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The 175th chapter bloody means

Within the valley, the area is very spacious, but the environment is also extremely complicated. If there is no Snow Magic Scorpio leading the way, it would take a lot of effort for the ordinary people to find the heart-hardened body milk.

Following behind the Snow Devils, not far from the front is the end of the valley, and a dark cave at the end is in front of the four.

“Come on!” Han Yue’s face suddenly showed a hint of surprise. Before she came here with several schoolgirls, she was naturally familiar, but at the time, their strength was not enough to deal with this snow magic day. Oh, so the wolverine fled back.

“Well! The heart-hardened body milk is inside, please come with me!” Snow Magic Tian looked at Sun Wukong respectfully, and walked in front to lead the way.

In the cave, Snow Magic Scorpio walked into a depression, and the white hair piled up there was opened, but there was a layer of sand underneath, but the color of the sand was compared with the sand in other places. To be deeper, it looks like it has been turned over.

I saw the snow magic scorpion sticking out the huge palm, the sharp claws pierced into the sand, holding the sand all over the palms, and a black faint underground hole appeared in the line of sight. .

“You are very careful!” Yan Yan faintly looked at the snow magic day. There is Sun Wukong, even if the other party is a sixth-order magic beast, he is not in the heart, it feels so cool! Although this is a bit of a fox fake tiger Wei feeling!

Snow Magic Scorpio does not care about him, if Sun Wukong is not there, it has already been shot!

Stepping out of the passage of the evil, the eyes of the four people slammed in front of them, and they looked around. After they got their surroundings, the faces of several people could not help but show a horror. Even the unexpected Sun Wukong is also a surprise! Knowing to know, but the imaginary scene really appears in front of you, shocking, can’t speak!

In front of the four people, it was a world of stalactites. Looking at it, the milky white stalactites were filled with the end of sight, and the pale white light emerged from it, expelling the evil here. The stalactites are born everywhere, some hanging above the top of the mountain, some even up to 100 meters, at first glance, the mountains are lined with huge stalactites, occasionally with a drop of white emulsion dripping down, splashing on the ground Milky white flowers.

“It’s a really good underground world!” Sun Wukong lamented a pair, and now he raised the idea of ​​earning this place into his own world!

“It’s so beautiful!” Rao is the coldness of Han Yue, and it is also a voice of praise. She only occasionally broke into the cave house of Snow Magic Scorpio, and learned from her mouth the news of the heart-hardened body milk, but it will be here in the future!

“The earth core quenched body milk is there?” After the exclamation, Yan Yan was most concerned about the treasure that was born that day.

“Come with me!” Snow magic scorpio tone some small unhappy, this treasure belongs to his own will be easy to change, can you be happy?

Following the Snow Devils in this stalactite world, shuttle back and forth. After walking for nearly ten minutes, the four people appeared before the huge stalactite! The three men of Han Yue suddenly made a loud exclamation!

“Nature is really magical!” Rao is Sun Wukong, and it is also a sigh!

The stalactite that appeared in front of the head connected the top of the mountain, and the one directly hangs down vertically. The huge size is more than one hundred meters long, and the width is also thick and thick, and the pale white light lingers around it. Rendering it like a crystal column, this stalactite is undoubtedly the largest one in the world. It is like a royal stalactite, accepting the pilgrimage of countless stalactites around.

The gaze gradually moved down. Under this stalactite, it is a very large bluestone. One and a half of the bluestone is buried in the ground. At this time, the top position of the bluestone has a groove less than half a foot deep. The trough is just facing the tip of the upper stalactite, and the groove is filled with two inches of milky white water. Above the lotion, there is a faint white mist. The white mist is quite strange, how to drift constantly. They have never dissipated.

Han Yue three eyes staring at the milky white liquid in the groove, the throat could not help rolling, and the face was filled with a touch of excitement: “The heart quenched body milk!…”

Zhongzhou mainland has a vast area. Therefore, in Central China, most large cities are mostly equipped with so-called “space wormholes” to slow down the journey. However, for those strong people who are TRUE, it is that can directly tear the space and open the space wormhole!

Black Point, Distance Canaan College is not very far, between the two, after years of infighting, it is considered to be the same. Here, it has almost become the most chaotic area in the whole continent. The powerful people of countless countries have settled here, and they have built the most barbaric rules. In addition, here, the continent has gathered all kinds of races apart from human beings. It is a small continental miniature version.

In the black corner, there is no legal space restriction, and some are just a rule, the law of the jungle!

In other words, that is, the weak meat!

The weak, here, have no rights!

However, half a month ago, after the intervention of Sun Wukong, the heads of the Heijiao area were basically wiped out by him. Therefore, the current black corner has been changed to the name of Canaan College, and it has already been completely renewed.

The tense and dangerous atmosphere of the past has disappeared. Here, peace has gradually recovered!

Above the sky, the space fluctuated wildly, and the shadows shrouded in the black robe. They had Ki berserk and it was cold, some bloody Ki filled, and some covered in black fog, it looked very strange…

An old man who confuses the terror of the terror, watching the city below, looks indifferent: “Here is the black corner? When I came here, it is not like this!”

“The current black corner has been owned by the Canaan College Administration, and it is naturally a new look!”

“Oh, ~~ Canaan, the person who came to Canaan College, has picked up the most chaotic land on the mainland, has it become so easy?”

“Hey! This feeling of peace is really troublesome! We still ruin it!”

“Remember, our mission is just killing and destroying. Once you attract the attention of that person, you can escape and escape. You don’t need me to say more?”


“Oh ~~~ Then, let’s kill it! Start to make the world feel the terror of our soul temple! Haha~~~”

Along with the sound, dozens of black shadows turned into a black mist and went straight down! The weapons in their hands are not dark knives, they are strange and dangerous chains!

The sickle easily cut off the human head, and the chain ruthlessly penetrated the hearts of countless people… With screams and mourning, it became a human purgatory! The strong person of the Black Corner, and the guards of this city, in the hands of those under the black robe, are so weak cannot bear, become the furnishings!

A soul is pulled out of the human body by the strange chain in their hands, and then cruel refining, making their Ki more and more strange and formidable!

In a moment, it has become a place of death, above the sky, surrounded by a strong bloody atmosphere!

And such a bloody massacre, in the major cities not far from the Canaan College, is staged one after another, accompanied by the world of the soul temple, a disaster is gradually taking place, the mainland, began to fall into panic and chaos!

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