The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“Toy? You actually said the armor of the Chiron Emperor as a toy? It is really ignorant and ill-informed!” Lina Liqiang endured the abdominal pain, watching Sun Wukong taunted with fanaticism: “As long as I have This god destroyer can gain supreme power! It will become the supreme heaven

Made it! I can see those guys who look down on me! ”

(PS: Lina Li is only translating differs to some extent, Rena Lei is Lina Li)

“It turned out that this thing is so powerful~” Sun Wukong stunned and took away the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor from Lina Li’s hand, and then smiled slightly: “But this is my thing.”

Lina Li stayed, suddenly ahhh yelled out loudly: “My Chiron Emperor’s armor, you also my Chiron Emperor’s armor!!”

In the screaming, she even ignored the rifle that stabbed her on the wall, and forced it out. The violent pain was rendered more crazy. She held a bloody pistol and slammed it toward Sun Wukong…

However, what scared her was that a shot of her full strength was blocked by Sun Wukong with a finger. “Greed desires can really bring courage, but also make people crazy, just, you seem to have not understood the gap between you and me.” Sun Wukong a look of plain looking Li Nali, lightly pointing Above the tip of the gun, under the astounding look of Lina Lina, the rifle

The moment is broken.

“How… maybe!!!” Linari Eyes suddenly tightened, fell into fear and panic, and even fell back a few steps, but suddenly fell to the ground.

The attack of their own full strength was all overwhelmed by the other party’s understatement. The strength gap between the two made her feel powerless and fearful. This is not at all a level.

“Well~ How do you deal with you…” Sun Wukong stepped forward and came to Lina Li’s face and leaned closer to her face: “Would you like to kill it?”

“No! Please spare me a life! You have already taken back the armor of the Red Dragon Emperor, aren’t you?” Lina Li was scared for mercy.

“You shouldn’t think that with such a sentence, you can let me forgive you?”

“That… what about you?”

Sun Wukong looked at Lina Li up and down: “Long is good, Latent Talent is barely qualified, but can inherit the ranks of soldiers.”

“Hey! You… you mean, want me to be your family?” Lina Li looked at the watching Sun Wukong.

Demon had to accept Angel as a genus, can she not be surprised?

“What do you mean?”

“No! I will never betray Master Assal!” “I can’t see it, you are quite loyal. If you do, you will be derelict for your loyalty!” Sun Wukong had one more hand. Pointing the sword at the heart of Lina Li, but scaring her facial expression, the moment is pale, the fear of a face: “Wait!! Is there something like you? You can’t persuade more.”

What? How can you come to a conclusion directly! ”

Sun Wukong A sly watchful look of Lina Li: “Don’t you say that you will never betray that called Assacher?”

“I…I…” Lina’s facial expression is red, and her heart is flustered. She doesn’t want to betray Assher, but she doesn’t want to die.

At one glance, Sun Wukong saw through Lina Li’s heart: “It seems that your loyalty is only that’s all, and there is no awareness of life for him. The feelings are not deep, then, give you a choice. The chance is to live, still die?”

“I…I…I don’t want to die! But…” Linali’s heart is still struggling. “Actually, you don’t need to be so entangled. The one called Assailer didn’t take you seriously. Even if you die for him, he will never mention your name. This, you It should be very clear, otherwise you will not need to express yourself like this trying hard, eager for strength

Now, since people are not waiting to see you, why should they be so persistent, like you are so good, Angel, he turned a blind eye, but really no vision. ” “Ugh? excellent? Lina Li looked at Sun Wukong with a look of horror, because this still she first heard that someone praised her for her excellentness. She has always been looked down upon and looked down, so she became an angel, even if it became堕Angel, still not to be seen, so she has been thirsty

Looking at strength, wanting to express yourself, and then let those guys who look at her look good.

“Yeah, I saw it from the first sight. I have already seen it. The reason why I have been so bad is that I have not met anyone who appreciates you. I have not met the right person.” Sun Wukong began to flicker.

Of course, he is not completely arrogant. One sincerity has been killed by Sun Wukong. Lina Li has completely got rid of the fate of the protagonist stepping stone. Now she is growing up and worth looking forward to.

Li Na Li’s watching Sun Wukong, also gave birth to a strong feeling, maybe this person, really is the person in his life…

After struggling for a moment, she finally made a choice and squatted in front of Sun Wukong: “Please turn me into your family!”

“You will be proud of your choice!” Sun Wukong’s hand appeared a piece of chess representing the soldiers. Watching Sun Wukong’s hand is different from other Demon’s pieces, Lina Li is full of curiosity, but when she sees that this is just a soldier’s piece, she tangled and took the initiative to hug Sun Wukong’s thighs and cast a beauty plan. “That, master, I don’t want to be a soldier, can give me a ride.

The class of the people? ”

“Why, do you have dissatisfied on my choice?” Sun Wukong’s faint watching, Lina Li, immediately scared her into a trembling, but her eyes were dull, but she felt her body cold, hurriedly shaking her head, respectful Blowed his head: “No… no dare!”

It’s terrible, just a simple look that made her feel like falling Hell.

Sun Wukong took the soldier’s pawn and was about to take it into her body from Lina Li’s chest, but she suddenly saw a magic square next to her. Liyas, Zhu Nai, and the kitten appeared.

“Do you really intend to accept 堕Angel as your own genus?” Liyas was very surprised watching Sun Wukong. “What’s the matter? For me, identity is not a problem, only likes and dislikes.” Sun Wukong said, taking a piece of chess into Linali’s chest. ….

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