The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Ruth’s Wall City Gate.

Under the leadership of El Wen Smith, a total of 300 people participated in the battle for Maria.

One horse per person, neatly arrayed, the picture made people look a little excited.

Pisisi looked suspicious: “El Wen, this is the first time we have taken the initiative in the face of the giants, I wish you success!”

“I will live up to expectations!” El Wen Smith is also a face of the face

“Pisis, this wall of Ruth will be handed over to you. After all, we are now a rebel army. If my father knows this news, I will definitely take this opportunity to attack the wall of Ruth. If it falls, We can be homeless.”

“Please rest assured that the Queen is under the hood, as long as I have Pissis, this Ruth wall will never fall!” Pisisi’s face is firm, but it has not been maintained for three seconds, and the wind suddenly turns again. “Of course, unless you suffer a massive offensive from the giant…”

Sistria was a slight smile, and even the heart of the person could be warmed up: “I am very relieved if I have the words of Pisi.”

Rao is a long-time battlefield, and Pisisi is also dissipated by the natural light that Sisteria has radiated. After the reaction, some old faces are reddish: “In fact, Her Majesty does not have to go in person…”

Sistria smiled softly: “Nothing, with Goku’s brother accompanying it, there is absolutely no danger.”

“This old minister will naturally not doubt, but you are the queen after all…”

Sun Wukong, who was sitting in the carriage and enjoying the massage of Mina, interrupted their conversation with some intolerance: “Oh, where come so much nonsense, hurry!”

“Oh ~~ It seems that Sun Wukong adults are already impatient, then I will not talk nonsense, you, Zhu Er and other Wu Yun Changlong!”

Everyone is returning a heartfelt gift.

“Open the city gate!”

As El Wen Smith screamed, the heavy door slowly opened in a roar…

Watching the sunshine and scenery that gradually emerged outside the door, Elvin Smith looked at the side of Liwell and looked at it: “How, Lewell, no problem?”

Liwell was as usual, and the face of a dead fisheye was expressionless: “Nothing, eating the medicinal herbs given by Sun Wukong, the injury is completely good…”

“That’s good, don’t waste this magical medicine. You can be active today!”

Liwell was silent, his eyes staring at the opened gate, and the two hands were already shaking hands in the knife. When the gate was opened halfway, when the giant figure was seen outside the door, the three-dimensional device was deployed. The shape has been turned into an afterimage flying out…

‘pfff’ was a few soft bangs, and when the gate was fully opened, the four giants outside were also slammed to the ground.

All the words were nothing but nonsense, and Lewell used the action to express his answer to El Wen Smith.

El Wen Smith looked at the situation, but smiled slightly: “It seems that Li Wei’s war is very high this time.” Saying, holding up the weapon in his hand, screaming: “set off !”

Three hundred horses rushed out of the city gate around a carriage…

Then the gates are turned off in a loud bang…

When the brainless giants scattered around heard the sounds of many horses, they were attracted to the attack and attacked the troops…

El text Smith prompt a prompt decision: “Don’t take care of the giants who are chasing, unless they are completely close, they will kill at the for a moment! Others don’t waste gas and physical strength, target, pointing to Maria wall!”

Because a large-scale giant attack has just taken place, the current wilderness, the forest is dotted with countless giants who have not yet left, and it is still easy to start, but with the growing number of giants, the odd species There are more and more nature.

Although these strange species grow like the squash, they are very fast, until the two odd species break through the defense and approach the troops, and the crisis is approaching.

Because it is in the wilderness, the stereoscopic device simply cannot achieve effective capability.

As a result, some people were caught by strange people.


Everyone’s facial expression is a big change in facial expression. Liwell has the heart to think of saving, but the stereo device simply can’t be opened. When he arrives, I am afraid that it has been torn in half or eaten.


Eye watching casualties are about to appear. Liwell is trying to avoid his own safety. When he rescues, he suddenly sees a shadow from the carriage. She is just a glimpse of a few tens of meters long, and has already been in the front of the strange species. The sword in her hand is already swaying, and the body is swaying down. No loss, pfff, a long sword inserted into the face of the giant, and then volley a climb,

Wrapped around the giant’s back neck, a sword is killed in its vital parts!

Then the body flashed, once again across the shoulders of another odd line, pfff, and a sword insta-kill!

A series of actions was only completed in a moment, and all the investigators and the people stationed in the corps were stunned.

“It’s amazing!! She didn’t use the stereo device? It jumped a few tens of meters, is it too exaggerated?”

“It’s not the people around Sun Wukong! It’s so amazing!”

“The speed of running this is even faster than the horse!”

With the shots of Sancha, the odd-like kind of coming from a close-up is only a moment of smashing by him.

At this moment, everyone realized that this young girl who was staying beside Sun Wukong adults had such amazing strength.

Then, inexplicable, everyone looked at the same, and each and every one suddenly realized that the originally handsome and handsome soldier suddenly became frustrated.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

“It turns out that …more then is him… even people around him have this skill…” Lill’s eyes in the eyes of the dead fish eyes showed a different look.

In the carriage, Sun Wukong watching only Sasha said in front of the chicken legs: “Sasha, don’t just take care of it, go out and do it. So many kinds of odd species, just can develop your actual combat experience. ”

“Hey~ Don’t you? Three trips are enough…”

“When you go, you go, there are so many nonsense.” Sun Wukong mentions Sasha’s neck collar and throws her out of the carriage… “Wow! Goku, you are so bad, you actually put people Throw in the odd line!!” Sasha turned into a throwing object, screaming and being thrown into the strange line of the pursuit…

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