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Chapter 136 Chapter Ice Blast

“Are you dead?” The soul of the Emperor whispered. Even if the heart flashed through Sun Wukong, the world couldn’t help but tremble! Immediately, the eyes flashed ruthlessly and coldly. It’s all of him, it’s his appearance, and he has disrupted all his plans! After years of planning, it’s just like this!

“Tokesh Gudi jade… Yeah… In this case, Can can lend his hand to find the ancient Emperor Cave House in the legend…” Soul Heavenly Emperor once again whispered, silence for a long time, cold And the ruthless words spread again in every corner of the hall: “Give me the plan! Even if it is to wash the whole state, I will never allow failure! Let us gamble once! This is our last chance. And… we have been thorough and the opposite of the man! This time, if you don’t succeed, you will be married!…”

Canaan College, five hours away from Sun Wukong with new students. The new semester has already begun.

Vanilla, in the courtyard, the girls are sitting together, watching Sun Wukong and Ruolin, not far from the opposite, all look serious.

If I watched Sun Wukong, I smiled and nodded, full of exquisite figure, swaying, releasing a mature and charming style: “Goku, you can get subordinates!”, the hand slowly lifted, A green ring on the fiber refers to a slight flash of light, a blue whip, a strange glow, and a sudden flash.

The long whip is blue, and there is a strong energy wave movement. The long whip handshake is carefully carved into a giant Zhang Shekou. In the Shekou, a blue magic core with the size of an fist is deeply embedded. In it, above the long whip, there are some strange graffiti inscriptions, and there is a faint light in the lines.

Looking at the shape of the long whip, you can know that if the object in the hand is a carefully crafted magical nuclear weapon, and look at the docile energy contained in the weapon, the attribute of this magical nuclear weapon is still the same as Ruolin. The magic core embedded in the weapon is an eighth-order water magic core that Sun Wukong gave her. With this weapon battle, the latter’s strength, simply can multiply grow.

Nothing is idle, Ruolin has just studied a water system in the sky, and is trying to find Sun Wukong to try its power.

“Come on! Don’t leave your hands, full strength is over!” Sun Wukong smiled and stepped forward.

If Jolin nodded, she also learned more about Sun Wukong’s strength. With her strength, she couldn’t hurt her at all. Therefore, she did not hesitate. In the vindictive operation of the water blue, a whip smashed out, and went straight to Sun Wukong like a snake!

Sun Wukong’s figure is slightly on one side, flashing to one side, and the long whip clip with a silky water, bombarded on the side of the rock garden, suddenly time, burst into a gravel.

Sun Wukong nodded slightly and the power of this shot was good.

If Lin was lightly waved, the long whip suddenly bombarded him like a blue water dragon.

“The speed is too slow!” Sun Wukong shook his head slightly, his body flashed, and he had already opened a distance of ten meters away with Ruolin! The water dragon whip bombarded on the ground, and suddenly the shards splashed and bombarded a huge hole!

However, if the long whip is spiritual, it suddenly stretches out, and in a moment, it spans more than ten meters of distance, and it is thorny from the ear of Sun Wukong!

This attack is swift and strange. If you are in the same realm, I am afraid that I have already suffered a big loss. Sun Wukong nodded secretly.

Ruolin also knows that with Sun Wukong’s skill, her own no matter how to attack, it is impossible to get his clothes corner, so it is not in the fight, directly giving up her little mid-level fight with success. Technique: Ice Dragon Broken! And this time, she just wants to see how powerful this fighting skill is.

The blue vindictiveness is entwined on the long whip, which transforms it into a blue ice dragon hovering over the sky! The temperature here suddenly dropped, but for a moment, the blue frost had condensed on the ground.

The energy wave of terror is emitted from it, and the aura between heaven and earth has also begun to riot. The ice dragon is in the middle, the cold is pressing, and the ice is frozen, but for a moment, it has become a frozen world.

Sun Wukong waved with one hand, and immediately an energy enchantment separated them from the girls watching outside, so that the cold here would not hurt them.

“It’s not a godsend! Even if there is an enchantment block, it seems that you can feel the bitter chill!” The scorpion’s facial expression is serious and amazed. Unfortunately, she is not a water attribute, or she wants to learn this gorgeous and formidable fighting skills.

“Ice Dragon Break!”

With Ruolin’s screaming, the blue ice dragon on the sky made a burst of dragons, hovering in the sky, with an unmatched terror aura crashing down towards Sun Wukong! Cold weather, ice world! In the enchantment, in an instant, it became an ice world!

This fighting skill, there is no energy explosion of terror, and some are just the absolute ice of ice! Once it is frozen, it will swear the end of the battle!

“Wow! Goku’s po color is really good!” Watching enchantment, the already frozen Ice Wukong, Bulma could not help but make a tut tut.

I saw that Sun Wukong looked up at the sky at this time, his eyes were deep, his back was desolate, and his life was a lonely gesture. However, his hand that tickles behind the crotch completely destroys the whole artistic conception of this picture.

Watching Sun Wukong, who has been completely frozen in the enchantment, just had a familiar face with Xiaomei, who was familiar with the situation: “That… Is this really okay?”

“Don’t worry! This level of attack is impossible to hurt Goku!” Lily said with a slight smile.

Sure enough, I saw that Sun Wukong’s body was slightly shocked, and the ice that had been frozen on him was instantly shaken into a place of ice and scattered on the ground!

Watching a face that was frozen and a bit blue, Sun Wukong smiled a little: “Yes, at least one can kill the strong person below the Emperor! However, you have been hurt by your own fighting skills, this is too “Looked at it!” said Sun Wukong walking to Ruolin’s side, holding her cold hand, a temperamental input into her body, so that Ruolin’s cold body warmed up for a moment.

If the financial expression of Ruolin is a little red, he has no choice but to white him: “Who told you to suddenly lay an enchantment, I have no space to escape, if this fight is the same as my property, I am afraid even my own It has also been frozen!”

At this time, the Ziyan women who went out to play came in from outside the door. For a moment, they came to Sun Wukong. Ziyan said with a happy face: “Goku brother! Have you heard of it? In another half a month, it is the college’s promotion competition! By then, you can go to the inner court with me and study!”

“Is the promotion competition?” Sun Wukong small unexpectedly, immediately smiled, fallen heart disease, and the Tuofu ancient emperor’s Dongfu, he had long wanted to see!

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