The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 188

The dark clouds filled the air, and finally stretched out, shrouded the black and white domain of this world, and then the black clouds fluctuated, and the dense figure whizzed out of it.

An old man broke through the air, covered in black fog, and stood in front of the Emperor of Heaven. Christine said: “The patriarch, the inner court of the Canaan College has been blocked by a very strong space enchantment. I am afraid that it will be difficult to breakthrough in a short time, I think, that definition is what the person does!”

“Is it to protect the inner court?…” Soul Heavenly Emperor looked indifferent, looked at the black corner land under his feet, and said faintly: “If this is the case, let us enter from the bottom of the earth!”

Speaking of a strange terror energy in his hand, a palm presses against the black corner below, and with the press of his palm, the sky is full of thousands of feet. The giant hand suddenly blasted over the black corner. Suddenly, a dusty and fast spread spread, and the loud noise of hōng lóng lóng resounded throughout the world.

The huge black-horned field, directly under the palm of the soul of the Emperor, turned into a huge abyss of thousands of feet, and in the abyss, suddenly there was a sound of liquid flow, followed by red from the black corner Among the ruins of the field, in the blink of an eye, the whole black corner is submerged in the magma.

Watching the magma underneath, the old and oppressive Ki emerges from it, but in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, there is a touch of excitement, a faint person to the side: “Soul, Soul, you two With me, the rest of the people put a big burst here, waiting for our return…”

“The patriarch, is this really worth it? That person is asformable, you go this way… I am afraid…” An old man was worried.

“Reassured, I have an absolute trump card in my hand. With the temperament of that person, even if he gets the thing inside, he has to hand over the thing. You only need to set up a big queue and wait for our return! “The soul of the Emperor of Heaven is very confident. After telling it again, with two old men, it turned into three black awns and slammed into the slowly flowing magma area below…


In the sky, the two figures are carrying the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. They are crazy and banging, and the energy waves are moving, making the candlesticks that are separated from each other feel the heart, but fortunately The space here seems to be extremely stable, so even in this war, it is impossible to tear the space…


Sun Wukong once again slammed out, and the old man who had become the emperor of the emperor was directly blasted out, and cut off a giant column, drowning in the gravel, and now he could not help but laugh: “It’s so happy! For a long time. I have never done such a warm-up exercise! Your strength is not bad, which makes me more and more want to see how the so-called Emperor has a strong!”

“Hey!” The shards of the emperor’s young Dan spit in the mouth, Ki is wilting, and his heart is shocked. Watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of shock! The other side did not even make a fuss, but only with the fist of the ordinary in confrontation with him, but still playing without any backhand power, so there is more terror than the Tuo Tuo Gu Di!

“It seems that I really can’t escape this time! But, I want to get my own easily, don’t pay a price…” Knowing the lost to, the emperor is not in the hands, the old The face is a touch of cold and hot! The terrible destruction and volatility, opened from the turmoil of hisding the sky and covering the earth, and the momentum is like destroying the heavens and the earth!

Immediately, the palm of the hand tumbling, and there was a sudden scent of scent of Danxiang between the heavens and the earth. In the mouth of the mouth, it seems that the temperament in the body is to be Aura. However, the means of this negligible is only that’s all, which does not cause any harm to Sun Wukong.

This scene is naturally seen in the eyes of the emperor, the facial expression is more cold, and the terror of the whole body is more and more forformable! He has always been looking forward to such a helpless situation!

“Oh, are you desperate? Then you can solve it with a punch!” Feeling the terror fluctuations from the body of the emperor, Sun Wukong is a faint smile, clenched in the fist, standing still, empty body The ancient well has no waves and seems to be completely integrated with nature!

This kind of calm, but makes the emperor’s heart beat faster, there is a kind of impulse to turn around, but he knows that escape is useless, the other party has locked his internal Ki, he, only one battle!

Binocular micro-closed, Emperor Xian Dan Dan adjusted his internal Ki to the peak form, and then suddenly opened his eyes, one palm shot!

“Die Dan palm!”

Above the sky, the emperor’s young figure was suddenly vacated, and then a palm pressed against the Sun Wukong below, and in the palm of the hand, a beautiful ball of light of about the size of the head suddenly emerged! That heart-rending terror volatility suddenly broke out! With the appearance of the beautiful ball of light, the energy between the heavens and the earth is like the boiling oil of the heat. Aura suddenly rises up and looks at it. The endless sky is covered with raging blaze. They are all turned into stoves at this moment!

Immediately, the emperor’s face is thicker and colder, and his hands are pressed hard. Suddenly, the blaze between the heavens and the earth whistle at an extremely amazing speed. In a short moment, the infinite blaze of the earth and the earth. I actually got into the beautiful ball of light in the hands of the emperor.


When the palms are pressed, the heavens and the earth are evil down at this moment. Only the ball of light with the emperor’s palms is in the ruin of the destruction, the ball of light creeps, and finally it’s finally whizzing down. The time has already come to the top of Sun Wukong’s head!

“It’s a good attack!” Sun Wukong smiled, not afraid, did not make any cover, right fist clenched, directly toward the crashing ball of light with Energy of Destruction all the way to meet!


Under the stunned eyes of Emperor Tseng Dan and Candle Kun, Sun Wukong was shot at the speed of the blink of an eye on the ball of light that exuded the heart-rending waves! Suddenly the ball of light was actually looked simple, but it was a terror fist with all the destruction, a punch! Between the splatters, the explosive repercussions of terror make the stable space of this side also have dramatic fluctuations!

And a figure, in the moment of the ball of light burst, still like a berserk, but with the destruction of all the meteors, under the shackles of the emperor Dan Eyes, in the twinkling of an eye, has been near, a punch in a arrogant attitude Blowing through his heart, terror’s fists and four abuses, in an instant, the body of the emperor’s young Dan was smashed, turned into a gentle Danxiang floating in the air, for a moment, disappeared!

In the light shining, a round and smooth medicinal medicine appeared in front of Sun Wukong! The thick dandelion that comes out is fascinating.

Candles below, a while! Unlimited Close to the existence of the Emperor, was it so blasted like this?

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