The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 194

“It’s better… If I won the first prize of the Danhui contest, give me a prize as a prize!” Sun Wukong watching Xinlan, a look of laughter. Purple research next to me, but I listened to the small mouth.

“Ah!~~” Xinlan’s entire face suddenly became red like a big red apple, and some did not know how to take care of it. This kind of girl’s feelings, but it is seen that Sun Wukong is a bit stunned. At this moment, he is no longer the first brother.

“don’t tell me This sister paper is interesting to me?”

Sun Wukong as the person of Canaan College, as the list of experts as nothing… a palm to blow the terror of the fallen heart disease! That is the strength of the gods, the strong strength, but many of the inner garden girls in the heart of the spring! Xinlan is no exception! For this domineering and powerful senior, she also has a good impression. Therefore, she suddenly called Sun Wukong for help, because in her opinion, there seems to be nothing in this world that can stop Sun Wukong! Sun Wukong at the moment, in the inner courtyard, has long been deified!

People who have a good impression in their own hearts suddenly make such a request. In the heart of Xinlan, it is inevitable that they will be flustered!

Watching the shy and overwhelmed Xin Lan, Sun Wukong shook his head faintly and smiled. “Okay, don’t tease you. Since you are also a student in the inner court, I will help you this time!”

“Really… Really?” Xin Lan suddenly looked happy and immediately hesitated: “That… that reward…”

“Just just made a joke, I don’t need anything, so I don’t need any compensation… When will Dan start?”

“It’s tomorrow!”

“Tomorrow? So fast?” Sun Wukong brows slightly wrinkled.

“Well… In fact, our family has found a foreign aid… But the condition of that person… is actually… As long as he wins the position of the elders and protects my position, I will marry him… …so…that…I just sneaked out…” Xinlan said, and embarrassed spit out the tongue.

“You cow!” Sun Wukong gave a thumbs up to Xinlan and smiled. “I didn’t expect someone to propose such a condition? Rest assured, Xinlan, go, go to Yejia, brother to help you cut. he!”

“Really?” Xin Lan’s eyes suddenly brightened. She had absolute confidence in the strength of Sun Wukong, but the elders of the inner court were far from the peerless strong person! When I thought of the fact that he had a big invisible fire in the palm of his hand, his heart could not help but beating.

“Let’s go!” Sun Wukong pulled up Xinlan’s hand and smiled.

For the first time, I was held by a small hand, and Xin Lan’s heartbeat accelerated. Not waiting for her reaction, I felt that the whole body was fluctuating, and the figure of the three people disappeared on the street. Caused horror and eyesight of countless people.

Watching In front of a huge city on a plain, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile: “Is it here? It’s spectacular!”

Around the city is a lush forest, with a avenue that spreads out of the forest and then extends to the end of sight.

“Ye…Yecheng?!” Watching the familiar scene in front of you, Xinlan was shocked, but after a few days, how was it just that time that’s all, suddenly appeared here? How can these methods not surprise her? However, thinking of Sun Wukong’s palm can eliminate the terror fire, and the heart immediately relieved, and at the same time, it is inextricably excited. If there is a Goku senior, what kind of Dan will be, is it not the slightest difficulty?

Ye Cheng, the master of this place, is the Ye family who once appeared in the Dan domain. However, today’s Ye family is no longer the glory of the year, but even so, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, this Yecheng In the middle, there is still no force to dare to challenge the authority of Ye Family.

Ye Jia, who is the master of this city, is the most central area in the city. Within a kilometer, it is the home of Yejia Manor. Ordinary people are forbidden to enter, and the defense is extraordinarily strict. This is only for ordinary strong people…

In Ye Jia’s Chamber of Defence, a Tsing Yi old man’s face was gloomy, and Xin Lan in front of the watch was a look of anger: “It’s really noisy! Do you still have a face to Ye Family?” Saying, it’s actually a slap Chaoxin Blue Fan The past.

“Pa!” Halfway, Sun Wukong grabbed the hand of the fan, and looked calm and calm: “I said the old man, such a delicate girl, you have to go?”

“Who are you?” The old woman’s facial expression changed slightly. Grasping his own hand was like a hoop. Rao was his strength, and he couldn’t struggle. The heartfelt shock, the facial expression became dignified. .

“Hey! You are not qualified to know my name…” Sun Wukong looks peaceful and calm. The most troublesome thing he has is the bastard who takes the happiness of his loved ones in exchange for family interests.

“Little people let go!”

Was scorned by Sun Wukong, the old man who had been angry recently was furious, and the palm of his hand slammed on the table, only to hear a bang, the hard table burst into a powder, and the sleeves were swung, behind him. The chair was brought up with a violent force, and flew away against Xiao Yan.

“I don’t know how to live!” Sun Wukong snorted, and the embroidered robe swung, and the flying chair instantly became nothingness, and the old man fell back like a heavy blow, then he slammed A huge column in the hall, broken wood, a red blood, sprayed out in the eyes of everyone.

“Garbage, if you don’t look at the face of Xinlan, I will kill you!” Looking at the old man, Sun Wukong looked disdainful.

Just waved, it made him seriously injured, but it was the people in the hall, all shocked!

“Four…four elders…” Xin Lanwatching has seriously injured the unconscious old man and made a stay. Things are too sudden, but it is only a moment, the four elders have been lying in the rubble, people do not know. Looking at Sun Wukong, there is a eager glimpse in the eyes. He still is so dominering with formidable!

“Xinlan, don’t you tell me who this adult is?” The first person in the hall, the Tsing Yi old man who had never spoken, was finally a slow opening, and he said quietly.

“He is the Goku senior, I came to help me with Ye Jia. If he is there, he must help Ye Jia once again enter the Danta elders…” Xin Lan hurriedly opened his mouth and his face was red with some excitement.

Listening to the words of Xinlan, the old man in Tsing Yi is also a glimpse, and immediately frowned and looked at Sun Wukong. Some disappointment in his eyes, such a young age… How could it be true that Xin Lan said that it is the savior of Ye Family? .

“How? Look down on me?”

The eyes of the Tsing Yi old man were seen by Sun Wukong, making Sun Wukong somewhat uncomfortable, and the Kir of terror was directly emitted…

“pēng pēng !”

In the hall, people suddenly feel that the mountains are crushing, and the facial expression is bleak. Even the old man in Tsing Yi is no exception! All face shocked, a look of shock! This Ki, too terror, is terrible! Small as an ant, a shudder from the soul, making them fear, life and death, seems to be all in one mind…

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