The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

“It turns out that the trump card that Risell has mastered is “the evil eye that stops the world.” It is deep enough to hide it. It is only dangerous if this power cannot be controlled freely.” Se Jacks Lucifer Gaspar in the field, revealing a surprised look,

Although Reese has participated in the RatingGame many times, the Queen he has mastered has never been shown in front of people. Therefore, his queen has become a mystery in everyone’s mind, but now it is finally revealed to everyone. .

“I just heard Goku say…Is the queen a man?” Liya asked with a look of horror to Zhu Nai.

“It seems like this…” Zhu Nai’s face was hung with an inexplicable smile: “Āiyā 呀~~ The minister’s fiancé is really a big taste, even a man…”

“Don’t say it, disgusting!” Liya immediately interrupted Zhu Nai’s words: “This marriage contract no matter how to cancel, I don’t want to have anything to do with this metamorphosis!”

Zhu Nai smiled slightly: “Goku has already taken the shot. This is already an established fact.”

Risell Phoenix glared at Sun Wukong, gloomy face: “Sun Wukong, the humiliation you brought to me yesterday, will be repaid to you ten times a hundred times today.”

“Yes, then I have to see how you can repay it to me.” Sun Wukong waved his hand to Lina Li, who was next to her. The three women met and immediately turned back to the side.

“What are you waiting for, don’t hurry to get him to me!” Riesell screamed at the eight soldiers who had become kings.

The eight people immediately showed their physique, surrounded Sun Wukong in the air, and the formidable aura broke out from their bodies. Aura was indeed not comparable to their previous soldiers. “This aura is indeed the aura that the Queen class has. The rules of the chess piece are quite interesting. Then I will play with you.” Sun Wukong took out the dragon armor of the real dragon and put it on the right hand. : “Don’t say I bully you, I don’t use my own power, I use this god.

Let’s play with you. ”

“God destroyer? This guy actually has a god destroyer?!!” Ruisel Fenix’s facial expression slightly changed: “This guy actually has such a card!”

“Bottom card? You seem to have misunderstood something, this is not a card, just a toy.” Sun Wukong tranquil and calm said: “Dreig, show the power of ‘forbidden hands’ to play.”

“Understood, Master! BalanceBreaker!!” With the dignified sipping of Dregner, a red armor gradually fits on Sun Wukong’s body, all-metal luster, exuding an unparalleled sense of power. As the back shots a pair of huge dragon wings, there is an unparalleled violent explosion between the fans.

The squally wind, the eight women who blew four times were screaming and being thrown into the distance…

It is even more so that the space enchantment domain is beginning to become distorted, with the danger of crashing! “It’s too powerful! It’s so amazing!! It’s a master!” Dreger’s extremely shocking voice screamed in vain: “This is the strongest ‘forbidden’ I have ever seen! What an unfathomable! What a Amazing! What kind of will and thoughts! No time limit, no ban,

This is really unbelievable! Master, you really refreshed the three views under the hood! Just based on the present form, the gods are no problem! ”

“Is this a forbidden hand?” Liz watching Sun Wukong was shocked and widened his eyes: “This power… Is it too exaggerated?!”

“Well~ It’s really scary…” Zhu Nai looked up and began to twist the sky, and she was shocked: “This space enchantment Domain seems to be forcibly broken by Goku’s outstretching power!”

“I didn’t expect it! His forbidden power has reached this level…” Jose Jack Lucifer moved: “This is the space enchantment domain of my full strength creation, and it has to be blasted…”

“Just just ban, it bursts out of this power. This guy is really powerful!” Serraph looked at Jacques Lucifer: “Jack’s sauce, maybe you are not his.” Opponent!”

“Maybe!” Jose Jack Lucifer is undecided.

“Hey~ you, let’s go together!” Sun Wukong looked at the eight soldiers and convinced Ki, lest they really blast the space enchantment Domain. They hooked their fingers, but they were scared that the eight women not only did not advance. On the contrary, it is a fall of fear.

Under the forbidden ‘former dragon’s armor’ form, Sun Wukong’s pressure on them is too strong, so strong to dare to launch an attack, that is enough to destroy the power of this space enchantment domain, but they can not Instigated.

Reese Fenix ​​was also scared of the financial expression pale as paper, he did not expect, Sun Wukong actually formidable to this level.

“Hey, hello~~ The soul of your each and every one is too weak. Just so scared you out of the fight?” Sun Wukong saw the performance of the eight women, feeling helpless.

“Gaspa, where are you going to yell at me? Hurry and give me the one!” Reese Phoenix played with his hands on his head and his face feared and afraid of Gaspar Body.

“But… but I can’t beat him! Yes… I will die! I don’t!!” Gaspar shook his head in fear. “You are useless thing, so the powerful artifacts are really wasted in your body!” Risell Phoenix once again smashed Gaspar’s foot, and his right hand suddenly stroked on his left hand, a bloody mark suddenly appeared. Rexel, who spoke without saying anything, grabbed Gaspar

The hair, let him lift him up, dripping blood from the wound into his mouth…


Originally, a weak face of Gaspar suddenly became blood red, emitting a very fascinating light, weak and disappeared, but replaced by crazy. This is the result of being ridiculed by Risell Fenix. Risell Phoenix is ​​not as kind as Liyas, and everything is from Gaspar; Reisel Phoenix has a family like Gaspar. I have to train hard, no matter whether he is willing or not at the end, his hand

The paragraph can be imagined.

An invisible wave instantly swelled out of Gaspar’s eyes. In a flash, everything around it was still, time was stopped. “I heard that drinking the blood of the Red Dragon Emperor, Gaspar can stabilize the power of the artifact. I didn’t expect the blood of the Phoenix family to be can?”

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