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The 177th chapter Gudi Dongfu

“It seems that the temple of the soul, can’t wait to shoot!” Seeing the disaster on the mainland at this time, Sun Wukong’s mouth could not help but hang a strange smile: “Ignorance is really terrible! Even if you are in a high position, Your vision is limited to this world it doesn’t matter… Is it so big that you want to get my attention? What abacus do you think I don’t know? Oh~~ I don’t know, everything about you, I have already had a panoramic view! But… since you are so coveted in the cave house of Tuo’s ancient emperor, then I will be happy…”

I came to a room where the place where Kaoru rested, and the girls were here to accompany her. Watching a room of many enchanting females, Sun Wukong’s mouth is a smile: “Clean up, this world is no longer peaceful, you still go to the world ring!”

“Well? What happened?” All the women were puzzled and looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong condenses a white light in his hand, and sprinkles it in the air, forming a virtual screen. The image inside is the corner of the disaster at the moment!

The blood shrouded the earth, the clouds were red and bloody, the corpses were everywhere, the people shrouded in the black robe, the strange chains in their hands, and the fresh souls were harvested. The mainland has already been selected into a bloody and panic…

All the girls were shocked by the situation in the image. Yara’s eyes were filled with incredible shock: “Goku, this… is this true? What happened in the end?”

“This… this dress… this means…don’t tell me they are…” The swaying on the edge of the bed, the black robe in the watching image, was surprised and widened his eyes. .

“Yes, all this is the Mystic/mysterious soul temple. Their purpose is only one, in order to attract my attention, so that I can lead me into this inner courtyard!”

“Leave you? Don’t tell me They want to shoot in the inner courtyard?” Hu Jia frowned slightly, the girls also looked at Sun Wukong, waiting for his answer.

“No… they just want to get under the gas-burning tower, the thing that’s all inside the cave house of Tuo’s ancient emperor…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

“Tuoshe…Gudi…?!” The girls were somewhat puzzled, but Kaoru was shocked and widened his eyes: “You mean, the cave house of the ancient Tudor in the legend… is burning in the sky. Under the gas tower?”

“Well, because I was too heavy when I was conquering my heart, so I spread to the cave of the ancient emperor, so that a trace of Ki inside leaked out… I think it is this silk, which caused the soul. After all, the Emperor’s attention, that is the Ki belonging to Tuo’s ancient emperor…”

“Duoshe Gudi? Is it hard to see that he is still dead?” Kaoru surprised his eyes wide open.

“It’s just a trace of the soul that exists for the inheritance!”

“Remnant soul?… But, are the eight Tudor ancient jade in your hands? They lead you away, without these eight keys, how can they?” Kaoru frowns, but his heart is confused. .

“Who knows! However, I am going to see the cave house of Tuo’s ancient emperor now, so you still have to enter the world ring first!”

All the girls nodded and began to pack up. Although they also wanted to make a lot of fun, but the strength is not good, it can only hinder the feet!

After all the women were included in the world ring, Sun Wukong’s figure disappeared directly here!

In the inner courtyard, the bottom of the gas-burning tower.

Sun Wukong stood at the entrance to the world of magma, watched the fiery world inside, and the body flashed into a black mans, plunging directly into the magma world inside the passage.

In the world of magma, it is still red and hot, but it is not affected by Sun Wukong. It ignores the red magma of the whole body. Sun Wukong falls straight like nothing… Go to the bottom of the magma world!

With the gradual fall, there is a lot of hidden Ki, which appears in his perception, apparently the Mystic/mysterious thing that lives in this magma world! The surrounding magma suddenly fluctuated drastically, and then it was seen, the dense red figure, coming from all directions, and finally surrounded it.

Sun Wukong glimpsed these lizard-like magma living beings, and finally looked at the two Lizard-man, which were milky white, not far away. They looked as if they were much older than the other Lizard-man. Their Ki, the strength of these two Lizard-man, actually reached the level of semi-holy!

“go away! !” Watching the surrounding Lizard-man, Sun Wukong is a look of calm and calm.

“Human, here is the cemetery of God, not where you can come, and quickly retreat, otherwise you will wake up the guardian, even if you are such a strong person, you must bury it here!” One of the two white Lizard-man Actually, it was a mouthful of words, although some oysters, but the intermittent voice, still passed into Sun Wukong ears.

“Hey! I don’t know how to live!”

Sun Wukong faintly looks like two white Lizard-man, a vast and terror soul fluctuates, lightning-fast from his eyebrows, rapid spread. With the spread of the soul’s fluctuations, the magma suddenly fluctuated violently, and there was a rumbling roar! Then, surrounded by the numerous blaze Lizard-man, the body suddenly shocked, a kind of soul-like soul pressure, landing down!

The two blaze Lizard-man, who turned the pale, suddenly changed their face. However, they did not wait for them to speak out, but they suddenly found out that their bodies were no longer under their control, and their chests expanded rapidly, immediately.嘭 ‘A bang, explosion!

“嘭~~嘭~~嘭~~” One person exploded, and the surrounding blaze Lizard-man was a series of explosions!

Thousands of tens of lava waves rushing berserk! Going toward all directions! In an instant, the blaze Lizard-man here is completely destroyed!

In this fierce and violent blaze wave, Sun Wukong is still unaffected by the slightest influence. With a calm look at the endless magma world under his eyes, his fingers are in the eyebrows, and his body shape disappears instantly!

“Is this the end of the magma world?”

Sun Wukong slowly reached out his palm and gently touched the magma in front of him. “Hey!” With Sun Wukong’s palm touching the piece of magma, the latter actually swayed, and his palm, then It disappeared directly, and it looked as if it had touched a spatially staggered layer.

“It’s here!” He said, Sun Wukong directly entered the space at the bottom of the magma!


As the whole body stepped into the Mystic/mysterious space, the color of the magma that had been filled with the ear suddenly stopped.

Appearing in Sun Wukong’s eyes is an endless space with some evil and silence. This space does not know how many years of silence. In the whole space, there is an old vicissitude.

Sun Wukong’s figure flashed again, and a ball of light appeared in front of him. The scene inside the ball of light was a stone door, a huge stone door!

The stone door stands quietly in this space, and it will last forever, an ancient, desolate-like Ki, slowly spreading from it, swaying in this world.

At the top of the stone door, there are four ancient fonts:

“Gudi Dongfu!”

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