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Chapter 157 gives you ten strokes

On the edge of the open plaza, after listening to Liu Qing’s words, he did not feel that he was arrogant and arrogant. Instead, he secretly admired in his heart. It’s a slap in the face, so domineering, how many people in the inner court can be enemies? And this is the gap brought about by strength. If Liu Qing does not have such strength and speaks these words, I am afraid that I will be arrogant and arrogant on the spot.

“Liu Qing, senior! Come on! Let’s turn this freshman and let him know the TRUE strength of our inner hospital!”

“Come on, Liu Qing, the schoolmaster, kill the boy who doesn’t know how to be tall!”

An old man, especially a boy, broke open his throat and cheered for Liu Qing. Look at them each and every one, red eyes, a look of envious and hateful expression, apparently all blame, red face, who called Sun Wukong a big man stay in the women’s heap! Such people are usually the public enemy of men!

“Hey, watch well, watch how the cousin beats the guy.” Liu Fei suddenly snorted, and the head was facing the freshman on the side very proudly: “This is the prestige that the strong list expert should have, long experience Now, the district freshmen, the challenge of the old students will be considered, even dare to challenge the strong list expert, really do not do it!”

Those new students didn’t pay attention to Liu Fei, like her troublesome personality, still don’t provoke good. Anyway, the final result will make her close her mouth! They are convinced of this! So far, they have not been able to forget that the one-person, just hit the disciples of hundreds of people in the outer court and can’t climb up!

At the referee’s office, the old man waved his hand slightly, and concealed Sun Wukong with a glance, and immediately said: “Get started!”

As the voice of the old man fell, a boiling atmosphere suddenly shrouded the whole open plaza, and the eyes looked hot and watched the two people in the field. They and I really wanted to know what the fight would be like this time. result!

In the field, a very domineering aura, after the old man fell, it suddenly broke out from the body of Liu Qing, this aura strong, even if the audience far away from the battlefield, are feeling the difficulty of breathing .


Although many people are not facing it directly, they can still feel the strong oppression of the domineering aura released by Liu Qing. Therefore, there are many people who still hold the position in the can, and their faces remain. Sun Wukong of tranquil and calm is admired.

Watching Sun Wukong is still standing in the calm and calm, and there is no movement, Liu Qing can not help but frown: “What? You don’t shoot? Still looking down on me?”

“Hurry, let you ten strokes! After ten strokes, blast you down!” Sun Wukong faint.

When I heard Sun Wukong, everyone in the room was in awe.

“Hey! It’s really arrogant! Don’t blame me, you’re welcome!” Liu Qing coldly snorted, suddenly, a low-sounding voice rang in the field, immediately a blurry black shadow, with a fierce aura straight forward, in countless hot In the eyes, the hands of anger, screaming at the still-moving Sun Wukong!


Liu Qing’s fierce fist, in the eyes of countless eyes, is like a meteorite slamming toward Sun Wukong’s chest! Seeing Sun Wukong just sticking out one hand, and unsatisfiedly grabbed the violent punch of Liu Qing, punching the palms and splashing the repercussions.

However, aura is fierce, but in addition to Sun Wukong’s hair fluttering, the corner of the clothes is floating, but it is not moving!

The audience was silent and wide-eyed! These situations are unexpected!

Liu Qing Eyes suddenly shrinks, only this punch, he has already felt the terrible of his opponent! In the heart of the shock, the action in the hand did not stop, the right foot cut through the air, like a black lightning, carrying the fierce wind that makes the space fluctuate, stunned against the sun in front of the mountain Wukong swept away! The strength of the strong, the sound of a low-pitched sound, like the explosion of the sound of the sound of the underground, dull and infiltrating.

Sun Wukong once again faintly extended his left hand to resist the foot of Liu Qing’s berserk! In the wind and dance, the stone slab on the ground cracked open! Still can’t make the Sun Wukong movement split!

“Two tricks!” Sun Wukong smiled and released his hand.

Liu Qing Eyes shrinks, flies backwards, and the expression becomes more and more dignified. Similarly, the expression is more and more excited: “You are strong! It is the strongest opponent I have encountered in my life! This is interesting! “Speaking, there was a smile on his face. I saw his hand slamming into a different curvature. The lightness of the light golden lingering around the fingertips, slightly vomiting, and the coldness of the forest.

“Great cracks and claws!”

The claws are facing the ground. After an instant, Liu Qing’s face smiles and is instantly put away. When the arm is explored, the claws are shot out. The invisible wind forms a looming light arc in front of the claws. The sound is extremely amazing! Caused an exclamation on the field!

However, the thing of Next is that the people in the stands are stunned here! Because of the amazing claws of Liu Qing, it was still blocked by Sun Wukong, and it was easy to pick up. The footsteps still did not move.

“Well…very powerful…” Everyone is stunned, such a battle doesn’t look like a grade! The power of Sun Wukong is beyond imagination.

That Liu Fei is an incredible expression. In my own mind, the invincible cousin, even in front of that person can not bear?

Liu Qingzheng, the figure is like a ghost, instantly, the golden rays on the two claws, the afterimage left in the air, and the golden rays sharp claws, it is in a steady stream Sun Wukong claws down! However, Sun Wukong still stood still, his left hand swayed, seemingly casually resisting his every aggressive offensive! The claws fell on his hands, but they could not afford the traces!

A series of attacks, everyone watching was amazed, they can see it, Sun Wukong’s strength, far above Liu Qing, this has to shock them! No wonder! With such strength, it is no wonder that the strong list expert is like nothing!

“There have been nine strokes, and there is a last resort!”

“Call~ It seems that I am a little embarrassed to you!” Liu Qingping regained his rapid breathing, and his face was dignified: “Your strength, I am afraid that it is above the fighting king?” Split Mountain Gun: “I have to admit that your strength is far above me, then take my last move and try it!”

Liu Qing’s eyes suddenly rose sharply and shouted. At the same time, his feet moved slightly, his hands clenched his cracked mountain guns, his body tilted slightly, and the gunpoints of the cold man pointed directly to Sun Wukong in the distance!

With Liu Qing’s posture, Sun Wukong clearly felt that Liu Qing had locked him in the offensive.

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