The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Too! Too! Too! Too great! Goku brother, you are really amazing!” Sancha grabbed Sun Wukong’s excited face and flushed: “I saw it, the giant’s weakness is in the back neck, Just attack them on the back of the neck and they will be terriblely killed!”

“anything else?”

“Your skills, walking, and the ability to master the global control, I am afraid I will not learn… You can use dodge to let them attack each other’s weaknesses and kill each other, this is simply too incredible! How can I do this?!”

“Strength, experience, instinct, eyesight, reflex nerves, brains, etc., as long as surpass the limits of human beings, you can barely do it, but you want to achieve my level of how to do it. For now, It’s still very early.”

“It sounds so hard!”

“Do you want to learn?”

What Sanxiang didn’t want was a firm voice: “Think!”

“Okay, then I will start from the most basic, first training your position and nerve reflex.”

Sun Wukong said, seeing a dozen giants attracted by the movement here, besieging him to the past…

I saw Sun Wukong’s hand flashing a glimmer of light, and an ancient sword flashed into the hand, and I couldn’t see it with a wave of it. From the all directions, the giant’s back neck was suddenly cracked by a crack, and they all fell. On the ground, the whole body exudes a hot smoke, and gradually begins to rot… For this kind of sword that is amazingly different, Sancha has been eccentric, but there is some doubt in his heart, hesitating for a moment, watching Sun Wukong finally still I couldn’t help but ask: “Goku brother, since you are so powerful, why not save humanity? If it is Goku brother

If you can, you can easily defeat the giants? “It’s really a naive idea!” “Sun Wukong smiled and touched the head of Sanchao: “It’s no wonder that you don’t understand this world truth. It’s no wonder that I didn’t tell you before. The essence of each world is the weak meat.” The fittest survives and becomes today

This kind of situation is also caused by human beings. Of course, the cockroaches created by themselves must be borne by human beings. Why should I save them? I am not a savior. ”

“Hey?! Humans caused by themselves?!” Three-faced shock: “Does Goku know the essence of the giant?”

“It’s a bunch of failed after the trial that’s all.”

“Test? Lost… Failed?!!” Sancha was shocked by Sun Wukong’s remarks on the spot: “What experiment with…?”

“What do they look like, what do you say?” Sun Wukong laughed and watched three.

“!!” The three-legged fall back went back a few steps, and his face was unbelievable: “This… how is this… maybe!” “Nothing is impossible…” Sun Wukong drew a big circle on the ground, then again One of the corners draws a dot: “This world is very big. The place we are in now, for this world, is equivalent to this point, an island, it is small.

pity. Generally speaking, different races in human beings are fighting, so that they can live well and be fine, and do what others do! ”

“Also in other words, since there is a failure, is there success?”

“It’s very keen.” Sun Wukong smiled and said: “So, the residents in the wall, maybe someday suddenly someone will become a giant.”

“This this……”

“Don’t do this.” Sun Wukong reached out and patted the head of Sanchao: “That kind of thing is not what you can intervene now, still good trying hard get stronger! At that time, I will take you to recognize the world. The essence.”

“it is good!”

With the target, there will naturally be motivation, and the three key points will be emphasized.

So, Sancha began to train with Sun Wukong hard-working.

Sun Wukong is not idle, because he still has more than 300 world beads to absorb the fusion.

Nowadays, every time he absorbs a world source, his strength will increase by one point, let alone absorb more than 300 pieces. Then his strength will naturally skyrocket, enough to let him control the ‘Dimension’. God’s Ability is closer to one point.

This is like he used to be. When the strength reached a certain level, he mastered the door of Dimension.

So, time is in Sun Wukong training, and at the same time in the way of comprehending Dimension…

Unconsciously, the first story of the world was quietly unfolded.

The Higansina area at the southern end of the ‘Maria Wall’ was suddenly overthrown by 60 Migao’s “super giant” with an overwhelming force that destroyed the city gate and then disappeared instantly.

Then the wall of Maria was broken by the giants of the scorpion, and the fierce giants rushed into the wall and began to prey on humans.

The world that enjoyed the peace of a hundred years finally ushered in a devastating disaster. Countless people watched their loved ones swallowed by the ferocious giants. The fear can only utter screams of powerless mourning!

Human beings in the presence of giants can only be ruthlessly slaughtered like ants.

Helpless In desperation, I can only give up the wall of Maria and withdraw to the wall of Ruth.

And just in a corner of the city like Hell, a handsome man with a handsome red hair is a leisurely barbecue.

The surrounding ground suddenly became ‘pēng pēng’, and a giant with a height of seven meters stepped on the heavy footsteps toward the direction of the man, then extended a huge palm to grab him…

However, the man did not seem to find out that he was still arranging the barbecue in the campfire.

At the moment when the giant palm is about to seize the man, a girl holding a sword suddenly flashes, and the cold light in her hand flashes away. The giant’s palm that stretched out to the man has already broken off!

Then in the next moment, the girl jumped up and stepped on the wall, and a beautiful flip in the air, flashing to the neck of the giant, a sword swayed out!

The action of the giant was interrupted in vain, and it slammed into the ground.

The splashing clay dust flutters in the direction of the man, but it is strange and disappears.

Sun Wukong tore off one of the wings on the barbecue, took a bite and looked at the girl who was falling beside him: “It’s slower than I expected 0.7 seconds, three.”

However, Sancha did not answer Sun Wukong’s words, but watched him very seriously: “The giant has already attacked the wall, I want to help…” Sun Wukong ate slowly and finished eating the grilled wings in his hand, which was careless. Road: “After all, still ordinary people… Go, these guys also disturbed my barbecue.”

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