The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The faint voice was introduced into everyone’s mind. Everyone was watching Sun Wukong with three long shadows, which was just like a dream.

Originally, human beings had a hope that can compete with the giants. Maybe humans would not need to live in the shadow of giants from now on. The original humans could not fear the giants, but all the hopes at the moment were abandoned because of their attitude. And go.

So everyone began to regret, and then unified the spearhead to the Captain who was the first to pick things up, and looked at him with incomparable hatred, but people have already been split into two at the moment, they even think There is no chance to vent your dissatisfied in your heart.

Everyone can only stand in the port and scream out.

However, because Yu Wu, who stayed here in Sun Wukong, still has no giants who dare to set foot here, so they give these people enough time to evacuate.

One day after the fall of the Siegen Sina, the news spread throughout all human cities.

“Really? Did the giant invade the Schevensina?”

“Unbelievable, why have the walls that have been maintained for a hundred years been destroyed today?”

“I believe it or not, but someone has fled here by boat. It is said that there are five hundred people… and according to the news, there are more civilians moving here…”

“It’s already very good to have five hundred people to escape. Is there more people living?” “Well, it is said that it was saved by a man and a woman. Both of them can use any external force. Can easily kill the giant, especially the man, it is like a miniature of the miniature version, can grab the giants and throw them with one hand, but it is a punch that bursts into the huge wall of the inner wall.

The right arm of the person and fleeing his fear…”

“Non-speaking!” After hearing this news, a group of high-level people sneered out with disdain: “The fools always like to exaggerate their words…”

“The tens of thousands of people who can escape here say so. They all said that they saw it with their own eyes… and one soldier threatened that he was a giant in the human face, and he was split into two halves by a sword he did not hesitate! And the declaration: He is not a giant, but more terror than the giant!”


All the high-level people are silent. If so many people say that they are all the same, then the truth of the facts has to be discussed.

“This kind of thing is a bit ridiculous. After discussing the exact evidence, let’s talk about the refugees who fled to the wall of Rose!”

“Yes! All of a sudden, there are so many people, our food is already in a hurry, and if it is not solved, I am afraid it will cause change!”

“That would take a recapture battle with the giants to regain the reputation of the Wall of Mary!”

“It can only be so. This will not only reduce the number of giants, but also eliminate the crisis of food emergency!”

So the life and death of about twenty 50,000 people was decided in the words of these high-level people.

This was supposed to be a war that broke out a year later, but because of the intervention of Sun Wukong, more people survived, causing the famine to break out in advance. This is a big event that happened in the 20th 50,000 life. .

The wall of Rose, a street.

Sancha opened the door of a house and silently sat next to Sun Wukong, who was sunning the sun.

“Is there something?” Sun Wukong glanced at her and asked.

Sanchao was silent for a while, and said with a blank expression: “I heard that the central government has decided to send twenty 50,000 people to reclaim the reputation of the wall of Maria to attack the wall of Maria…”

“Everyone can see that this is just the countermeasure that the upper layer has to solve the upcoming famine. It doesn’t matter.”

“That’s twenty 50,000 people!” The three donkeys couldn’t bear it.

“But sacrificing these twenty 50,000 people, but it can save more people.” Sun Wukong watching Sancha: “Otherwise, once the famine occurs, humans will cause metamorphosis, then it is human civil strife, killing each other. The situation is over.”

“This world is really cruel…” Sancha silenced for a while.


At this time, the door was suddenly knocked.

“It seems that you have been followed.” Sun Wukong watching three ramps.

San Francisco watched the door slightly frowning: “But I didn’t feel someone behind me.”

“This only shows that your experience is too shallow. Sometimes you can track a person without having to follow his ass. Go and open the door.”

Three thoughts rose up and stood up, walked to the door to open it, watched the bald old man standing at the door, slightly surprised: “You are the highest commander in the south of the garrison?”

The old man stood up straight, and then he was very humble and courteous and bowed. “Hello, I am Doto Pisis. I heard that Sun Wukong is living here. I wonder if I can see it?”

“Have you investigated us?” Sancha watched the bald old man, the facial expression was as calm as usual.

Pisis smiled happily: “Is it not a simple matter to find someone in this wall of Rose? Besides, I have done something that shocked the world, but you have lived here without any disguise. Can we find you easily even without investigation?”

“Come in, it seems that you have some understanding of my business.” Sun Wukong looked at the big bald head at the door, a touch of the road.

Sancha made a gesture of asking for it sideways. “Thank you, thank you.” Pisis smiled slightly, but when he first entered the room, he felt a hugely suppressed Ki, and he was a pity that had experienced countless blood baptisms. It’s also tight in the moment, and then I’m very surprised.

At a glance, Sun Wukong took a very serious ceremony: “It seems that the rumors are true, I am the top commander in the south of the corps of the corps – Doto Pisis, can see you are really lucky, Sun Wukong adults! There were two young people coming in behind Dorto Pixus. In the moment they entered the room, they also stiffened in an instant. The nervous movement did not dare to move. It seemed to go into a flood. In the cave of fierce animal, the whole body is covered with a layer of hair.

Terror feeling.

“You…Hello…Sun Wukong Adult…I am…Ian Dietrich…The squad leader of the Elite team of the Regiment…”

“I am… Rico Bresianska, squad leader Elite team squad leader…” “I even know my name, you seem to have investigated me.” Sun Wukong looked at Ke After Brecheanska, he fixed his eyes on Doto Pisis: “Speak your intentions.”

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