The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Sun Wukong played in the underworld for three days. During the day, she went to Cangna’s home for a day, and then with Liya, they returned to the human world and started their daily routine.

In the evening, in the villa hall, after returning from the school, Lia’s facial expression rare was a bit serious: “I received a commission today, and there is an outlier Demon to run away to my Domain, entrusting me to hope tonight. I will pick it up before.”

The so-called outlier Demon is the servant who is absorbed by the demon’s Demon to betray the master, or to kill the master, so he becomes the ownerless Demon, which is called the outlier Demon.

As long as they are found, the original owner, or other Demon, has to do it. This is Demon’s rules.

Other forces also see outliers as a risk factor, whether it’s Angel or Angel, and they’ll kill them.

In short, this outlier Demon is like a street mouse, everyone shouts.

After listening to Sun Wukong, I had a little bit of interest: “I heard that Demon is a betrayed Demon who has betrayed his master or killed his own master. It is a demon Demon. I haven’t seen such a personal Demon. I will also go to the fun tonight!”

As soon as I heard that Sun Wukong was going, they were all interested in Cangna, and now it is really sad for the out-of-the-box Demon.

Late at night, Sun Wukong and his party came to the ruins of the suburbs, looking around, full of scary evil.

Surrounded by a lush tall vegetation, you can see abandoned buildings in the distance.

Because the people here are all Demon, even if they are surrounded by evil, they can clearly see things, not to mention Sun Wukong.

I heard that this outlier Demon lures humans here every night to prey.

“…has a bloody smell.”

Not yet close to the building, the nose-sensitive kitten has found an abnormality.

However, it was directly ignored by Sun Wukong who led the way. In this world, what else can make him feel vigilant?

Go straight ahead… Open the door of the building. At the moment of entering, everyone feels a strong hostility and killing, and then a low voice from the bottom of the ground: “The smell is hard to smell.” But there is also a smell that smells very delicious. What is it?

The taste is really the first time I feel it, the whole body’s cells are jumping in excitement! ”


Suddenly a woman was found in evil. Her lower body was a huge beast. She had four feet. Each foot was thick and her claws were sharp. The tail seemed to be a snake. Will also be alone. This is an indescribable strange monster. The monster’s hands are armed with weapons like rifles. The cold eyes are like the wild 1 beast’s gaze. They are fixed on Sun Wukong’s body, revealing almost crazy ridiculous 1婪, the mouth of the beautiful face is filled with disgusting Surabaya: “Really

The delicious taste, the taste that makes people want to stop, why do you smell so delicious! ! ”

The monster screamed and couldn’t wait to take a heavy step and rushed toward Sun Wukong…

It’s just that Sun Wukong, as if he didn’t see it, commented on his own words: “This is the outlier Demon. If you lose your nature, you become a monster. It seems to be lost in power.” “哼~ District is out of the group Demon, but no Qualifications close to my master! Go to the gray confession to go!” A giant fireball suddenly emerged above Mitilt’s slender hand, screaming, greeted the monster, blazing red blaze swallowed it in a flash Make it scream

The screams, savagely smashing the wall and escaping…

“Āiyā Āiyā ~ There is still strength to run away ah ~ So spiritual can not!” Zhu Nai raised his hands in the sky – He!

In an instant, the sky flashed, and a thunder hit the monster.

“gā gā gā 嘎!~~”

The monster made a screaming scream, and I didn’t know it was being charged. Still was burned, but still rushing, because the front is the pool.

There was a strange smile on Zhu Nai’s face: “Isn’t it a problem, then it will be a few more!”

The night sky shines, and the second thunder hits the monster’s body, making it sorrowful, and finally falls to the ground when it is only one step away from the waterhole.

It’s just that Zhu Na didn’t seem to stop. He sent out the third thunder and bombardment on the monster’s body, so that it finally disappeared.

“Hey, hey~~Is this not enough? People still want to play more~” Zhu Nai’s face showed a trace of disappointment, as if it were still unsatisfactory.

Liyas watched Lina Li with a look of horror and smiled a little: “Don’t be surprised, after all, Zhu Nai is extremely ugly 1 mad ~” said, showing the final blow, ending the outlier Demon Sinful life.

“Can’t see it, Zhu Nai, you usually seem so warm 1 soft, it turned out to be an extreme abuse 1.”

“People are very warm to their own people. 1 is soft~” Zhu Nai converges on the strange smile on his face, and puts on the warm 1 look of the past, then hugged Sun Wukong: “Look, right?”

“June, you guy!” Liaz looked at mai’s eyes and took Zhu Wu’s eyes and pulled Sun Wukong to her side.

“Ah, ah~~ Minister, this is jealous~~ Hehe~ It’s really fun to grab people with your own master!”…

Along the way, it’s incredibly lively, and it’s also very lively.

It’s just that rare things have come out, so Sun Wukong also took them with a nightingale before they went back…

At this time, it is already more than three in the morning.

When I came to the door of the villa, Sun Wukong suddenly stopped again: “You go ahead, I have something to go out.”

Said, not waiting for Cang, they asked, the figure has disappeared.

“Weird, all come to the door, what is this guy going out?”

Liyas all showed a curious expression, but Sun Wukong had left, and they could only go back to the house and wait.

At the moment, Sun Wukong’s figure has appeared in front of a room.

Standing here, he has been able to clearly smell the strong bloody smell in the room.

The door is hidden, and it will open when pushed.

Then appeared in the eyes, the scattered living room, and the body that was stabbed on the wall.

The death is very miserable, the body has been devastated, and there is a thing out of the wound, it should be the internal organs…

On the left side of the body, there is a man facing Sun Wukong, his right hand is now holding the throat of a golden hair girl… Sun Wukong suddenly appeared here, just for this golden hair girl… ….

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