The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 41—The Cost of Threat

In the midst of a booming sound, the Beishan Demon smashed the road and wiped a 1壑 on the ground, which is a kilometer away. The 1壑 is surrounded by a shocking spider web crack.

When I stopped, I saw that the Beishan demon stone widened his eyes and whitened, and he had already passed out.

At this moment, the silence is audible.

The Beishan Empire, whether it is the human still monsters, was stunned by the pictures in front of them. They originally wanted to appreciate the show of their own demon emperors, and gave some lessons to these arrogant generations who suddenly broke into the Beishan Empire, but they dreamed. I didn’t expect that the North Mountain demon emperor, who was invincible in their minds, destroyed Tianjun. Even when the battle was just beginning, it was stunned by a singer’s hoof. They got a blank brain and couldn’t react for a long time.

Take the top demon king! It was actually insta-kill by a ‘devil horse’ hoof, don’t tell me They are not dreaming?

These scenes have made them somewhat unbelievable, and even more reluctant to write to them. The invincible Beishan Demon Emperor actually lost.

Not to mention the people and demon of the Beishan Empire, even Tushan Honghong, each and every one are shocked and wide-eyed.

When the buds appeared, they learned a lot about the horror of the buds, but they did not think that lei was so strong that it was so strong that the famous Beishan enchantress was stunned by her hoof. In the past, it was the strength of the top demon king with genuine goods!

The poisonous lady swallowed her mouth and looked calm: “I thought that the pets raised by Goku adults were already exaggerated. I didn’t expect his mount to be more exaggerated… that is the Beishan demon!”

Tushan Ya Ya is excited and pretty red: “I know that Goku is the best, and Yaya is the most admired Goku brother!”

On the side of the Huan Lan Lan is also excited and pretty red, but she is not as bold and lively as the Tushan Ya Ya, but the eyes are exuding the light of worship. Sun Wukong does not say a word, okay That’s because she is so excited that she can’t speak.

“Even the mounts are so powerful, what kind of level is the formidable to him?” The voice of Sun Wukong shocked the heart for a long time and could not be calm: “Is there such a terrible monk in the world?” The expression on the face is getting more and more excited: “The only way to do this is to complete the almost impossible Leopard League!”

At this time, Tushan was red and red, and her heart was also a hundred flavors. She thought that in this world, except Sun Wukong, it was difficult for her to meet her opponent again. I didn’t expect it, she suddenly realized that she actually Even a mount is not as good as…

However, Shahu Xiaoli is somewhat frightened and afraid of it: “Fortunately, our Western-Western Sha Fox domain has promised this shemale alliance, otherwise it is really terrible…”

After the silence, everyone or the demon is gradually returning from the shock, watching the two-eyed Beishan demon, the people of the Beishan Empire are silent, they are indeed the strength of the lei terror I was scared, and I was as strong as the Beishan Emperor. It was not an enemy. How about these strong people, how dare they resist? But just agree with this shemale alliance, they are extremely unwilling, the shemale peaceful coexistence?

The monsters of the Beishan Empire, who were persecuted by human slavery, are disgusted with humanity in their hearts. How can they be willing to live in peace with mankind?

However, because of the terrible power of Lei, they simply did not dare to say a word, but finally still there is a monster in this endless pressure, becoming a little crazy and roaring out: “No, I will never agree with that.” The shemale alliance, the human treacherous sinister, how our monsters may coexist peacefully with human beings, and in the end, our monsters must be harmed by their human beings!”

A demon stood out, and finally gave the courage of other monsters, each and every one stood up –

“Yes! We never agree with the Shemale League. If we agree, then who are the enemies of the slain relatives who were killed and who are going to report?”

“Disagree! Disagree!”

“We don’t agree with the Beishan Empire!”

“We know that you are very strong, we can’t resist, but even if we die, we will never agree with this kind of shemale alliance. Human beings are our enemies. We must take revenge! Even if you kill us, we will never bow! ”

“Disagree! Disagree! Even if we kill us, the Beishan Empire will never bow!”

The group is full of excitement and sounds like a tsunami.

Tushan Honghong listened to the sound of the surrounding waves, and the brow was slightly wrinkled. She did not expect that the monsters of the Beishan Empire would be so resistant to the shemale alliance.

Well, this is actually just a knock-on effect. The monsters who have no attitude are actually still the majority, but they are rendered by the atmosphere and joined in.

“Goku brother, what should I do?” Tushan Rongrong looked to Sun Wukong for help. She never thought that under the deterrent of absolute strength, the monsters of the Beishan Empire even dared to speak out. She is more scared.

“What to do?” Sun Wukong smiled grinningly: “They don’t mean, even if they kill them, they won’t agree? Then, kill it!”

“Understood, master!” Lei Gongsheng led the death, and the silence and terror of the Ki squirted out of her body. In a flash, the trees and flowers all around were withered, and for a moment, the radius was dozens of miles and became a piece. In the dead, even those houses are blown by the wind, and all weathering disappears…

At this moment, everyone or the demon is shrouded in the fear of death. The fear is not heard at all, and the two feet are soft and fall to the ground!

At this moment, they saw what is called final fear!

Lei took a sigh of relief, only gently hit a ringing nose, terror’s temperament instantly turned into a torrent of traverse emptiness, bursting out in a straight line, covering those monsters who had already scared the courage, along with those trees and high mountains Silent and disappeared without a word…

Watching is a hundred meters wide, straight forward 1 无 straight forward, all the shemale is scared with breathing is temporarily stopped, stunned 1 shaking and surrounded by fear.

This man actually said that killing and killing, he actually put into action, ordered to turn off their whole North Mountain Empire!

The houses of the Beishan Empire are all razed to the ground. What is the difference between this and being destroyed?

And before that breath, I am afraid that the soul of the North Mountain Empire of 100,000 could not be killed! And not dead, because they are in the direction behind Sun Wukong and others, this is not difficult to misfortune!

At this moment, the monsters who were originally called scorpions were all scared to death, but they were still threatened with death. As a result, they did not take their lives seriously!

They are not facing the kindhearted Angel, but the Demon who regards life as a must! ….

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