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The hundred and nineth 12 chapter refining

The ancient temple, Sun Wukong casually sat on a table and chair, but Gu Yuan and others were extremely nervous standing beside him. Who is the person in front of you? That is the existence of the insta-kill, and even the owner of this world can’t help anyone! There is such a thing, even if people do not have the slightest shelf, standing next to them is quite stressful!

“It doesn’t have to be so nervous. I came to your ancient family. It is actually to fulfill the wish of Kaoru… In this time, we will stay in your period for a period of time, when she will follow me. Leave here…”

“I know……”

After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, Gu Yuan’s face suddenly showed a bitter smile. He had already guessed this scene, but he did not expect it to come so suddenly.

Kaoru can follow Sun Wukong, which is the blessing of their ancient people, and he naturally will not refuse. However, the daughter who worked so hard to raise her is going to leave with others so soon, and there is some sadness in her heart.

At this point, a girl walked into the hall, a light green dress, three thousand green silk was casually bundled, spread over the waist of the surplus and the grip, and finally the vertical buttocks, the breeze blowing, the blue silk fluttering, out Dust and refined…

And that beautiful face, even this piece of heaven and earth is bleak, a pair of moving and clear, revealing the meaning of ethereal, as if the deepest starry sky, so that the eyes of the people will be difficult to transfer.

Regardless of the city, consider the country.

“Goku! Father, the banquet is ready…”

Under the gaze of many eyes, Kaoru is a smile, a generous, and the girl’s youth has faded, but the gentleness of a woman is gradually maturing!

Seeing that my daughter turned out to be like this, Gu Yuan’s heart once again smiled bitterly, shook his head and smiled at Sun Wukong with a smile: “Goku, let’s go! What’s the matter, let’s talk after the banquet!” ……

On this day, the ancients will no longer be calm. Their big lady, who is not a human fireworks, like a fairy, went out for a trip. When he came back, he brought back a grandfather, but he was shocked by the whole world. However, no one dared to oppose it! Because their uncle is a peerless strong person who even their patriarchs are jealous!

Those ancient leaders who saw the appearance of Kaoru could only be unwilling and helpless to suppress the incitement of their hearts, because their opponents were too strong, formidable, they did not dare to raise the slightest confrontation. !

On the mountain peak, a green and green shadow is elegant and standing. The beautiful gaze gaze at the brightly lit temples in the distance, silently, and do not know what is thinking.

Sun Wukong came from far away and came to the side of Kaoru. She pulled her into her arms and sat on a large stone. The chin was placed on her shoulder and smelled the fragrance of the hair. Smiled a little: “What’s wrong, what are you thinking about?”

“Goku…Thank you… let me meet you…” Kaoru was lazy in the arms of Sun Wukong, his eyes full of tenderness.

“Āiyā! I didn’t expect my Kaoru to say this…” Sun Wukong snorted, but gently stroked the black hair of the beautiful hair.

“Here, the pressure that needs to be sustained is far stronger than the outside world. The ancients depend on the blood, but they are also sad because of the blood. This ancient holy mountain is the Sacred Land in the hearts of all the ancient people. In the year, there will be countless ethnic people who come here with their descendants, and look forward to the people who can have bloody tyranny. Every time there will be some surprises, but more, but endless disappointment. Even… Many people are discovering that the blood of their children and grandchildren can’t stand the blow and swear on the spot…” Kaoru’s beautiful and fascinating look at the brightly lit temple, the low voice, with deep bone marrow weakness. . Immediately, it was a soft smile: “If there is no such thing as you… I may be destined to resist the prosperous ancient mission and not enjoy the life that the ordinary girl should have…”

“Āiyā! Don’t say that! I will be embarrassed!” Sun Wukong suddenly looked “shy”.

Kaoru gave him a big white eye: “You guy, can’t you be serious? The atmosphere just now is gone…”

“Oh! Don’t think too much, you are my Sun Wukong woman! Just live happily, all the wind and rain, I am blocking you…”

Kaoru’s eyes flashed, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth! On the mountain peak, the two figures are leaning against each other, it seems so love!

The next day, early morning.

After eating breakfast.

In the room of Kaoru, watching is suspended in the air, emitting more than ten kinds of different fires of the high temperature of Terror. The surprised color of Kaoru’s face: “Goku, when did you get so many different fires?”

“Don’t forget, I am the owner of this world. I want to get a different fire. I can think of it! These fires are all reproduced by the power of this world. You are not refining. The fire, now, I will help you refine them all!”

“呃~~ refining…” Kaoru’s pretty face suddenly burst into a blush, which reminded her of the situation after the last refining of the fire, and her heart was inevitably a bit shy.

“cough cough ~~ Last time it was a pure accident… Now I am the owner of this world, refining the fire… It’s simple…”

“Let’s get started…” Kaoru blushes and nods. Now she is already a Sun Wukong person, and even if the last thing happened, there is nothing to worry about.

The mind was moved, and more than a dozen different fires suspended in the air were all combined together to form a colorful new fire. Immediately, the fire was directly injected into the body of the child.

A stock is like a tidal energy. With the help of Sun Wukong, the aroma is burned, and a little refining absorbs…

Along with the continuation of this refining, the body of the scented child, the hot and vindictive temperament gradually formed a perfect cycle in the body of the scented child, the endless energy of life, washing each body of the scented body over and over again. At the same time, her Ki is climbing up, and gradually, she has produced a noble and majestic above all living things…

This refining, there is no difficulty, as the owner of this world, everything in this world is in the hands of Sun Wukong, and the fire, naturally no to resist, easy to be amazed by the speed Refining!

As time went on, the heat of the berserk in the room gradually subsided, and the layers of the faint light of the light flashed layer by layer, slowly appearing around the aroma, and finally turned into a colorful egg. Wrap it in and wait for it to break out!

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