The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Others who listened to this statement, are also horrified and stunned expressions, there will be people who dislike the power of the new Demon King Lucifer? Even Demon King is not in the eye, it is too crazy!

After a brief moment, Jose Jacks returned to calm, and watching Sun Wukong became more interested: “Listen to you, then I would like to see more of it.”

“I want to get to know, OK, you are because Liyas is standing out.” “Liyas is the next owner of our family, and her identity is very special. But no one can change her. For the genus, if Sun Wukong adults insist on this, then please come out and let us be convinced by the strength of the Jimmyri!” Se Jacks looks serious, but

It is not too aggressive, and there is no turning around, but directly acknowledging his intentions.

“Well, don’t say that I bully you, just pick me up. If you can catch me, even if you win…” Sun Wukong put out a finger in countless horrified eyes.

“Hey, hello~~Is it wrong? This guy actually wants to defeat Lucifer?”

“It’s too mad! It’s too arrogant! He thought he was who! Dare to despise and insult Lucifer!”

“Luke Lucifer! Defeat this guy who doesn’t know how to be tall, give him some color!”

In a word, Sun Wukong offended everyone in the Gimory family.

“A trick?” The financial expression of Jose Jacks still looks very calm: “I have already understood your strength, but if it is a move, it seems that I was underestimated.”

“Look at it?” Sun Wukong reported with a smile: “I don’t want to look down on anyone. As long as you can catch me, I can stand up. I will immediately dismiss Liya’s identity, but if I can’t take it, you Should I also pay the corresponding compensation, otherwise I will be too disadvantaged.”

“What do you want to pay?”

“Since you want my family, then use your family to change it.”

“Which one of my genus you saw?” The Jack Brows frowned slightly. He wasn’t the kind of Demon King who made a bet with his own beggar.

“What is fancy? I just don’t want to lose that’s all. If you lose, you will lose Liyas. If you win nothing, don’t you say it?”

“Bastard! This guy actually took me and my brother as a bet!” Liyas, not far away, heard that it was irritating.

Zhu Nai smiled slightly: “Minister, still look at it first, anyway, the other is your brother, which side wins, which side loses, for you, there is no loss at all, isn’t it?”

“That’s also true, but this guy took me as a bet, I just feel bad!” Li Yasi, I am very mad.

“Sorry, I won’t make a bet with my family. You still have to change a request I can accept!” Jose Jacks refused.

“Those things you don’t want to accept can be rejected. Then why can’t I refuse? If you don’t want to lose, you want to get it. How can there be such a good thing in the world?” Sun Wukong ignored Jack Jess and turned to Liyas in the direction they were in. In the past… “…” Jose Jacks watched Sun Wukong’s back, wanted to stop him, but did not know how to open, don’t tell me to be strong? If this is rumored out, Gimony will probably become the laughing stock of other forces, but nothing can be done. Liyas becomes a genus of others and rumors go out.

They will face the same face as Jimmy’s house… Just when Jose Jacks thought about how to solve this problem, he saw a magical array flashing in front of Sun Wukong, and Gu Leifei appeared in him. In front of me, I said a little, “Please let me introduce again, Sun Wukong, I am Guleifia Lucifers,

The queen of the singer of Jack Jack, who came to be the bet between you and the adult of Jack, should not humiliate the identity of Miss Liaz? ”

“Guleifeiya, you!” Jose Jack’s facial expression was slightly changed. Just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Guleifeia: “This is my own decision, and there is nothing with Master Jack. Relationship.” “…”watching Gu Leifei’s calm and determined eyes, Jose Jacks was speechless, and finally still nodded and agreed, since his family had such consciousness, then he did not have to be afraid Shrink, because he has his own pride and absolute confidence, this world

Can someone who beats him may have it, but he wants to make him unable to stand up. He firmly believes that there is absolutely no!

“Then I will use Guleifeiya to gamble with you about Liz’s freedom. How?”

At this time, Sun Wukong looked at Guleifeiya for a while and nodded: “Gurefia, who is known as the strongest queen, is worthy of the name of Liaz, can.”

Then, flexor of a bomb, a moment of lasing energy beam is spread to flash enchantment Domain whole space to the sky.

“What are you?”

“Do not worry, just reinforce the enchantment here’s all.”

Jack Jack nodded and turned to Liyas and they looked over: “You all go to the auditorium outside to watch it. Next’s battle repercussions are not what you can afford.”

“唉~” Liya ribboned her face with fear, and Juni and they withdrew from the enchantment, because she knew that in this situation, she only had to watch the part.

After Liyas and others all sent it out, Jose Jack looked at Sun Wukong, revealing an all-orthing seriousness: “Come on!”

“Are you going to face me like this?”

“That depends on whether you have the strength to let me full strength!”

Sun Wukong heard this and suddenly laughed out: “This is really interesting, huh, huh~~ There are people in this world who talk to me in this way, I hope you can maintain this confidence later.”

Saying, Sun Wukong raised his right hand and looked at the wrist of the wrist: “My words have already been said, Delag, don’t give me the chain, otherwise the world will not There will be a Red Dragon Emperor.”

The two eyes on the faucet of the hand glimmered, and the sound of ‘Qianlong’ sounded like the sound of swallowing saliva. Then the swearing drink spread: “Do not worry, the master, with the power of the real dragon, now God can strike and kill, although Jack is very strong, but absolutely no problem!”

“! See you confidence, then begin” Sun Wukong clenched right fist, the power of terror to multiply the value of speed cohesion: “BOOST BOOST BOOST BOOST ……!!!!” GfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x + cAJfrxmldLwH / ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA ==

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