The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 187—The Will of the World

The Soul Heaven Emperor and the Emperor Tang Dan, the two are confused, although they have created a brand new soul Dan, but the ambition and pursuit of the Soul Emperor is naturally inherited by the Emperor.

At this moment, the dream was ruthlessly crushed, the soul of the Emperor, the blow has been nearly collapsed, he has been trying to hard the target don’t tell me is just a ridiculous joke? Don’t tell me Is the fighting king not the strongest in the world? What I have earned from giving up my life is actually this result! Then what did I try to hard for a thousand years?

“Now I know the difference between you and me? 蝼 蚁! Then, turn it into dust!” Sun Wukong faint watching has lost the fighting spirit of the soul of the Emperor, but the eyes are concealed and blinded by the dark clouds Sky. There was a strange look in the eyes, the palms pressed down gently, and the huge golden light bullets slowly pressed down slowly…

Whole piece The space of the continent, under the undulation of the light bombs, seems to be able to bear the burden of the general, began to break like a glass, on the mainland, some people who have no time to escape, the moment of space cracks emerge Was torn into a bloody fog…

Watching the terror light bomb that slowly pressed down, the ancients and other hard-working scabbards felt scalp and trepidation! Is this really falling? Whole mainland, can anyone survive?

Life and death are at stake. They temporarily suppressed the fear in their hearts, and they stood up from the ground in a difficult way. They fled from the ground and fled the place at an extremely speed…

Although, they know, it is useless to escape far away… But survival is the instinct of human beings, even if there is only a small luxury in the heart, they must also seize…

In the world ring, watching the TV screen, the huge light bullet that slowly fell, Bulma is also a look of surprise: “No! Goku really sent out? Don’t tell me He really wants to destroy This world?”

“The world… there really is such a strong person…” The color scales and others are now shocked and can’t speak! Before they had some doubts about the words of Bulma and other women, at the moment, they believed, Sun Wukong, really has the power to smash the power of the world! ”

“What happened? I don’t believe that Goku is the kind of person who will ruin the world casually!” The blind man stared at the screen, but his frown was slightly wrinkled.

Only the Android 18, which is located on the side, is staring at the sky above the clouds. The brows are slightly wrinkled, but the corners of the mouth are hung up inexplicably.

After the color scale found the strangeness of Android 18, she looked at her with doubts: “What’s wrong, Android 18, don’t tell me What did you find?”

“Nothing, just found a very interesting existence… Don’t ask more, look down, you will know…”

The light bombs all the way down, the sound of kā kā is endless! That solid space is full of pieces…

Under the soul of the Emperor, the fat expression has long been scared, pale, no blood, he wants to escape, but the light bomb seems to have completely locked him, terror Ki, pressed him not to mention moving, even breathing, It has also become extremely difficult! This kind of terror and desperation from the soul of TRUE almost made him crash!

“Move! You are here to move me!…”

The soul of the emperor is awkward again, but no matter how he tries to hard, the body seems to be not his own. He does not listen at all. He can only be filled with panic and despair. Watching slowly falls down on himself. Golden light bomb!

“This… is the punishment you gave me?…”

The soul of the Emperor took the unwilling roar and glanced at the sky. It was still a gentle and calm figure… Immediately, the golden bullet was approaching, and he had not touched his body. His body was like a snow. , instantly time, turned into nothingness!

The ball of light still does not decrease, it falls on the ground, the ground ruptures like tofu, the light bullets fall into it a little bit… The earth trembles at this moment, the crack of terror extends from the ground, forming a deep bottomless Endless abyss! The space is collapsing, the sky is roaring, the underground magma erupts everywhere, and hundreds of millions of thunders descend from the dark clouds…

In this situation, the world will be shattered!

Whole mainland, caught in the disaster of TRUE is about to be destroyed!

The light bomb is still sinking and the space is still falling…

When the light bomb sinks to the ground for nearly half, when the explosion is about to happen, there is a faint, old-fashioned sigh between the heavens and the earth!

The space and time suddenly stand still, and immediately, the time goes by, and the space of the fragmentation of the whole continent is restored to its original state at an alarming rate…

The sinking ground of the light bullet suddenly splits and reveals a black hole that is dark and invisible. It is dark, silent and terrible. It makes people look at it and the soul seems to be pulled into it…

The light bomb sinks and is swallowed up by the endless black hole, just like the light from fireflies, disappearing into the endless black hole, as if it has been expelled from this world!

The ground slowly closed, and the endless black holes disappeared. The endless black clouds that permeated the mainland were also dispelled. The sun shone on the earth, and the continent that was originally in the evil was once again ushered in! Suddenly, the whole piece of the mainland, a cheer, they think that the disaster has passed, they have avoided the terrible disaster!

However, at this time, a supreme will that is above the world, suddenly fell on this continent! This will is the TRUE to make the inspiration of this continent to the soul of the shudder! A kind of pressure originating from the depths of the soul, diffused from their hearts, and awe from the heart, whether it is the fighting, the life of the continent, as long as it is willing to continue, not willing, At the time of this will, they crouched down…

Above the top of Sun Wukong’s head, the space suddenly turned to shatter and opened. The chain of strange and strange runes hangs down from the void. On the chain, there is a strange and disturbing terror Ki. This Ki Like a can judge everything! It’s like can seal everything!

At this moment, the world resonated, and the supremacy of a terror suddenly landed on Sun Wukong. Suddenly, Sun Wukong was surprised to find that his body was actually restricted. Rao was unable to break free from his current strength. ! In the eyes of tranquil and calm, suddenly a sense of surprise.

The chain of gods came through the sky, and the seams of Sun Wukong were as solid as snakes, so they couldn’t move! And the strange rune flashing on the chain of the chain, there is a very formidable seal power, Sun Wukong suddenly found that his energy is disappearing at an alarming rate, seal!

Sun Wukong looked up at the sky, and suddenly there was a smirk of smile at the corner of his mouth: “Is it finally?… Order chain? Will this world? Still… No matter what, you don’t tell me, I want to expel me. Is this world? You think it is possible?”

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