The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 35—Snakes and Fires

Sun Wukong and others walked out of the main hall, but they saw countless demon soldiers trapping a beautiful woman, but only a dozen people had been lying around, and some were on fire and were being rescued.

The woman’s first snake body, the upper body of the human delicate 1 body is no different from the size of the person, but the next snake body is extremely huge, wrapped around 1, often seen a sense of panic.

A flaming hair Aura with blaze, and some turned into a small snake, screaming, seemingly terror, but inexplicably gives a strange demon 1 beauty.

The sand fox emperor glared at the snake and fired Ji, converging the usual unreliable feelings, and screaming out: “The snake is angry, my son and my daughter-in-law have spared you a life. Now they are not there, you dare to commit me repeatedly. Sha Fox domain, you ungrateful thing, really deceive me Shahu domain without a demon?”

“Hey~ What is ungratefulness? The old lady was retired at the time, but it wasn’t that they put the old lady on the horse!” The snake was fired coldly snorted, and obvious was annoyed: “If they were two against one, the old mother would not be afraid of them.” Otherwise, find your lost emperor, Van Yunfei, and see if the old lady doesn’t shoot him out!”

Xiaoli holding the stray dog ​​and screaming out: “You dare to say this when the emperor’s high school is not there. If the royal family is still there, I am afraid that I have been scared to run away!”

The snake expression is a gloomy expression: “It seems that today I will not give you a painful memory. You don’t know that my snake is alive!”

The surrounding squadron heard the words, without order, they all launched the attack in unison, but saw a swaying swept by the snake’s cockroach, and the squadrons of the surrounding squad swept out, and the fire was poisoned and mourned.

Ok, Xiao Yan is a can bear.

“Snakes are angry, here is the palace, you can’t let you come to the wild!” Shahu Xiaoli screamed 1 and jumped into the field, but saw both hands and the ground, countless sand and stones, turned into a sand whip toward the snake The fire Ji Ji waved away.

Here is the desert. For the sand fox, it is the best battlefield. Here, the strength of the sand fox can play a hundred and twenty percent of the combat power-level.

Although Xiaoli’s strength is not good for snakes and fires, but here, the attack she launched is not to be underestimated. The sand whip is waving on the python, causing it to scream.

This is annoying the snake’s fire, and the hair is turned into a few giant pythons, opening a large bloody mouth, biting the sand whip, and then one of the giant pythons is flying at an amazing speed. Out, one bite in the dodge of Xiaoli, in the scream of Huanlan Luolan, was bitten into two breaks.

“Xiao Li!!” Sha Fox King saw it. The original face was suddenly replaced by the angry. Don’t think that this fox fox looks very unreliable. Van Gogh is also ruined by him. The king of a country, this guy is not as useless as it seems.

However, when the Sand Fox Emperor was just about to start, Sun Wukong stopped him: “In order to show that your Sha Fox domain has become a member of the alliance, let us help you solve this incident.”

Shahu Huang listened to Sun Wukong and said that he stabilized his figure and nodded. He actually wanted to see how the strength of Sun Wukong and others were.

The poisonous lady listened to Sun Wukong and said that it was a step forward: “Goku adults, let me go!”

“No.” Sun Wukong refused directly: “There is of course this kind of thing to save my sister paper!”

Poisonous lady and others: “…”

Just when Tu Shanhonghong and others were speechless, Sun Wukong had already flashed in front of Xiaoli, grabbing the seven-inch giant scorpion biting her head and making it impossible to move.

At this time, Xiaoli seems to be extremely miserable. The body is cut off by the waist and the upper body is also broken. But the blood flowing out of the wound is not the blood, but the flowing sand.

Don’t look at Xiaoli is now very miserable, in fact, she did not suffer much damage, Shahu’s body can be deserted, as elemental, the physical attack of the ordinary is invalid.

Watching Sun Wukong, a sudden appearance of a snake, is a cold scream: “Human monks? Look for death!”

With the sound falling, the python that was grabbed by Sun Wukong was suddenly wrapped in a fierce demon fire, covering his palm, but Sun Wukong did not feel it, force a che. With a screaming scream, the whole snake head was cheated by him.

When the snake fired Ji Jidun, he screamed like a broken finger: “Ah~~ bastard, I want to kill you!”

Crazy roar, the giant pythons wrapped in fierce blaze wreaked around XwuX at an amazing speed, and the air Aura along the way looked a bit distorted.

“Be careful!” Xiaoli at the back saw the screaming, but he heard the words of Tran and calm from Sun Wukong. “These snakes look a little too elegant…”

In the wave, the sword is swaying, and all the flying pythons are swept away from the head, and the snakes are screaming.

Those snakes and pythons are like her magic weapon. The magic weapon of the soul is destroyed. She is naturally not bad.

“You…you…who are you in the end?!!”

In the middle of the wave, all the snakes and pythons are exhausted, and still no hands, no magic weapon? Even when he was not afraid of his own demon fire, the snake was angry and was scared by the strength of Sun Wukong.

Snake fires Ji Ben is the kind of thing that bullies and fears hard. If she wins, she will bully. If she does not win, she will recognize it.

Very obvious, she has found herself not the opponent of this human monk, so she stunned: “That… this adult…”

However, her pleading for mercy was also interrupted by the words of Sun Wukong tranquil and calm: “Your Majesty, you can not spare you!”

“!!” The face of the snake’s fire-fighting Ji suddenly appeared a trace of anger, but the next moment, when she saw the plain eyes of Sun Wukong, her heart was inexplicably trembled, and she fell into the hail because she had already In the plain eyes, I saw the terror that ignored my life. If I dare to violate it, I am afraid I will get the difference in the next moment!

In an instant, the snake was angry and the body was soft, and it was instinctively thrown to the ground: “Adult, forgive! After the small, I will not dare to harass these sand foxes.”

Sun Wukong is just a plain look, it is scared that she has no temper.

Xiao Li and others in the rear are all stunned: “This… this surrendered? This snake is too angry for the fire Ji? Isn’t it a prestige?”

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