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The one hundred and sixty-five chapter medicine Huang Hanfeng

The blaze of the sky disappeared with the disappearance of the fire, and the hot temperature between the heavens and the earth also slowly decreased. However, everyone did not pay much attention to it. At this moment, their eyes stopped at the invisible fire disappeared in the sky. , there, a group of half-size singular blaze, slowly rising.

This group of blaze seems invisible, but no matter who sees it, there is a substantial strange feeling. In the blaze, there is something that is slowly flowing, like an elf.

Although in terms of appearance, this is just a blaze, but it gives people a very strange feeling, that is, this group of blaze, seems to have human wisdom and agility.

Silence in the sky, everyone looking at the invisible blaze, are all surprised, this blaze, is that hot TRUE body?

Watching the invisible blaze floating in the sky, attracted the attention of countless students. Although they have not seen the TRUE fire, but in the books, they have always seen it. After all, the fire is a heaven and earth, and who will not pay attention? But for a moment, it was recognized by some people who know it!

“That is… isn’t it a different fire?”

“In the inner courtyard, there is a different fire?”

“Look at that, it seems like the four-year-old degraded heart attack on the fire list…”

“Degraded heart inflammation, can be called training cheater! No wonder the days of burning gas towers have such training miraculous effects! It seems that this is the effect of this fire!”

“If you get this falling heart disease…the speed of future training…”

With some people who have seen it, after recognizing the fallen heart disease, suddenly, all the hot, greedy eyes are looking at the floating invisible blaze in the sky, the fire is the heaven and earth, every time the world , there are always big disputes! And this degrading heart inflammation enhances the characteristics of training speed, but in the fire, it is the most coveted!

Although coveted, but everyone is acquainted without competing, they are very self-aware, although the fire is valuable, but it does not belong to them, but belongs to the sky, the one holding a girl, like the natural-born man!

Slowly falling, Sun Wukong stretched out his left hand in the astounding gaze of countless stunned eyes…

“He… what is he doing? Isn’t it going to take away the fire by hand? How is this possible…”

“What is impossible? Isn’t this a clear thing? The strength of people, you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that people can’t do it!”

Under the gaze of many different expressions, I saw that the fire was about to come. I didn’t expect it to fly in time and spirit, and wanted to avoid the arrest of Sun Wukong! However, such dodge is destined to be useless. Sun Wukong seems to have been unexpected. The left hand is just the direction that the fallen heart inflammation wants to escape. These strange pictures are like falling into the hands of Sun Wukong. general!

“You can grasp the fire with your bare hands. What kind of terror height does his physical body physical strength reach?” Watching Sun Wukong’s invisible blaze, which is constantly beating, is a great Elder and so on. ,can treat this kind of fire like this, I am afraid that this person is the only one!

“Oh ~~ Another fire has arrived. With this falling heart inflammation, your training speed will multiply grow!” Sun Wukong holds the axe in his right hand, watching the invisible fire dragged on his left hand, smiles lightly.

In front of so many people, being held in the arms of a man, the facial expression of the Kaoru is red, the heart beats faster, and only the degraded heart inflammation in the hands of Sun Wukong can distract his attention: “Is this a fallen heart disease? It really is very strange!”

“Your “burning” training is almost the same? If you have time, you can refine these fires!”

“Well!” After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, Kaoru’s eyes suddenly brightened. Since the training was burned, she had already tried to refine other fires! The yellow-level low-level grade is really unbearable!

In this seemingly quiet atmosphere, suddenly a black shadow shot from a distance, and finally flashed in front of Su Qian, holding a fist, anxiously reported: “Great Elder, not good The strong person of the group of black corners came in when we were lax in defense!”

“Well? How can people in the Black Corner come to my inner court for no reason? don’t tell me. Did they sense what happened here? Can it come too fast?” Su Qian brows slightly wrinkled, But it doesn’t care much. After all, Canaan College’s concrete details are not something that can be moved!

During the speech, more than a dozen windbreaking sounds came from the horizon, and in a moment, they appeared in the sky of the inner college! Some of them have open the wings of vindictiveness behind them, and some are emptiness! Each Ki is thick, formidable is incomparable, even the lowest repair is the person, it is also fighting Wang Qiang!

Seeing the lineup of these terrors, the facial expression of Su Qian and others suddenly changed slightly, but seeing the figure that still stays in the air, the heart is relaxed a lot, as long as there is such a person, whoever comes can not ask. it is good!

It was naturally discovered by Sun Wukong at the first for a moment, and the eyes were swept away, and their information was completely revealed. This group of people, there are 15 people, nine fighting kings, four fighting kings, 2 name Douzong!

“It seems that my induction is not wrong, there is a fire in the inner courtyard!” The man who took the lead, watching the invisible blaze in the hands of Sun Wukong, the greed in his eyes is unmasked! The movements that Sun Wukong made before were too big, and everyone in the Black Corner was also aware of it! Because they had long suspected that there was a fire in the inner courtyard, they also made corresponding preparations, and by space transmission, they came to the inner courtyard so quickly!

Seeing the coming people, Su Qian’s facial expression suddenly became very difficult to look like: “Yao Huang Han Feng, you are not good at the black corner, what are you doing in our inner court?”

“Oh~~The movement here is so big, we just came in and saw that’s all!” The man named Han Feng was a faint smile, and then turned his attention to the fire in the hands of Sun Wukong. Dry lips, the color of the surprise of a face: “The fallen heart inflammation is actually a fallen heart disease. It seems that my luck is very good! How, how do we make a deal? As long as you give me this fallen heart disease, Any request is up to you!”

“Your tone is not small! But it is a pity that although I really want to give you this heart-breaking heart disease, this degrading heart disease is no longer what we Canaan College!” Su Qianyi’s face calm, Looked at Sun Wukong, as long as there is this great god, you come to a lot of strong people to get the ball! Have the ability to get a different fire from his hands!

Han Feng was fooled. He looked at Sun Wukong with a strange look. He frowned slightly and listened to Su Qian’s tone. The fallen heart inflammation seems to belong to this person? What kind of person would it be, Canaan College would have turned this blame for life into someone else? However, no matter what, this is a different fire, he is bound to win!

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