The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 13 is dead

“This guy is the big river of the river?” Sun Wukong watching The burly man who floated on the water column in front of the head of the snake, looked at Tushan Red: “The slag that has not completely deformed the body can rule this side.” Waters?”

Tushan red and red facial expression calm: “This guy’s strength is not how, but in this area of ​​the water, it is still a good monster.”

“This is not the owner of Tushan, Tushan red? You don’t want to be in your Tushan, what is the meaning of running on my site? Don’t tell me, you want to provoke me to turn the river?” Two bracelet Hungary, a face of self-confidence and arrogance, facing the Tushan red red can be described as not afraid.

Tushan Honghong sneaked a glimpse of the river, and even did not look at him in the right eye: “Provoke you and how to stay!”

“Hey! Listen to the demon and say that you are mad at Tushan Red. I didn’t expect it to be so mad! Very good, then let me go here today and you will be there for a while!”

I saw that the two hands of the river were opened, and the demon power emerged. When the time came, the waves crashed into the sea and turned into a huge wave of water waves.

That kind of sound, it can be said that the whole land is rumbling, like the self-igniting power, terror is incomparable.

Sun Wukong met, and was a little surprised: “The strength of this little demon does not seem to be how, but the ability to control the water is can, no wonder it will become the owner of this waters.”

“哼~ Such a slag let me go to solve it!” Tushan Yaya said, as the voice rises, the hand swaying at the rushing waves of the sky, the endless cold, ‘ Kā kā ‘In the sound, the huge waves that swept up were frozen into ice sculptures…

The huge body that was floating on the huge water column was gradually frozen, and he was scared to be instantly stunned: “Wait! Don’t kill me, I surrender! I surrender!”

“It seems to be awesome, I didn’t expect it to be a slag…” Tushan Yaya snorted and looked at Tushan Red: “Sister, is it really useful to find such a useless guy?”

“Of course useful.” Tushan red and red facial expression calm: “Although this is not the strength of the river, but it is only for us, in the demon world, still some famous, just can contact us in other sea monsters, after all, in the sea Not our home.”

“The original, if it is useful, then spare him a life!” Tushan Yaya said, the hand is waving, freezing the ice cubes of the half of the river.

Tushan Honghong looked indifferently to the river, and the queen aura showed no doubt: “You…service?”

“Serve! Small convinced oral, thank you Tushan maiden does not kill the grace!” The river is not very arrogant to give up: “small willing to return to Tushan, let Tushan send!”

Sun Wukong: “This guy is a wall of grass at first glance, or you can hit it with a palm.”

When I heard the story of the Great River, I was shocked by the facial expression turned pale. I didn’t want to ask for mercy: “No… Don’t! Small is really shun, ask you Tushan, my grandfather!”

Tu Shanhonghong: “If you want to live, just do what I said…”

“Follow it! Do it! Small must do it!”

“You go to contact other demon kings in the sea, take me to Tushan to pass them a word, I Tushan has reached a peaceful coexistence with the humanity of the alliance, do not invade 1’s peace covenant, after January, let them All come to me, Tushan Kaiwan demon convention, if there is no one…”

Tushan Ya Ya is a domineering takeover: “All killed!”

“Yes, it must be done! It must be done!” The river was stunned and nodded, but the heart was hateful: “哼~涂山… This hatred is not a good demon, you give me a wait… Today Insult, I will repay you ten times as much as he will…”

Sun Wukong watching is a smile on the face of the river: “Oh ~ ten times the hundred times to repay us? I can’t think of your heart is still deep.”

The news of the great news of the river, the facial expression changed: “You… what do you say? Little does not understand!”

“Don’t understand?” Sun Wukong smiled: “I forgot to tell you, but I will read.”

“What?!!” The financial expression of the great news of the Yangtze River is greatly changed. The gimmick is like a smashing garlic: “Adult, small is wrong, small is just a complaint, how dare to retaliate against you, seek to open…”

“Oh…” Sun Wukong looked dull and waved, and the voice of the river pleading for mercy stopped abruptly, and the big head was so flying, with blood splashing, falling into the river.

“You… how did you kill him?”

Tushan red red watching the head of the river, the headless body, slightly horrified, originally still talked well, how suddenly killed?

“The former set, the latter set, such garbage does not use Fine, let him leave not only will not do things with care, but will think of revenge, but now there is no time to play with such garbage.”

Tu Shanrong Rong said: “But he is dead, who are you going to contact the demon kings in the sea?”

Sun Wukong: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if such slag is dead. One Air Alliance has already signed the alliance. Then we just have to go to other big demon countries and ask them to sign this contract to make it officially effective. When the alliance is formed, other trivial things let them do was fine, and there is no need to let us come.”

Tu Shanhong red face: “Yes, as long as the other big countries are linked, so that they have signed this contract, then the plan of the peaceful coexistence of the shemale will be realized. I only thought about the unified demon, but it is Forgot about this…”

Tushan Honghong said, it is a serious watching Sun Wukong: “Just this time you can not kill and stop killing, this is related to the alliance between the people and the demon, can not cause misunderstanding, Caused the alliance to fail.”

“I am afraid of what, I disagree with them and they agree.”

Tushan Ya Ya immediately waved a small fist to give support: “Yes, there is Goku brother, if they do not agree, they will agree.”

Tushan Rongrong took out a map from his arms and said: “Now we have to decide where to go first. The nearest one to us is the proud country of the East. You can reach it by crossing the cage bay. Always staying neutral, almost no dealings with the outside world in modern times, they may not agree to any alliance, so don’t worry, Next is the remaining three big demon countries…”

“But if you want to go to these three big demon countries, you have to go through the boundaries of human beings. First, the Western-Western Shahu domain, then the southern border, then Beishan, Goku, where are we going?”

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