The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 130, Crystal Palace

In the sunset, Yun Yun stands on the top of Yunxiao Peak, looking at the winding road below, and my heart is full of miscellaneous! In the past, the lively and prosperous Yunzong Zong, but one day’s time, has already gone to the sky, the formerly powerful Yunzong, has become a past tense from today!

“Sovereign, take care of yourself!” Yunsheng came to Yunyun’s back, hugged his fist, and respectfully bowed! Immediately sighed, some reluctantly looked at the peaks of the clouds, the only standing ancestral hall, heart and soul, feeling a bit unreal, yesterday’s incomparable Zongmen, but today, suddenly became a past tense! Shaking his head again, the cloud rose to his heart, turned and left…

“Do you feel a little sad?” Sun Wukong came to Yun Yun’s side and patted her shoulder. In fact, he also felt very surprised, Yun Yun would actually make such a choice. He just wants Yunyun to say goodbye to the people of Yunzong, and then leaves that’s all with himself, but he doesn’t want to, she directly dismissed Yunzong Zong! However, this is also good, there is no concern about Yun Yun, it is more convenient to bring around, this is also the most happy thing Sun Wukong has.

“I have been training here since I was a child, growing up, suddenly leaving, some sentimental, inevitable!” Yun Yun watches distant, faint road. Immediately, I looked at Naran and looked at it: “Well, don’t you go back?”

“Where is the teacher, I will go there!” Nalan said with a firm voice. Immediately, the eye corner sneaked into Sun Wukong, and the facial expression slightly shone.

Yun Yun suddenly smiled: “Your thoughts, why don’t you understand the teacher! If you want to follow, then follow you!” After listening to Yun Yun’s slightly ridiculous words, Nalan’s pretty face is more blushing. .

“Let’s go! Since you chose to leave, there is nothing to be attached to!” Yun Yun looked at Sun Wukong, who was next to him.

Sun Wukong nodded and grabbed the hand of Yun Yun, making the latter suddenly red and red, and his heart was slightly flustered, but it was immediately adjusted by Yun Yun. With one hand in the eyebrows, Sun Wukong stunned Naran: “Oh, let’s grab the hand of Yun Yun, we have to set off!” “Well…”

“Oh!”, the figure of the three disappeared instantly! There is no one in the run-down cloud.

The Tagore Desert, the Snake Terran, and the prosperous city have become ruins. At sunset, hundreds of snake women are still busy in the ruins, looking for the magic core of the soul-sucking magic ants that fall in the ruins.

They are the only snake women of the snake family, and they are guards guarding the palace. In the disaster of the Soul Eater ant, the rest of the snakes have already turned into a white bone in the battle! Because the guardian palaces are all snake women, so the surviving snakes are snake women! The rest are all dead!

Snake girls, all beautiful and enchanting, full of attractive and attractive.

The nephew and other women, sitting around the dinner table, are full of delicious food, waiting for the return of Sun Wukong.

Three body-shaped flashes have appeared in a bright room. For the moment, Sun Wukong smells the tempting dishes!

“It’s finally back, Goku, you are too slow!” Seeing the people, Bulma and other women looked at Yun Yun’s men and women next to Sun Wukong, and then enthusiastically went to the two women. : “You are the Yun Yun and Nalan that Goku said?”

“I heard that you got the inheritance of the Emperor, everyone is a sister, you are welcome, and give us the skill and skill! We have been waiting for you for a long time!” Instantly redden the clouds and Nalan! Yun Yun No for a moment gave the spiritual heart to her inheritance, fighting skills, etc. passed to the girls, which was also approved by the spiritual.

“Goku brother, what good reward? You don’t lie to us!” A few little loli, such as Xiang Pho, came to Sun Wukong and extended his tender little hand to him, looking forward to watching him. .

“This reward is in the world ring! I will take you to see you after dinner!” Sun Wukong smiled faintly, licking the little head of a few little loli and sitting on the main position.

After eating and drinking, Sun Wukong directly took the women into the world ring! The scenes presented to them in this time are different from the past! Now they are, the place where they appear is actually on the bottom of the sea, everything in front of them, they are shocked at the for a moment!

The vast Dragon Palace was shrouded in a transparent enchantment, completely separating the outside sea. Through the enchantment, you can clearly see the situation outside the seabed. A group of seabed living beings swim around… Among them, all kinds of gems and pearls can be seen everywhere, and the coral sea is everywhere! The exotic grasses can be seen everywhere, and the air is filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, which makes people refreshed! Bright pearls, moonstones and other strange objects are hung on the pillars and palaces, and the whole dragon palace is beautifully illuminated, making people dream in life!

“Goku! Where did you get such a palace! It’s so beautiful!” Ruolin, the gentle big sister’s mentor, was also dazzled by the sights of the scene, and looked intoxicated! These scenes have a fatal temptation for any woman! Even the colorful scales and the Yun Yun are shocked by everything in front of you! What shocked them was the medicinal herbs that grew around the palace, almost all of them were five or more!

“This is the gift I gave you! We will live here later! How? Do you like it?” Sun Wukong smiled a little, and he looked very satisfied with the expression of the women.

“Like! Really like it too much!” The girls suddenly jumped up, all the way to marvel again and again, toward the Dragon Palace hall! Not to mention them, when Sun Wukong first saw this Dragon Palace, she was also shocked by her luxury!

Beside the colored scales, Sun Wukong smiled and said: “How, here is not bad? Do you want to move your snakes to this place? The big palace, just the poor waiter who has tea!” ”

After listening to Sun Wukong, the color scale is obviously very heart-warming, such a dreamlike place, even she is fascinated! She was very fond of Sun Wukong, for a moment, unable to make a decision and began to hesitate!

“What’s so hesitant! It’s so decided!” Sun Wukong saw the look of the scales, and decided to make a decision. There is no resurrect of those dead snakes, and leaving the group of snake girl papers, he is not the idea! He wants to make this a true TRUE crystal palace! The sister paper is more, the maid is naturally essential!

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