The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Sun Wukong looks at the majesty and serious leader of this world in front of him. The facial expression remains the same: “Don’t be so serious, if you are too serious, life is very dull.” “Life?” Expressionless, but the tone is a little surprised: “This is really a surprise to me. Is that what I think? It is no wonder that as a god, as a master of the world, you can be a human being like an ant.” Not like a supreme god, but instead

More like – people. ”

The reason why the Lord of this world is so surprised is that it is like a human being who uses himself as an ant to play with them. This is naturally surprising to outsiders.

“Because I was originally climbing from a human to the current height.” Sun Wukong smiled unconsciously and explained: “So, it is very different from your noble living beings. ”

“Hey – is human?!”

At this moment, the leader of the world, the ancient well-waveless face, showed a surprised look for the first time. This was a slight look up and down Sun Wukong: “It’s unbelievable, is it human? It’s reasonable to say that human beings are It is impossible to be the master of a world unless…”

The beauty of the Lord of this world suddenly became huge, and the light of the light looked closely at Sun Wukong: “Do you kill God? And replace it?! This…this…”

The master of this world instinctively feels that this is absolutely impossible, but if this man in front of him is such a thing, then he simply broke the supreme iron of the supremacy, the so-called miracle is not comparable to this thing at all. Sex.

And after they heard the words of the Lord of this world, they also felt raging waves and waves in their hearts.

God, Goku is also human? With the human body, even the gods have been done. This kind of unfathomable thing is exciting and inexplicable.

“At the time, it was a blessing. Your living beings each and every one are too proud. For me as a human being, I simply dismissed it. So when the landlord has not fully played the power of the outbound, he was I killed it.”

After a moment of shock, the Lord of this world has calmed down again: “Even so, the strength of the shackles is also admirable. There is no absolute force. It is the master of the undead. You can do it, even if you do it. The other party’s carelessness still can’t hide the brilliance of himself.”

“Thank you for praise, and sure enough, as a beauty, you are more polite than the borders I have met before.”

“I am very curious, what is the result of those rude lords?”

“All killed by me!”

“…” The Lord of this world is silently watching Sun Wukong, and he is speechless.

Mad three, they and every one also swallowed, and my heart was shocked. God, their Goku even more then slaughtered a god? This is just like listening to the Bible.

After the silence, the financial expression of the Lord of this world has become more serious all the time: “So, the world that came to me, is also to kill me to win the source?”

“As a beauty lord, you have a choice and surrender to me!”

The financial expression of the Lord of this world has become calmer: “If I choose ‘No’, will it be the same as those who have been killed?”

“Yes!” Sun Wukong replied very simply.

“Hey, it’s really a man who is very easy to learn. Let me ask for advice. Is there a strength that can make me surrender!”

The space is changing rapidly, and the madness of the third-class female discovers that, when they are, they are already in the endless universe and are isolated from the outside world.

Relatively speaking, Liu Liu is much better because she has been drifting in such an environment.

It’s just that each of them and every one is the one that has been erupted by the Lord of this world.

If Sun Wukong is not in front of them, I am afraid that I have been annihilation under the Kir of this error.

With the help of the master of this world in the void in front of the body, a sword of the world condensed by the rules of this world is slowly formed, and the supreme Tianwei has lowered the order of millions of people.

At this moment, they are clearly aware of how superficial and ignorant people understand God.

It is also a shock to how Sun Wukong has achieved the feat of human beings.

Is the existence of this shocking terror really a person can be slaughtered?

“When you come to full strength, your move is right.” Sun Wukong looks at the beautiful 1 Yanjie, who is now a world-famous beauty. The facial expression is still calm and not affected by her Ki.

The beauty of 1 Yanjie does not want to, because all her will has been deposited in the sword she is about to kneel down.

Between the moment she lifted the sword of the world, all the things of this world became the most intrinsic power, and the annihilation was quickly exhausted and absorbed by the sword of the world held by the American 1 Yanjie.

This is the master of the Dimension world, and you can kill the world!

Life is meaningless to the landlord, but only part of the power they control.

The sword of the world, which is defined by all the rules of the order understood by the Lord of the world, absorbs all the energy of this Dimension world. This is the strongest one of the 1 Yanjie masters who have exhausted the power of this world. sword!

“Do you need to transfer it?” The handheld is the strongest sword that has gathered the power of this world. The beautiful 1 Yanjie is open to Sun Wukong with a majestic and indifferent voice. The voice is clear and majestic.

Sun Wukong looked at the mad third-class girl behind him and looked at the owner of the world again: “No need.”

“Is this self-confidence? Dead, don’t blame me!”

Then, without any nonsense, the beauty of 1 Yanjie has already swayed the strongest sword in his hand!

For a moment, this Dimension space was smashed in half, and like a watermelon, it was thrown away and shocked.

The repercussions of terror are all sputtered by this side of the Dimension world, the Star River to the shatter.

However, the beauty of the 1 Yanjie main shock terror is that the most powerful sword has been aggregated, and it has been blocked by a finger from Sun Wukong! !

“How… how…how could it be!!! A finger?!!!!”

The beautiful 1 Yanjie master lost his voice to the picture in front of her. Yes, her strongest sword was actually blocked by Sun Wukong with one finger.

The unbeatable sword, squatting on Sun Wukong’s right index finger, is no longer easy to get into the score, even the sword itself, even can bear bear burden and produce an amazing crack!

Then, in the next moment, ‘ka-cha’ screamed and shattered! !

At the same time, this side of the Dimension world is also broken and destroyed…

Because the sword of the world itself represents this side of the Dimension world. (PS: It’s so entangled, the heads of the thoughts are all blown up, I don’t want to, the next world, “The Attacking Giant”, because now I have no time to make up, I have to write the familiar “Attack Giant” first, without writing Go to the children’s shoes of the world you are looking forward to, don’t worry, come one by one.) ….

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