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Chapter 113—The Soul Eater

This blood-colored beam is formed by the bloody magic beast of the outside world and the blood of human mercenaries! The blood of the demon star in Mystic/mysterious condenses the blood of the souls that have been slaughtered by the Soul Eater, and recalls it back to the cave!

The volatility of the Mystic/mysterious swayed from the cliff, and there seemed to be a Mystic/mysterious attraction that would seduce that bloody beam…

“What is this Mystic/mysterious, what is the thing?” Sun Wukong watching the bloody light column that went straight to the cliff, showing a hint of curiosity! The figure flashed, and in the twinkling of an eye, appeared on the cliff!

“zhī zhī ~~”

However, he just showed his body shape, and the soul-killing ants around him all went to his ruthless bite! The intensive number of locusts is a chill!

Sun Wukong frowned at the moment, so many magic ants screamed and attacked him, and the scene was really disgusting! The mind stunned, the black blaze storm erupted from his body in the blink of an eye, covering his body, forming a berserk blaze shield! The sorcerer’s ants who rushed to the smattered die, just for a moment, the ground has been stacked like a mountain-like black corpse! The thick smell of odor is coming from the nose, making people feel sick!

Sun Wukong is too lazy to manage the silly stalking ants that are like moths! Slowly walked on the aisle of the cliff, stepped into one of the holes… All the way, leaving countless corpses!

“Well? Someone broke into the cliff?” The demon star who was against Qingyun suddenly changed his face and turned his head toward the direction of the cliff. His eyes flashed a bit of surprise! Along the road, I don’t know how many soul-sucking magic ants are at the handle, who is so unconsciously entering the cliff! Did she find out now?

“very powerful high temperature! Is a different fire!” Watching over the cliff, the space that has become somewhat distorted by the high temperature of the terror, makes the devil’s facial expression extraordinarily dignified! Who is it, can the power of the fire be used to such a terror? Its strength is absolutely not to be underestimated!

“It’s no wonder that you can enter this place without knowing it! It seems to be a bit of a skill, but even if it is strong, it is just a nutrient that gives me energy. That’s all!” The star of the demon star hangs a strange and cruel smile. Meaning, the space fluctuations around the body, has disappeared in front of Qingyun.

“Don’t want to escape!” Qingyun immediately screamed, the space around the body is also a strange fluctuation, the body shape disappeared, followed by the remaining Ke of the demon star chasing away!

Sun Wukong has come all the way, it can be said that the body is full of corpses! However, without waiting for how far he walked, the whole cliff suddenly trembled fiercely!


The blood-colored beam blasts into the center of the cliff! In the violent sound, enter the cliff! Suddenly, such as the sky and the sea, the blue sea rewinds, the island reef trembles, this black and dry cliff in the violent shaking, even slowly split into two, the gap is amazing! And Sun Wukong is completely separated from the opposite cliff!

“Has it already started?!” On the sky above the dry cliff, the demon star showed his body shape, watching the sharp cliffs that were shaking rapidly, the eyes flashed with madness and surprise, and the excited body seemed to tremble!

“Damn! You really want to unlock the Soul Eater! I am absolutely I will not let you do it!” Watching the split cliff, the eyes of Qingyun suddenly flashed a shocking expression! There are deep fears hidden in it! What thing can make the half-sacred show the color of fear?

“Haha! It’s late! Everything is late! My family’s ancient magical tide is finally going to reappear in the world! Haha~~Awaken! Soul Eater! It has been sealed for thousands of years, today, again Let the world see your terror! Haha~~~” The demon star is excited and laughs in the sky, and the eyes are endlessly crazy! On the beautiful face, the expression is distorted!

The cliffs are separated and the sea water is rolled, but the strange thing is that the deserted cliffs seem to have an invisible force guard, so that the surging sea water can not enter.

A dark red ancient nest slowly emerges! And that blood-colored beam is spurting on this ancient nest, adding to the constant blood sacrifice!

A Ki full of uneasiness and disasters emerged from the ancient nest, and it was strange! It is full of the power of a terror!

“A very strange ancient nest! The energy contained in it, at least can be compared with a fighting emperor?” Sun Wukong watching the huge ancient nest displayed under the cliff, the eyes sparkled with surprise: “And It is obviously a nest, and even the spirit is born. The living beings of this world are really unfathomable!”

Just in the sense of Sun Wukong, I saw that the ancient nest was slowly opened, and the interior was full of brilliance. A dark red ball of light emerges from it!

“The ancient nest is really spirit!” Seeing the dark red ball of light that emerged, the eyes of the demon star suddenly flashed endless greed! The excitement and madness in the eyes is even better! The figure flashed and spurred toward the dark red ball of light in the ancient nest at the extreme speed!

“You can’t think about it!” Qingyun roared out! In the hands of the temper, suddenly lightning and thunder! A flash of lightning fell towards the demon star… The demon star was in the lightning, hurriedly dodge! The speed of advancement has also been limited!

Seeing that Qingyun is going to chase! The demon star suddenly stunned, she was not in the flash of lightning in front of her, vindictive, regardless of disregard, even hard to resist! The eyes are full of madness and greed! It can be seen how much she is obsessed with the dark red ball of light in the ancient nest!

“Fast, Goku adults! Don’t let her get the ancient nest true spirit! Otherwise, the whole continent will usher in the catastrophe of terror!” I don’t know when, the blood coat also entered the Dongfu, watching the rapids toward the ancient nest Going to the demon star, the facial expression suddenly changed, turned his head, and screamed at Sun Wukong, who was still watching the lively.

“Well? Isn’t it a nesting spirit? Do you need to be so nervous?” Sun Wukong watching the face of anxious blood, the financial expression is still calm and calm, and did not mean.

“巣灵? If it’s so simple, it’s so good! Soul of the soul, it’s not the nest of the ordinary! If the soul-eater ant is refining the ancient nest, her strength will not only rise! At the same time as long as energy Enough, she will be able to produce a life-threatening ant ant! Think about it, unlimited system! Hiding the sky and covering the earth’s magic ant army… At that time, it is the disaster of the whole continent!” For Sun Wukong’s careless look, the bloody clothes hate the teeth itch, but the strength is not good, only the most concise language for Sun Wukong to explain the terrible of this ancient nest.

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