The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 107

The strength of the scorpion has reached the level of the Samsung Fighter! More than a month from the ordinary people to achieve the strength of the Samsung Fighter, its advanced speed can be described as terror! Only under the training of Sun Wukong, her advanced speed can be so fast, if it is someone else, I can’t really do this.

The scorpion fluttered with long hair, and the eyes shone with excitement and bloodthirsty light. The one-armed arm raised the long sword and slashed forward. The martial spirit was attached to the sword body in the form of fighting skills, turning into a green man, in an instant, Already left a long blood mark on the left abdomen of the lion’s lion!

“Hey!” The blue-horned lion was created, his eyes instantly became red, and Berserk and the crazy Ki broke out from its body! The body quickly traversed, and the tail of the snake whip was swept away with a faint tail light. “When ~~”, hit the sword on the front of the scorpion! Actually issued a sound of gold and iron!

“Hey! The scorpion snorted at the moment, and a slap in the corner of the horned lion, the force on it made her eat a big dark loss! The body was directly traversed ten meters away by the giant force.

“What happened? Sister Sister has always been very calm! This time seems to be a little out of control?” The performance of the child watching the scorpion, the brow can not help but wrinkle! The magic beast’s physique is known as metamorphosis. Who cares no one, directly rushing forward, the truth of melee attack?

“Don’t look at the scorpion is very gentle and sensible, in fact, there is a heart of killing in her heart! Battle will make her excited… It has not been done for a long time… I think the scorpion must be broken! When encountering an opponent, Let her get out of control! Don’t let anyone go, let her vent it!” Sun Wukong watching the figure of the battle in the field, a touch of the road.

“The heart of killing…” A few women in the watching field, the scorpion’s expression with the more excited of the battle, but the heart is secretly surprised. It’s hard to believe that the gentle and kind-hearted big sister, in her heart, still hides this side.

“Hey! Look at the animals, watch the sword!”

The scorpion sighed softly, the waist and limbs were twisted, and the sharp sword in his hand went to the neck of the lion’s lion with a strange smashing speed… “Hey!” The lion lion screamed with a low roar, his head twisted, The left tooth sword on the corner of the mouth resisted the fierce sword of the scorpion! “吱”, the spark of wide expanse.


The blue-horned lion’s thick right front foot is stepping on the ground at the same time! With a bang, a strange shock wave swayed toward the feet of the scorpion!

The scorpion decisively got up and leapt! And the lion lion of the Qingjiao is seized the opportunity, in the same for a moment, to reverse the head, the two-and-a-half-meter-long tooth sword at the corner of the mouth stalked toward the flying scorpion! There is nowhere in the air to turn around! If it is stabbed, the body of the scorpion will definitely be worn by the thorns!

Seeing that the tooth sword is close to the belly of the scorpion, the body will be pierced in an instant! Her back suddenly shot a pair of vindictive wings! During the fanning, the wind and the wind dance, the body shape is dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the tooth sword, and rushing out to fly out! However, it was still cut off by the sharpness of the sharp sword on the abdomen, leaving a faint bloody mouth.

This is not the fighting wing, but the flying wing of the Eagle Wing that Xiao Yixian and Sun Wukong got together. In this month, Sun Wukong has let Xiao Yixian pass the wing of the eagle to all. The girls, and each of them refining a pair of wings for self-defense, the material is made from the wings of the seventh-order hawk eagle with a long speed. At the same time, can fly freely in the sky, is also their dream!

For the injury to the abdomen, the scorpion is very unpredictable. In the flight, the fighting skills quickly condense on the sword! The heavens and the earth are transformed into a breeze, and they are sucked into her sword! A violent energy wave emerges from her long sword! A trick of terror is forming rapidly on top of her sword!

Just for a moment, above the long sword, it has already condensed a shadow of Jianqi! As the aura of heaven and earth gathers more and more, the shadow of the sword on the blade is getting more and more solid…

The blue-horned lion is obviously feeling the terror of this trick, and there is a hint of frightening color in his eyes! With a roar, the limbs slammed on the ground, and the scorpion, like a cannonball, flew away and spurted away! The blue horn above the top of the head is shining with the blue awning. The green awning rotates and wraps around the whole body of the lion lion. It makes it form a rotating spiral arrow, so that it can penetrate all the powers. Shoot and go!

“Not good, my sister is in danger!” Qingxian was shocked and hurriedly looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and watched the blue-eyed lion. His eyes flashed a bit of surprise: “I didn’t expect that this blue-horned lion is just a two-step magic beast that’s all, and there are even such talents. Wonderful, it’s really good! In time, it’s bound to become a hegemon! Unfortunately, it’s a scorpion…”

Eye watching, like a spiral wind, the blue lion lion will hit the scorpion! The body of the scorpion suddenly turned into a phantom, and the glimpses flashed out of the right side of a dozen meters away, and the moment with the horned lion came a distance!

“The catkins are floating! I didn’t expect that in just one month, the scorpion has already trained this body to such a point! It is really a rare training genius!” Nan Lixiang watched the body of the scorpion, the eyes suddenly brightened A look of praise.

“Oh! On the training of fighting skills, still scorpion is the most talented!” Sun Wukong was satisfied with a smile. In a month, I will practice this high-level body to the point where I can only describe it with genius!

“But… 冴子 is only the strength of the fighters, and the vindictiveness is limited! At the same time, she is also competing for another high-level fighting skill. I don’t know if I can’t support it!” Worried.

“There is no need to worry about it, but the remedy Goku has given us a lot!” Shay helped the glasses, a touch of the road.

Sure enough, I saw the rapid flashing in the air, avoiding the savage attack of the blue-horned lion, and there was a fluorescent flashing remedy in her hand, which was swallowed directly by her! The exhausted vindictiveness has returned to fullness in an instant, and she is constantly adding the missing vindictiveness!

And the sword of her sword above the sword, after she ate the remedy, got a steady stream of vindictive supplements, and finally shines fierce terror swordsmanship fluctuations!

“Crushing the sword!”

With the light and excitement of the scorpion, the sword in her hand finally swayed down! When! 100 meters of sword gas from the thin spray out! Turned into a huge physical light sword roared down to the spurred lion lion!

The power of this sword, swallowing the mountains and rivers, sweeping the square! It’s hard to believe that such a terror blow will come from the hands of a fighter!

“pu-chi!” No obstacles! The lightsaber squats down! The singular lion lion was smashed in the blink of an eye! The blood spattered and crashed into the ground! Dye a piece of land! The essence of the lightsaber is not diminished. With a bang, once again, a deep sword mark of 100 meters long is left on the ground! Only then dissipated! The power of the high-level fighting skills is undoubtedly revealed!

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