The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 90: Xiaoyue Sirius

With the sky, the Moon White Wolf King’s Ki gradually formidable, and the clouds on the sky once again gathered over the palace. This sunny sky sank again! Clouds are rolling, lightning is added!

“Ah~ Robbery is coming again! Run!” Watching the sky is lightninging surrounded by rolling clouds! The snake people who had an experience screamed out and ran away like a torrent! This time, they finally learned the lesson, and they were far away from the dark clouds, and the probe looked at the sky in the distance.

Sun Wukong looks up at the black clouds on the top of the head! Unwittingly frowned, before the snakes, the people lost hundreds of people because of this robbery! This time they all learned it! But if you really want to land, the casualties are certain! It’s nothing to kill the male snakes, but the women around the palace are basically female snakes! This is not acceptable to Sun Wukong! He can’t allow that beautiful snake girl to die in front of her!

“I am doing business! You TMD will not come to join in this fun!” Sun Wukong looked up at the sky, the face of the calm and calm color! The fist is clenched and the black cloud above the head is banging! Unpretentious punches, no startling the heavens! Yes, just a move to the front, to shatter all the boxing! A boxing wave is like a wave of water rushing toward the robbery! There was no loud noise from the startling the heavens, and there was no devastating fluctuation of terror! The rapidly rallying robbery cloud undulates in that way, and in an instant, disappears without a trace!

The sound of “kā kā” is endless, and the sound of the chin falling down is heard! A famous snake man was shocked by the plain punch of Sun Wukong! The boss of the eyes, the chin has not fallen to the ground! The color of shock is hard to say! What did they see? That is the power of heaven and earth, representing the robbery of destruction. However, the robbery cloud that trembled the world was smothered by the unremarkable punch of the man in the sky. Is it their eyes? Still did not wake up in my sleep?

“… even the robbery cloud that exists in the law of heaven and earth is ignored? What kind of existence are you?” The color scales looked up at Sun Wukong’s figure, his eyes flashing, full of strength to Sun Wukong. Shocked and curious about identity.

“How… How could it be… My master… Is it a bit of a formidable?” Yue Mei watched Sun Wukong, the eyes of the United States flashed, surprised Zhang Da had her fragrant red lips.

“Good cherish! His formidable, but far more then! Thanks to the relationship between you and him, where will my snake people go?” Sun Wukong looked over! The eyes sparkle with inexplicable brilliance! Such a person exists, and she is good with her snake people! It’s a great blessing!

“Āiyā! Her Majesty the Queen! I am only a female slave who is humbled by him. That’s all! If you want to keep him, you still need to go out in person! I see the owner because you left it…”

“Shut up! Are you more and more courageous?”

Yue Mei watches the colorful scales, smiles, even dare to play the color scales. But before she finished talking, she was interrupted by the cold and cold drink. Watching the cold eyes of Her Majesty, Yue Mei could not help but fight a cold war, and immediately kneel down: “Sorry, Her Majesty, I just joked that’s all! You don’t want to be too real…”

“Hey! Next time I dare to talk nonsense, I will tear off your mouth directly! Get up!” The color scale snorted and turned to look at the sky again, but the face was unknown. The silk is red.

“Ms. Xie is not guilty of sin!” Yue Mei suddenly sighed, but when watching the back of the colored scales, the mouth was hanged with a hint of incomprehensible smile.

Thundercloud dissipated, Sun Wukong squatted, and put his right hand on the head of the moonlight! The power of the Taoism emerged from his hands, and again spread to the body of the White Wolf King! Develop her potential and activate the hidden ancient blood that is hidden in her body!

“吼~~” accompanied by the low scream of the White Wolf King, the Kir of terror came again, and his body shape skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye! Moon white beam straight into the sky! A world of monineering and majestic Ki emerges from the body of the White Wolf King! Fill the whole piece of sky here! Just like a natural-born King is about to Awaken! Although the race is different, but the snake people below, under this divine and majestic Ki, even inexplicably raised a hint of surrender! This makes them feel awkward!


An extremely loud wolf rang through the world! The wolf is filled with some kind of proud and noble emotions! It seems to be a natural-born King! Moon White Wolf King’s extremely swollen body is in the silver light, very changing shape! The fur becomes softer and smoother! Above the white head, it is a spiral of silver and white horns with lightning! Under the four hooves, auspicy clouds surrounded! The whiteness of the body is shining! On the slender white tail, there is a little bit of fluorescence! It looks like it is full of Mystic/mysterious and beautiful!

” Xiaoyue Sirius! Is this the Xiaoyue Sirius in the legend?! It has really evolved successfully!” Yue Mei Watching the sky, the seven-eight-meter-long white wolf king! Once again, I was shocked! Want to awaken ancient blood, to evolve, the conditions are extremely demanding, talent, opportunity, indispensable!

However, in the hands of Sun Wukong, it is completely broken this law! Just by being ‘touched’, he can successfully awaken the blood and complete the evolution! This… this is simply unfathomable! To say that the previous colorful scales, evolution brought them shocked words, then now is shocked!

Seeing his appearance is simply a matter of raising his hand, it is easy! The success rate seems to be 100%? A person who masters this miraculous technique is precious to magic beasts than any treasure! If this message is passed out, it is enough to cause this continent, the vibration of the whole magic beast group!

The snake people below, at this time, finally understood the meaning of what the human man said to the people in the sky! At this moment, they are like a group of believers, seeing the Gods they believe in! Watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of endless respect and fiery color! As long as there is help from this person, they will no longer be the ones who even the mainland.

The Kir of terror suddenly receded like a tide, and the dazzling white light converges as the Xiaoyue Sirius gradually shrinks! And a small figure faintly flashes in the light!

The light dissipated, a woman, gracefully stretched out a lazy waist, with a more charming voice sounded, a coffin body suddenly fell into the arms of Sun Wukong! The fragrance of the nose, the soft lips of the moonlight directly toward Sun Wukong…

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