The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Three sisters, don’t worry about me, go to help Goku!” Sisteria looked anxious.

However, Sancha is very calm: “This level does not require us to help, you are too small to see Goku brother!” “That is, Goku adults will never lose to the female giant!” Na has a firm and sympathetic voice. For the worship of Sun Wukong, she is no worse than Sancha and Sasha. After all, Sun Wukong saved her life, so the image of Sun Wukong’s heroic and invincible has already been engraved in

Her deep in his heart.

“It’s also said…” It’s said that Sistria is naturally deeply convinced that she is just concerned about chaos. Now, after reminding, I think of Sun Wukong’s invincible image, how could it be so easy to lose to that? What about a female giant?

Sun Wukong loosened the hand that grabbed Ani’s right foot and watched the ice crystal covered on his arm: “It’s not ice, is it a special crystal that can handle hardness at will? It seems that you have evolved a very good Ability.” It.”

Said, the ten fingers that were condensed by the ice crystals suddenly opened, only listening to the ‘ka-cha’, the ice crystals shattered: “It’s just that level, it’s useless to me!”


When Ani saw this situation, her heart was shocked. This ice crystal had the characteristic of being brittle as she would become like a glass, otherwise it would not be destroyed in any arrogant way.

Think of the original work, the solid level of Ani’s self-freezing, but it can’t be opened with any tools; but the ice crystal she uses now is ten times stronger than her self-freezing material in the original work.

Such a sturdy thing, even by his hand, this need to be unfathomable terror power! Or, he, like himself, also has such an Ability, can freely make ice crystals become brittle with glass?

For the former, Aini would rather choose the latter. If it is the former, Ani would not want to think about it at all, because if that is the case, it would be terrible, and she still has to commit suicide, lest she be caught back for research.

In order to confirm what I thought in my heart, Ani suddenly shot on the ground, a loud bang, the earth shivered, and the ice crystals spread like a cold to the surrounding, condensing the earth, and even standing up countless crystal sharp. The thorns spread to Sun Wukong at an alarming rate…

With a series of ‘kā kā 咔’ sounds, half of Sun Wukong’s body is frozen by ice crystals, and the whole looks like it is frozen in a 50-meter iceberg. The scene is gorgeous. exaggeration. Li Weir and others watched the sudden appearance of the ice crystal mountain of up to 50 meters. Each and every one was wide-eyed. At the same time, it was also a dark feeling, but they were a few hundred meters away from the battlefield. Otherwise, under this circumstance, I am afraid that it will be completely annihilated and condensed in the ice crystal mountain.

in. “Well, it’s your Ability, you have surpass the scope of the giant.” Sun Wukong watching Ani sighs, then just listen to ‘ka-cha’, the ice crystal mountain turns and shatters, Sun Wukong takes a foot from it. Full of smiling watching Ani: “But I have already said it before, you are this Ability pair.

I am useless. “Any is silent, just grabbing the broken ice crystals, and the giant Eyes is shrinking, showing a very shocked look: “No brittleness, but also in other words, he just relies on Force to shatter my ice crystal…but he just raised his foot that’s all … it doesn’t seem to be used

The way it is, his power… Is there such a terror? ! ”

The invisible pressure forced Ani to start to shake.

In the crash, I started to get crazy: “I have abandoned everything, even swallowed up with my companions, why! Why is the difference so big? I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!”

Roaring, Ani waved his fists to Sun Wukong and attacked the past. With the movement, the ground was stepped on a huge footprint, and the earth shook like an earthquake. “Really, I originally intended to make you lose my play. As a result, I didn’t suffer from it. If I haven’t started playing yet, I am scared.” Sun Wukong watching Anni, who is crazy about attacking, very It’s helpless, and the agile hand that is completely mismatched by that huge figure is lightly dodged.

All of Arni’s offense, then a side kick and kicked in the belly of Ani, like a thunderous roar, the body of a hundred meters female giant flew out, flying along the high wall of 50 meters, flying Out of the wall…

Watching the flying farther and farther, Sun Wukong touched his head: “Āiyā, it seems to be too hard…”

As for Li Weier and others, they are consistently sluggish…

Outside the wall.

A strange giant who is completely different from any giant is moving forward in a daze…

The reason why he said that he is completely different from any giant is because of his strange appearance, his body covered with body hair, his arm touching below the knee, looks like a monkey.

Such a peculiar giant can be said to be so distinctive and unique outside the wall of this giant.

If you walk into the observation of him, even can be shocked to hear that he is talking to himself, this giant – can talk.

The giant who is so strange, and who can speak, the one that has appeared in the original work, there is only one one – the giant of the beast.

“Can kill the giants of the scorpion and the giants of the giants… It’s so funny… It’s a surprise… What is this human being? So curious… I really want to think about it!”

The giant of the beast is like a madman, and then suddenly feels that his body is dark, and he can’t help but stop looking up at the sky: “Strange, why is the sky suddenly darkening during the day?”

Then, in the next moment, he squinted his eyes in vain, as if he had incredibly forced his eyes: “Female…Giant? Will it fly?!”

During the talk, the giant of the beast is a tens of meters away like a monkey.

“嘭~~!”的一声地动山摇的轰鸣中,百米女巨人砸落地面,彷如陨石坠落般,砸出巨大hole 的同时,地面也是产生出了一道道惊人裂缝。“真是危险呢,差点就被砸成肉饼了…”兽之巨人抖掉溅落在身上的clay ,一副小生怕怕的拍了拍胸口,认真的打量起眼前这位从天而降的超大型女巨人来,不免产生出了浓浓的惊讶兴趣之意:“还真叫人震惊呢,这块头,起码有着百米之巨吧?百米女巨人?没听说过啊…不过这样貌,还真是熟悉呢…喂喂喂~~你该不会是——阿尼吧?!”gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==

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