The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Under the rain, the damp air is mixed with a touch of blood.

The dark clouds seem to give this world a layer of gloom.

Silent and silent, only the gloomy wind and rain.

The next moment, a sudden burst of light dispelled the gloomy dim around, and a footstep echoed in the rain.

As Sun Wukong walked out of the door of Dimension, the subsequent light door disappeared.

The raindrops of the patter have not yet been deposited on Sun Wukong, and the gasification disappears instantly.

“This weather is really bad enough.” Sun Wukong said to himself, walking toward the house in front.

At the same time as the door was opened, the pungent bloody smell suddenly came, and the first thing that caught the eye was the woman lying in the pool in the hall, and then noticed the man’s body at the edge of the door.

“It seems to be a little late.” In the face of such a bloody scene, Sun Wukong still does not change his face, and he turns away when he is indifferent.

Just a few steps away from the house, I met a father and son, and it was clear to the father and son Sun Wukong – Grisha Yeager and his son Alan Yeager.

Thinking of the name of Allen, Sun Wukong watching the little boy obviously showed a touch of emotions, because it reminded him of his own Allen.

The world has gone a lot, and it is very easy to hit the name.

It’s just that this unpleasantness has just risen. The middle-aged man on the opposite side feels a kind of scalp numbness, and the terror feeling from the head to the feet is instantly protected by dragging his son behind him and stiffening. Full of vigilance of watching Sun Wukong.

It is worthy of being a BOSS class person, and it feels quite keen.

However, Sun Wukong obvious is not interested in their father and son, and now it is most important to save the little girl. Directly ignore, leave and leave.

Grisha Yeager watched Sun Wukong’s back, a long sigh of relief, only to find out, but for a moment, cold sweat has soaked his clothes.

This made Grisha Yeage’s heart full of shocks. Who is that person? Obviously there is no hostility, just a little dissatisfied emotions, it is to make him feel the incomparable fear, stiff body does not dare to move, this is simply unfathomable.

At the same time, he also discovered the fact that the man was walking in the rain, and the raindrop did not touch his body? ! !

“…!!!” Just as Grissa Yeage’s thoughts were shaking, the strong bloody smell came from inside the house, which brought his thoughts back and hurried into the house. The scene inside is to make his facial expression change, and to explore the pulse, and the look becomes dignified instantly: “Difficult

Is the Tao just the person? ! “Speaking, I saw Allen: “Dad called the Gendarmerie group to investigate. You went to the foot of the mountain and waited for me. Did you hear it?” Allen! ”

Said, hurriedly ran out…

I have to say that Grissa Yeager’s nerves are really powerful enough to leave with his son. Normal people will not do this?

The rain is still in the middle of the patter, in the woods of the mountain.

“Hey! Can this guy really sell it? I just turned it over after killing her parents…”

The burly man was holding his chest in both hands and sitting on the chair with his legs crossed: “Look at her face…”

The man heard the words, and immediately turned her over the body of the little girl who was lying on the ground with her hands and feet. “Although it looks good, it doesn’t suit my stomach…”

The word ‘mouth’ has not yet been exported, but the sudden sound interrupted his words: “Can you take your dirty feet away?”

“Well?” The two dealers in the house were shocked by the sudden sound, and they looked at the door: “You…”

It is a pity that the next moment, the cold light flashed away, the two human heads have already landed, and the blood spilled over the ground and the walls.

The little girl who lay down on the ground and had no focal length in her eyes was pulled back to God by the sudden change. She was watched and watched the headless body with blood. At the same time, fear and fear, my heart unexpectedly appeared a trace. The pleasure.

Sun Wukong walked into the house carelessly and glanced at the two headless bodies: “Garbage has no right to talk to me.”

Said, walked to the little girl and lifted her from the ground: “How? Is it scared?”

The little girl was watching Sun Wukong, as if she had a call, he muttered: “There should be three talents right…”

It seems that in response to the voice of the little girl, the last person may have heard the movement in the house, ran in a heavy footstep, watched everything in front of him, Eyes suddenly tightened, and then exposed vicious holding a dagger to Sun Wukong. past…

“Bastard, is this all you do? Go to hell!!”

“This kind of toy can not kill people.” Sun Wukong used two fingers to pinch the blade, and smiled again and again: “Ah~ sorry, it should be said that it is not dead.”

“You…you…” The man was holding the handle and trying to pull it back, but he suddenly found that he was not moving. He just wanted to abandon the knife and fall back, but he heard the ‘kā kā’ two sounds, two feet and one soft, involuntarily The ‘噗通’ slammed to the ground.

He was shocked to discover that his feet were distorted, and the white bones pierced the skin and were exposed…

At this moment, the man felt the endless pain attacking the brain…

The fierce misery suddenly pierced the sky – ahhh ahhh! ! !

“It’s really ‘呱躁’.”

Sun Wukong lifted his foot and held the man’s head like a watermelon…

Then watching a little girl with a dementia, this reaction: “Ah~ I am sorry, I should let you come and settle his revenge for his parents, but he is too noisy…”

Just the focus is not here? The point is, shouldn’t you be so bloody in front of a little girl?

Fortunately, the little girl had just witnessed the scene of her parents being killed. The mind was in a numb form, so this bloody scene did not have much impact on her. Instead, there was a kind of great hatred.

Then came the loneliness, helpless, curled up, the little girl squatted on the ground, shivering: “Well… it’s so cold… I’m going to… What should I do? I have no home to return…”

Sun Wukong took off her coat and wrapped her up and picked her up: “Come with me, I will be your family.”


“What’s your name?”

“Three 笠… San Francisco Ackerman.”

“I am Sun Wukong. Later, we will have to live together.” “Hmm!” ….

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