The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“That is…Angel?”

In the piano, they looked up and watched the egg-shaped Angel formed by the spiritual ball in the sky, each and every one revealing the color of surprise.

As for the nephew and other women, seeing the situation is not good, they have long been far away, and now they have no device. In the face of this situation, they only have to hide.

In addition, there is Sun Wukong, and they don’t need to worry about it.

It is said to be an egg-shaped Angel. It is really deserved. The whole looks like a black metal giant who gave birth to two pairs of Angel wings, and then pulled a long tail.

“This spiritual power is really amazing. It is an Angel that was born out of the power of all of us.” The madman looked at the Thunder Church and revealed the color of surprise.

Immediately, the next moment, I saw the egg-shaped surface of the Thunder Church suddenly sag and showed a muzzle, in which the lightning condensed, and a light bucket-like lightning column was shot directly to the Sun Wukong et al.


All the women, such as Shixiang, have changed their facial expressions. Under such lightning-like attacks, they even have time to summon their Angels, and they see that the lightning column has landed on their heads.

Fortunately, at the moment when Sun Wukong was stunned by the lightning column, it was already vacated, grabbed it with one hand and pinched it in the palm of his hand.

The shocking picture of this one-handed thunder, the shocking ten incense, each and every one are wide-eyed, the look of the face, and the ensuing, is the endless worship –

Mei Jiu is excited to scream out: “It’s not a Darling, it’s so handsome with one hand!”

Mad 3 is a soft smile: “This guy knows how to be handsome, but it does give me electricity.”

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it!!”

As the sound landed, I saw a girl with a double-winged wing landing in front of Sun Wukong. She looked flustered and looked apologetic.

For the first time, Wan Youli appeared in front of all the people of Shixiang, and still dressed in the attitude of “Shen Wei Ling Wan Wan”, the whole image looks really like the beautiful Angel in the legend.

“Is she the elf born out of our spiritual power?”

Yaya, and so on, were all surprised by the appearance of Wan Yuli. She was dressed in a spiritual costume, and she really gave a very shocking feeling of 1, and she looked at her with a straight hook.

But after the glance at them, it was fixed on Sun Wukong’s body: “I’m sorry! I lost control of the Thunder Church, I didn’t mean to attack you…” “No need to apologize, This is as early as I expected.” Sun Wukong crushed the lightning in his hand and looked at Wanli: “The intelligent Angel system has the mission of “preventing negative feelings from becoming completely malicious.” It’s natural that you’re born out of the power of all of them.

Carrying this mission, but with my commitment to lead to your own violation of the mission, the negative emotions born out of this, making the Thunder Church go away is also reasonable. ”

“Can you solve it? Right?” Watching Sun Wukong, who looked forward to it, “I am convinced of your words, so it leads to the present result.”

If can not disappear, Wannai naturally does not want to disappear, she wants to accompany him along with Sun Wukong, and this strong obsession led to the riot of the Thunder Church.

“Please remove the question, isn’t it obvious?” Sun Wukong looked dull.

And as his voice just fell, the Thunder Church seems to be playing Sun Wukong’s face. The eyes suddenly appear on the ball, and the light shines. From there, there are countless beams, and all directions are wide. Every space.

“this is!!!”

They are all slightly changeable. They are trying to summon their own costumes and wear them in the body. They hear Sun Wukong faintly say ‘fixed’.

So, the beam that emerged from the all directions of the air seems to be pressed by the pause button. It floats in the air and is forbidden. It seems that the whole space is occupied by solidify, which limits all actions; The picture is more like the time here is stopped.

“This… is this?!!”

The women such as Shixiang were once again shocked by the means of Sun Wukong.

As for the scorpion and others, I have already been stunned.

“Stop the public.”

After a whisper, Angel, who belongs to the ten incense, appeared in the hands of Sun Wukong, and then he did not look at it, but he slid down.

The surpass kilometer’s swordsman squirted out from the giant sword, and ‘squeaked’, it was easy to split the Thunder Church into two halves; at the same time, it was split in half and the tear was opened. sky! The hair-raising space is like a whole piece of sky. The sky is split into two halves.

The storm of terror swept out of the crack, and the still beams of all directions were smashed and disappeared.


This situation can no longer be described by shock. The sister papers in the field each and every one are wide-eyed, leaving only the sound of cold air.

What did they see?

The sky turned out to be under the guise of Sun Wukong, cracking open…

The space was smashed…

The brain is roaring and can’t react for a long time…

That scene was too shocking.

This is the strength of God.

However, Sun Wukong scratched his head and looked helpless: “Āiyā 呀~~ It seems that the force is too strong, only the space barrier of this world is too weak…”



Mad three, they and every one face each other, this situation, what kind of expression should they show?

“Should you not be alarmed by the Lord of this world?” Sun Wukong whispered again, smacking at the crack in the sky, and the magical scene appeared. The space crack was like a piece on the blackboard. Line-like, disappeared by Sun Wukong to erase.

“Too… too… too…unfathomable!!!”

The women of Erya and other women are shocked at this moment and do not know what to say.

The nephew and other women are looking at Sun Wukong with a look of fear and fear: “Is this his strength… too… too terror… this is TRUE’s ability to destroy the world!”

Just in the shock of everyone, the body of Wan Yu is gradually faded and slowly disappears…

At this moment, even she herself was shocked and even her body disappeared without realizing it. Fortunately, Sun Wukong always pays attention to her, her body shape flashes, appears in front of the eternal, and then taps on her heart, energy input, so that the body that gradually disappears instantly becomes solid. ….

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