The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 150: Solutions

“Oh? Look at your posture, do you want to fight with me?” Sun Wukong faintly watched Su Qian and other five people. The expression is a bit playful! The people among them, the strongest and the only ones, are really not seen by Sun Wukong.

“The fall of heart disease is very important to our hospital. If you come for it, I will only wait and defend!” Su Qian’s tone is decisive and absolutely. Self-awareness is defeated, and there is no slight retreat.

“Is it?” Sun Wukong’s face of calm and calm, terror’s Ki is out of the body, unceremoniously pressed toward the Su thousand people!

When I was awkward, Su Qian’s other elders and the protection of the Fa’s facial expression changed dramatically, and the heart was shocked. The big drops of sweat fell from the forehead! Under the aura of this error, they are like a boat, and there is a ship crash at any time! Even breathing, it has become difficult! Just like a mountain pressing on one’s own body, struggling, blood and blood surge, there is a kind of just a step forward, it will become a feeling of broken bones!

During the shock, Su Qian and others looked at each other! In front of this terror aura, they even took a step forward and did not have the Ability! What is powerless, they are the heart to experience! The firm expression of this face has also been shaken. In front of these strong people, there is nothing to do with courage and faith! Sun Wukong In the ordinary form, the strength has surpassed the Emperor! Its aura is a few small fights and fighting can resist!

“Goku brother! You can’t look at my face, don’t be embarrassed, Great Elder, they?” At this moment, Ziyan suddenly appeared beside Great Elder, watching him pleadingly. Because Sun Wukong’s aura is dedicated to Su Qian, she is not suppressed. However, as a Taikoo virtual dragon, she still sensed the torque aura pressed on the Su thousand people! This aura, even if it is not targeted at her, also makes her facial expression slightly turned pale. The strength of Sun Wukong, Ziyan is clearly known in the mouth of several small Loli, such as Alice! That is easy to destroy the supremacy of the world! Already stand aloof outside this world!

Seeing the purple research, Sun Wukong’s aura disappeared without a trace: “Oh! Since Xiaozi has developed the words, then let you go for a while!” Sun Wukong looks at the calm and calm, he did not I plan to hurt Su Qian and others, not to mention that this Great Elder is a person who raises Ziyan. He is more than a grandfather, that is, a nephew and other women should stay in this inner court for a period of time! He just wants to scare Su Qian and others, let them see their terror, after all, from the dry mouth, still did not let them personally experience their terror effect! In this way, it is much more convenient to act on your own.

“Call! I know that Goku’s brother is the best!” Purple research smiled, and the nervous expression was relieved. She doesn’t want to see the pictures of Sun Wukong, Su Suqian, etc.!

See Sun Wukong, aura, Su Qian and others are obviously relieved, and now they find that their clothes have been soaked by cold sweat.

Forced to calm down the shock, Su Qianwatching Sun Wukong, organized the language, the tone is slightly respectful: “Compared to the lord, the most powerful person in the boxing defeat of the state’s major forces on the mainland now? Being stared by a strong person like you, it seems that the fallen heart disease can’t be saved…” After that, Su Qian’s face showed a hint of crying and laughing. Now, I can’t guess the identity of Sun Wukong, then he is lived in vain!

But once they know it, they have no courage to resist! Their Canaan College is indeed a good force, but it can be compared with the giants of Zhongzhou, but it is much less! And the people in front of him, but a boxing defeated all the most powerful people of the Big Mac force! Do not know how much fighting Doosan! It has long been recognized as the strongest in the mainland! Who dares to do it right?

“Isn’t it a different fire? Old man, don’t be too stingy! Go to Goku!” Ziyan had some dissatisfied Chao Suqian looked over. This makes Su Qian want to cry without tears, the old man I have worked hard to pull you up, now the arm is turned away! I also expect you to ask the old man for my love! It seems that it is not expected now!

“Hey! Shantou, you said that you get light… If you have a heart attack, if we can send it, we will not be embarrassed, but once we have no heart disease, the gas tower will be abolished this day, then we can go to Canaan College. I can’t keep going!” Su Qian shook his head and sighed.

“It turned out that the gas tower was burned this day because the heart disease was able to work!” Ziyan looked awkwardly.

Sun Wukong is a faint smile on the side: “This degrading heart inflammation is forcibly sealed here by you. According to my observation, within a year, it will definitely break out. At that time, it will only become a disaster for your Canaan College. !”

“This…” Su Qian and others suddenly stopped, and indeed, this degrading heart is getting more and more restless. If you go on, it will be sooner or later! For a moment, Su Qian looked to Sun Wukong’s expression also changed! Who is the person in front of you? That is the most recognized person in the mainland! This existence, don’t tell me still can’t solve this small problem? With this in mind, the facial expression suddenly became somewhat anticipated: “Can you solve the hidden dangers of this deterrent? If you don’t let the gas tower lose its effectiveness this day, why not take away the heart disease?”

If you don’t hurt the day to burn the gas tower itself, you can solve the time bomb of Fallen Heart Disease, why not!

“Your thoughts are quite naive…but, how difficult is this!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Do you really have a way?” An old man with a black robe and white hair looked excitedly at Sun Wukong! He is one of the guardians of this fallen heart disease. The rest of the people are also the color of excitement! The incineration of gas towers brought benefits to them at the same time, but it also brought terrible risks. If can be eradicated, it would be great!

“That’s all right today! I just came here to change around, something to say tomorrow!” Sun Wukong faintly waved his hand, did not pay attention to Su Qian and several people, smiled to the side of the purple research: “Go, take me casually Go around…”

“Okay! Goku brother is looking for the right person… I know this in the inner courtyard, the fun place! You come with me!” Purple research smiled, took Sun Wukong’s hand and left here. .

Su Qian and others looked at each other and were speechless. This person is really free to do whatever you want! Let’s go and leave! There is no room for people to react!

“That will be troubled tomorrow!” Su Qian held a heavy fist behind Sun Wukong. Immediately, I looked at the old people around me: “If you seal the tower tomorrow, if you can really solve the hidden danger of fallen heart disease, even if you give the heart of the heart, why not give up? I think the dean will not blame us!

Several old people nodded and talked for a moment, and their body shape disappeared. Here, the peace is restored again!

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