With the scream of fear ringing, the priests who walked on the magic weapon of the flying swords were all broken and the kites were falling to the ground, for a moment of mourning!

In the killing of this terror, how can they still keep the sword flying.

“Good… good terror…kill…” Wang Quan’s domineering wrestling on the ground, shaking 1, fearful watching Sun Wukong: “How is this… maybe… just killing… let me wait… I lost Battle’s Ability… How can there be in the world…this monster?!!”

“You just – yell at me – right?” Sun Wukong looked at the old man who was inferior.

“No… right… right… right… no…” The old man wanted to ask for apologize, but in the terror’s killing, he even said that it was unfavorable. This is too terror, it is terrible, he has been scared. Bold, heart rushed.

“The ants in the district, dare to be so rude to me, your sin, will suffer from the burning of souls for five hundred years, until the soul annihilation, never surpass the life!”

As Sun Wukong’s voice just fell, but the old man was shocked, the frightened soul was forcibly pulled out of his flesh 1 by a force of Mystic/mysterious, and was immediately stunned by a red monster. The fire wrapped raging Aura, but did not burn him out, only to give him the pain of burning the soul!

For a moment, the fierce sorrows echoed the sky, smelling the cold fear!

If you are not good, it will almost collapse. There is also a smell of urine in the air. Some people are scared of urine…

“Too… too… terrible…” Tushan Yaya Watching Sun Wukong at the moment, also the fear of teeth tremble, pretty face white, with Tushan Rongrong hugged together.

Tushan red is also the atmosphere and does not dare to breathe. She did not expect that Sun Wukong, who was angry, turned out to be such a terror, which actually led to the change of the heavens and the earth, followed by the fear of shaking 1.

Moreover, the means are so extreme and cruel, and the shot is the suffering of burning the soul for five hundred years.

Burning the soul with fire, and that is not the fire of the ordinary, then wait for the pain, think about it, feel that life is not as good as death, all over the body!

Sun Wukong watching The crowd lying down below, facial expression tranquil and calm: “I originally wanted to accompany you to play, but I don’t want you to be so ignorant…”

Along the side of Tushanhonghong, the facial expression changed slightly, and it took courage to hold Sun Wukong’s arm. The greatness of the Hungarians made Sun Wukong feel soft 1 soft: “Goku, you promised me. Don’t kill it…”

“I did promise you, but taunted me, guilty!” Sun Wukong looked indifferent, and stretched 1 to the right hand against the crowds on the ground, then suddenly grabbed it!

No screams, in a flash, hundreds of Taoist princes burst into a bloody fog at the same time, it can be said that the blood flows into a river, together with the river here is dyed a scarlet!

And there is no death, only one old man, and three young people, as well as a leader of the airway alliance – Wang Quan.

The old man and the royal power hegemony because he took care of his identity, did not follow the group of Taoist ridicule, and his words were not good, so he returned a life.

As for the three young people, it seems that they are because of their good nature, they have not followed suit, and they have returned to a life.

It’s just the bloody scenes on the ground that really scare them into full of fear, and they are almost mad with 1 shaking. This place is just like Hell.

“Xie Daren does not kill the grace! Xie adults do not kill the grace!”

The five people of an airway squad collapsed in front of Sun Wukong, grateful for the gimmicks, even the scalp smashed and did not stop, for fear that Sun Wukong a dissatisfied is that they will never be super-born!

At this moment, Wang Quan’s hegemony is a remorse of the intestines, and what the shit’s oriental Yu Gu, what shit’s oriental blood, knew this, and gave him 10,000 courage.

Tu Shanhong red eyes saw Sun Wukong pinching hundreds of lives, opened his mouth, watched his indifferent expression, and could not speak.

My heart is secretly frightened and helpless: “No wonder the murderous aura that can emit such a terror. This person is in his eyes. It is worthless. It is usually easy-going, but mad is so dangerous and ruthless… I didn’t dare to speak…”

Sun Wukong reached out and touched the red head of Tushan: “Red, now if you sign a contract with someone who is a singer, you don’t invade 1, maybe it’s right…”

Tushan Honghong heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened…

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