The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Mei Jiu did not think that the Ability that he relied on to survive became a burden to drag himself. What is more shocking than this?

At this moment, she feels that her life has become an unprecedented evil.

Even your own Ability is not absolute, then what is worth your trust? Just as the United States and the United States showed a sullen expression, and gradually fell into despair, the tone was to go to her, in her horrified eyes, untied her, and then gently hugged her. : “Don’t be afraid~ Goku is just joking with you, this is what you use.

I give you the strength to deal with his little punishment. ”


The United States and the United States heard the words, but it was a shocked look. It was full of horror watching. “You…you…you said…I gave you such power? You are-God?!”

Yes, when Meijiu fell into despair, there were several experiences of suicide, but at that time, ‘God’ appeared, she gave the beautiful sound of 1, the best power, saved the trap. Desperate the abyss of yourself.

So at that moment, Mei Jiu had already regarded the unclear living beings, who could not see the face, as their own purpose – God. The smile of the face is: “Well~ Your Ability is the one I gave, but the name of ‘God’ can’t be afforded. I am only the first source e-creed, and then At the request of Goku, some of the Facilities have been given to you, so say, save your people, give

The person you voice, the person you should thank, is Goku, right~~”

“咦?!!” Mei Jiu listened, it was a look of surprise: “So, I am so unreasonable to my benefactor, it is too rude, please forgive me!”

At this moment, the eyes of the watched Sun Wukong are no longer as disgusting as watching other boys, but instead they look at the wrong face.

Her heart is very grateful to those who have given their voices and gained the power of their dreams.

Now, she finally understands why her own Ability is useless to Sun Wukong, and even reversed herself, the other party is higher than herself.

Then, just as the heart of the United States was complex, the sky suddenly became evil, so everyone looked up at the sky with doubts, and they all showed a look of surprise, because everyone saw a piece of hiding the The huge shadow of sky and covering the earth enveloped the entire city of Tiangong.

At the same time, there was an anxious exclamation in the ear of the piano. “Not good, the commander, we were monitored and found a huge meteorite falling towards the city of Tiangong. According to calculations, if it is allowed Fall, whole Tiangong City and surroundings will be destroyed!”

In the anxious position of the piano, it was also a look of anger: “Bastard, what have you done? Have you landed at this level before you discovered it?”

“Sorry, Commander! Someone intentionally blocked the satellite signal, so we didn’t get the information for the for moment. When the stone fell to Earth, we found out…”

There was a shock in the piano: “You mean, this rock is falling artificially!!”

“And can’t do this level, I am afraid only…”

“DEM!!” The piano is almost the answer of gnash one’s teeth: “The bastards dare to make such crazy things, it’s crazy!!”

DEM’s general headquarters board.

Simpson’s chin in front of the chin’s watch, with a smile on his face: “If you find it, it’s irrelevant. Then just declare that it’s just a natural disaster, everything will be Mastered in our hands…”

One of the directors lamented: “I really want to thank the male elf called ‘Sun Wukong’, for us to remove the sorrow of the Westgate MD, so that we can completely control the whole DEM. ”

“So, in return, we sent him an incomparable huge meteorite, tut tut ~ such an unprecedented gift, it is great!” Mei Xuan’s mouth 1 corner is also to wander about destitute’ The arc of the intention: “Abandon the abandoned satellite, spend more than a few days to use the meteorite, this plan is really the most correct, although the cost is a bit, but as long as it can remove the stumbling block that hinders us, all costs, Sacrifice is a value

Got it. ”

“Yeah! Members of Latatorsk, and Woodman, they are all in the city of Tiangong, and then they can get rid of the ‘elf’ that threatens us the most. It is really a good idea. What a perfect plan? By then, this world will gradually be in our hands!”

The other directors have heard this, and they all show great madness and desire.

At their current height, naturally they can no longer meet their current position. They want to stand taller and look farther.

“But for the sake of safety, should we interfere with the air interception of the Flach Sinas?”

Mei Lan’s confident face: “I’m ready, don’t worry, this is our last fight, it won’t make it any accident…”

In the bridge of “Flaxinas”.

God’s monthly financial expression Seriously watching the front of the picture, loudly issued the order: “Maximize the magic output, ready to launch the strongest “Silver of Sword”, attack the most center of the meteorite!”

Thus, the amazing magical torrents converge from the gun door of “Flaxinas”…

However, before it was launched, the surveillance network of “Flaxinas” suddenly found three shells flying at an alarming speed to the ship…

“Not good, deputy commander, found that three ships suddenly launched an attack on us!” “Damn! Is this wanting to interfere with our actions?” God snorted without a month, but the mind is still extremely calm: ” Expand the random Domain, the coordinates are 56485…45444… Then ignore the three enemy ships, continue to output at the maximum magic frequency, attack the meteorite center point!

“To understanding!!”

The members of Ratatovsk have issued a high morale voice: “Hahaha ~~ Soy sauce for so long, it is our turn to play!” The sound just fell, and the whole ship came with three severe vibrations, apparently already Attacked by three shells, I almost didn’t take God from the moon and they shook the bridge from the seat, but they and each one still showed a look that they didn’t care, and they concentrated on doing their own work.


“Energy is filled, ready to launch at any time!” “Everyone, after this time, I am afraid we will not live.” God’s seriousness without a moon can be turned into a seriousness: “I really want to be reluctant to love adults.” Whip 1挞…” ….

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