The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 155th chapter ended

In the quiet of the scene, watching the figure of the athletic platform, everyone has been speechless for a long time! The facts seen in front of them give them a lot of impact! That is the third in the inner court! It’s so easy to be thrown away by a finger! How much terror strength does it take to get it? Look at their age, but they are about the same size as them. How can they have the strength of such a terror? How is that guy trained?

“This new student is really a metamorphosis!” On the banquet, Lin Xiuya spit out the suffocation in the mouth, watching is buried in the gravel pile, only Liu Jiang, who has an arm and head The original expression of a calm face is full of shocking colors. Immediately, secretly rejoices: “Fortunately, fortunately, I am not going to the stage! Otherwise… I did not expect that this new life has such a terror existence, I am afraid that even the little demon girl may Not an opponent?…”

Waiting for Lin Xiuya’s feelings, but suddenly saw a petite figure appeared in front of Liu Qing, watching him, could not help but shook his head: “It is the rhythm of death! Challenge who is not good, but challenge Goku brother! Are you looking for abuse?”

“Oh ~ ~ I also … did not think … this guy … actually metamorphosis to this level … … … … is not a … … grades … … Liu Qing still retains consciousness at this moment, this is Sun Wukong subordinates The result of mercy, the purple research appearing beside the watch, but the corner of his mouth is a bitter smile, but his eyes are very bright, with such a strong person, it is rare! Even if you lose, it will be defeated!

“You… compare with him… who is strong and who is weak?” For a moment, Liu Qing looked at Ziyan, a difficult road.

Ziyan is a faint smile, watching the figure on the competitive stage, the eyes are full of the color of worship: “I am already the king of the battle! This is the credit of Goku brother! What do you say?”

Liu Qing’s shocked eyes smashed round, and he spit out a long time: “It’s really a metamorphosis!…” After that, the first one turned and fainted. He was hit.

The medical staff also arrived at this time, and immediately Liu Jie was dug out of the gravel pile and carried away!

Watching Liu Qing, who was carried away, saw the famous little enchantress watching the adoring eyes of the court on the competitive stage. Those old people were shocked and understood. This contest has already explained Everything, all the old people in the inner court, have already lost to this new life, including the so-called inner court strong list! It is ridiculous, but it is a fact! The myth that has not been broken from the opening of the hospital has been broken by the eyes of people who are crying dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

“Who else!” Sun Wukong glanced at the crowd and was extremely arrogant. Ok! This guy is probably “Kung Fu” watching too much! In other words, you are a new generation of God of Destruction, don’t you be here?

Ok! This behavior is indeed a bit of a second, but very arrogant, very arrogant! It’s great to shock the proud people in the inner court! At the same time as the spoof, the effect is significant.

And this ‘who is there’, it was unexpectedly passed down in the inner court, which represents an unbeaten myth! Only those with absolute strength are qualified to say such a sentence! And this sentence has become the forward target of all inner court disciples! Because in their opinion, this sentence is how domineering!

In a word, everyone who was shocked by the inner court, who was swept by Sun Wukong, was somewhat uneasy and turned his eyes away! Even Lin Shuya, who is second in the list, is hiding behind others! He is second in the list, and he is afraid that Sun Wukong will find him… he doesn’t want to be killed by a move…

This situation is even more so that the girls who are pregnant in the spring look at Sun Wukong are full of love and fascination! These men of the same age are the most attractive!

“This guy, there is another handsome guy there…” Shaye grinned and looked disdainful.

“This guy, it’s all there. It’s still so much fun!” Yuriko smiled slightly.

“Because he is like this, there is no sense of distance between us!” The nephew watching Sun Wukong’s figure, his eyes are bright, this gesture, such a heroic posture, is indeed very charming. When the girls listened to the voice of the blind, they nodded and looked at the figure on the arena, their eyes were soft and their faces were smiling.

If a person has always regarded himself as a god, he is high on the top, everything is empty, and all living things are ants, so do you dare to approach? It is really a lonely life like snow, a lonely life!

Seeing no one dared to look at himself, Sun Wukong’s mouth suddenly hangs a faint smile, and under the calm appearance, suddenly a terrible stranger is released: “Since there is no one, then I am here to announce one. “Things!” Speaking, pointing to the location of the women, it is very domineering: “They! They are all women of Laozi! Whoever dares to harass them! You know, why do you think flowers are so red!”

The words provoked a thousand waves, here is a stunned, watching the group of shy faces! A wolf friend suddenly or horrified, or stunned to see Sun Wukong: “Where! Really fake? So many sister papers, are you alone?”

“This is the harem of the red fruit! There is wood!”

“You can’t be like this! Brother!…”

“Boss! Teach me a trick and a half! You can shine shoes for you!…”

Sun Wukong ignored the public’s call, and stepped down, and with all kinds of envious and hateful expressions, left the place with the girls!

This day is bound to not be calm!

I went back to the courtyard where I lived, but I just drank a cup of tea.

Several people were introduced into the living room, Sun Wukong sat on a chair, and the blue scales stood behind him, holding his shoulders for him!

“What do you guys look for when I am looking for me?” Sun Wukong drank a cup of tea, a touch of faint.

Watching the beautiful sister paper of the house, a few old men are also quite pressured!

Organized the language, Su Qian said a little respectful words: “That, you are not saying that today we solve the hidden dangers of the gas tower in the sky? We have temporarily turned off the gas tower, so I want to trouble you. If you can solve the crisis of burning the gas tower in the sky without compromising its capability, even if you take the fallen heart disease, there is no problem…”

Fallen heart disease has always been a hidden danger in the inner court. It is like a time bomb. Now someone can solve it. No wonder these old men can’t wait!

Although I don’t know how to take away the fallen heart disease, how does the sky-burning gas tower work? But they can only gamble! Like Sun Wukong, should there be a way? They can only gamble! Because even if Sun Wukong wants to take away the fallen heart disease, they have no way.

“Oh! This is the matter! Let’s go!” Sun Wukong is also a very simple person! Let’s go and leave! Get the heart disease early, you can help the child to swallow the fire earlier! He is very looking forward to it! After the resurgence of the world, how can the amazing change of Kaoru?

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