The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“I… I also have a hard time…” Rhodes Reyes fell to his knees with his hands, and wanted to justify what he had done.

“Difficult? Your hard work is just to get rid of the stains that the mother and daughter of Sistria brought to your royal family. After all, if the child you gave birth to the servant was rumored, it was for the Reyes royal family. A big scandal.”

“Enlightenment…Goku adults!!” Sistria listened to Sun Wukong’s words and opened her eyes in disbelief. Why didn’t she think her father wanted to get rid of her?

Sun Wukong watching Sistria said: “Sistria, I just don’t want you to be deceived by the hypocrisy of this scum, so there are some things you need to know, your mother is the one of his subordinates. A person of the gendarmerie regiment killed him…” “If not for his four children with pure blood and his wife who died unexpectedly, you think that you, the illegitimate daughter who brought a scandal to the Reyes royal family, can still live. Now? If there is only one of the royal blood, you will not have the opportunity to join the recruiting training camp.

I have already gone with your mother. ”

“How…how? It will be like this!!” Sistria was beaten softly to the ground.

Rhodes Reyes is arrogant and arrogant, explaining: “No! Sistria, this is not the case! Don’t trust his ghosts, I love you! Everything I do is there. The reason, I can’t become a giant…” “Because it becomes a giant, it will be controlled by the thoughts of the original Reyes, right? You can’t become a giant, but your daughter can’t say that I said, you are a person. Slag!” Sun Wukong said, kicking Rod Reyce to the tens of meters like a gourd: “I am now

I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. ”

Sun Wukong lifted Sistria from the ground: “There is no family in the royal family. This kind of father who treats you as a tool does not want Fine, let alone still kill your mother’s behind-the-scenes murderer.”

“…” Sistria was silent and silent. Rhodes Reyes climbed from the ruins and supported the bruised body. He took out a box wrapped in cloth from his arms and looked at Sun Wukong. He was glaring and screaming: “Oh! Everything is fine… things shouldn’t be like this! It’s all because of you

, destroying everything! Unforgivable! Never forgive! The power of the ancestor giant belongs to me! ! ”

Shaking his right hand, took a dose of the needle from the box, pierced his left arm, and injected all the drugs into his body…

In an instant, the hot temperature rose in vain, the steam of the sky spread at an alarming rate, the ice everywhere began to melt, the underground caves began to shake and collapse, scaring everyone’s facial expression was a big change: “Not good! The underground cave is going to collapse, flee! Go out!”

Unfortunately, everything is already late!

With a shrill scream, a loud bang in the bang, the cave was smashed, and there was a huge terror giant in the field, more than twice as big as the super giant.

The gravel collapsed, and the underground caverns quickly shunted to shatter.

Screaming and fear are intertwined, everyone is in despair, just to make them wonder that the fallen gravel does not seem to fall on them, they are not buried alive.

Looking up, everyone is delighted and exclaimed –

“Wow! It’s a hundred meters female giant, it’s a hundred meters female giant who saved us!!”

“Call~ I didn’t expect that we would be saved by her. I thought I was dead this time!” Pisisi wiped her face in front of her cold sweat and her face showed a smile.

“Just the giant opposite is too big? It is even bigger than the 100-meter female giant!”

Sun Wukong and Sanchao stood on the shoulders of the 100-meter female giant and watched the giant giant who was crouching on the ground. He said: “It’s a royal family, even holding such a huge giant, just watching it. The appearance, in addition to the huge, has no special features.”


A screaming screaming in vain, the super-large giant suddenly turned his head, his eyes fixed on the direction of the 100-meter female giant, no, precisely, Sun Wukong standing on her shoulder.

Moving the limbs, I have already climbed over here, showing greed and fierceness…

When the time flies, the countless houses collapse, and the civilians who have been screaming are screaming in fear. They are running around… Sun Wukong looks calmly watching this scene and smashes the head of the girl next to her: ” It seems that the temptation of the power of the ancestor giant caught its attention. How, Sistria, have you thought about inheriting this power? Don’t expect me to stop it, now can save them.

Only you, who told you that they are their queen now. ”

“Give him to me!” Sistria grabbed the ball of light from Sun Wukong and threw it into his mouth and swallowed it…

In an instant, she was all shining with a dazzling light. Sun Wukong saw it and gently patted it on the back of Sisteria, making it fly out…

At this moment, suddenly the clouds are changing, and the world is changing.

The Shistelia, which was flying in the air, had been wrapped in a lightning-filled ball of light. The thorns roared and fell to the ground. A female giant with a long flowing hair appeared out of thin air.

In the moment of seeing her, only one word appeared in everyone’s mind: “It’s beautiful!” Yes, the female giant feels so beautiful, and the beauty is as good as the goddess, up to 18 meters. Long hair fluttering, the body is soft and moving, wearing a delicate crown, wearing a white queen dress, noble and beautiful, the invisible queen aura makes people look like a kind of worship


Everyone is a slap-up, dull watch at the moment, because this beautiful and over-extended female giant, she not only wears a crown, but also wears clothes, such a giant, they still see for the first time.

“Is this the ancestor giant? Sure enough, the style is not the same! No wonder it is called the ancestor giant!” Sasha’s eyes were beaming, and the face was amazed.

Instead, Sanchao was extremely calm and shook his head, watching Sun Wukong: “No, I don’t think the Giants will have this form. Must Goku’s brother move his hands?” Sun Wukong reached out and licked his face: ” Still three ignorant me, how, the grandfather of my transformation is beautiful?” ….

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