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Chapter 203, the turbulent Danjie

“You…” Cao Ying looked up and looked at Sun Wukong with a look of anger. He wanted to shout loudly. When he saw Sun Wukong smile, he suddenly stopped and hurriedly raised his right hand and said: “Stop… I surrender… I admit defeat…”

The scene was suddenly horrified and horrified, they have not figured out what the situation is! One face, the three people all lay on the ground, and then the girl who was called the demon girl, immediately surrendered with a flustered hand, this … what is the situation?

Cao Ying can take care of others, and pack up her mood. He glanced at Sun Wukong, and the facial expression fled the assessment point. The one just felt that it was too strong. It’s okay to go to her almost comfortably…

“Sun Wukong, right?… Hey… I won’t let you go like this…” At the same time as he left, Cao Ying glanced at Sun Wukong, and the facial expression still had a little blush, a moment, drowning in the crowd. in……

Watching Cao Ying who hurriedly left, Sun Wukong also had some surprises. He just didn’t want to use the power of the soul to attack Cao Ying that’s all, so he just swayed through her soul, but didn’t want to, the reaction of the other party was so strong.

No surprise, Sun Wukong once again achieved first! Although this first makes many people somewhat inexplicable…

Danta is located in the center of the inner city of Sundan. This area is the Sacred Land in the hearts of countless refiners. Because of the mixed flow of people in the city of Saint-Jean, the inner domain is now quite defensive and ready to cope with everything. Sudden changes.

The next morning, Sun Wukong and others went to the inner domain of Shengdan City, where it was the place where the Danhui contest was tested.

As soon as he entered the inner domain, Sun Wukong and others saw a black tower nearly 100 feet standing like a small mountain, giving a lofty sense of grandeur. The tip of the giant tower goes deep into the clouds, and at first glance, it is almost impossible to see the top, the clouds are lingering, and it looks unusual Mystic/mysterious…

“This is Danta? It’s so spectacular!” Ziyan raised his small head, and the delicate face was full of wonder. Yesterday, she visited a lot of treasures of Shengdancheng force, causing the commotion is not small, but because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, he is the master of this world, giving Ziyan a complete space talent, autonomous shuttle back and forth In the space, no one can find this little trick!

When a few people just came to the inner domain, they heard that an old man just announced the beginning of the test. This made the allergic leaves heavy and heavy.

Say goodbye to the Xinlan three, Sun Wukong came to the test venue. After seeing him, Dan Chen nodded shyly to him, and immediately blushes and bows his head.

However, Cao Ying was blind to him. She had always cultivated her very well. Somehow she saw Sun Wukong.

The first level, the soul illusion.

This level is as illusory as Sun Wukong, and there is no Ability to pull him into the illusion, ignoring the distorted space wrinkles in the void, all the way through the heavy illusion road card, immediately a huge distortion The black hole, not far from the front, is the space passage to the Dan world!

Before the passage, there was a fairly spacious open space. The space around the open space, twisting the can bear, was obviously a space stop for forcibly built by Danta strong person.

Sun Wukong is naturally the first person to come here.

An old man who was like an old man slowly opened his eyes and saw that someone came here so quickly. His eyes flashed a surprise color: “I didn’t expect someone to walk through the land of soul illusion so quickly. Extraordinary!”

“You are the second level of the examiner? What is this? Hurry!” Watching the old man, Sun Wukong said faintly, “This Danjie is not a place where you are alone. I think, you are still waiting for a while, It’s better to go with someone else!”

“I don’t have time to spend on this boring thing! I will tell me the subject of the assessment, and finish the work early…”

“Hey~~ The young man is anxious! Since you insist on this, there is no way!” The old man shook his head, took out a map and scroll, and handed a space stone to Sun Wukong: “This is a A task list, a map of Danjie and a space stone. The medicine list is the medicine you must look for in the Danjie. Only when the medicines on it are collected, can you pass this pass smoothly.”

Nodded, Sun Wukong made it through, and his body flashed directly into the space passage leading to Dan!

Here is a dense jungle, occasionally with a magic beast screaming out…

Here the space of nothingness suddenly squirmed, and then a figure flashed out of space.

Watching Dan Fang in the hands, Sun Wukong could not help but shake his head: “The task without challenge is really boring! Forget it, even if you want to send a time!” said, the body vacated, directly to the depths of the jungle Fly around.


Suddenly, a huge python with a dozen feet of lightning rushed out of the jungle, licking his blood, and squirted Sun Wukong, who flew in the sky.

However, it was swayed by Sun Wukong, and the wind slammed into the face. With a scream of screaming, the huge giant cockroaches directly crashed into the ground and splashed a huge hole!

Slowly descending, Sun Wukong took a purple grass from a crack in the stone and smiled lightly: “Climbing the grass to the hand…”

Deep in the jungle, watching the land at the foot of the foot, Sun Wukong thought of a move, the ground is like a spirit, even spread out on both sides, revealing a huge hole! In the hole, a white jade is revealed.

“The geocentric jade mother, which has nurtured the soul of the earth, this is a useless treasure, but it is useless to me… forget it, take it back to Ziyan!”

When the mind was moving, the jade was suddenly put away… became the master of this world, even if it was the genius treasure of the world, it became simple…

In order to pass the boring time, the power of Sun Wukong’s soul covered the whole world of Dan, and the Taobao treacherous for the turmoil of the mainland was presented in front of his eyes, and he was without any warning. Into the world of his own ring…

During this period, people with numerous assessments entered the Dan…

The quiet Danjie, with the influx of the crowd, became more and more lively.

Wanwan Mountain Range, from this name is can see the extraordinary mountain range, the mountains are like dragons, squatting, mountains and air, filled with thick fog, these fog is not a natural fog, but It is made up of rich energy.

However, here, the sound of the rolling beasts is full, and the snoring is filled with violent temper. In the air, there is a thick bloody Ki! A savage savage rushing into the sky, a peerless beast, trampling on the bodies of countless people, sweeping all the way!

“Which genius is it, offended the magic beast of terror?…”

The figures flickered, each with panic and fear, and fled!

However, the culprit main culprit is now in a clear stream, elated for barbecue…

Wanwan Mountain Range, looted by Sun Wukong, the long-lost treasure disappeared, making the owner of this mountain rise with endless anger… He came out from the mountains, swept all the way, and saw people kill…

In the other places in the Dan world, the killings are continuing… The riots of the magic beast continue to be staged…

An unintentional move created a murder…

“Who is it? Who stole my treasure medicine and rolled it out!” Rumbled and roared in the air, a dozens of high-spirited beasts in the thundering ground, and rushed out! Wherever it passes, the mountain cracks and the trees collapse!

“Damn! Who is in the end? Did you wake up this comet from the sleep?” I have been paying attention to the guardian of the Danhui test. At this moment, it is also a big change in the facial expression, Awaken, the peerless beast. Destined to the arrival of a robbery!

A small depression in the basin, there are nearly a hundred people in the basin at the moment, and Cao Ying and Dan Chen are among them. Just fled from the Wanwan Mountain Range, the joy of the rest of the life has not yet come to show, they were stopped by a black man, trapped in a soul barrier, isolated from the outside!

“Hello, what do you mean? Don’t tell me want to be able to shoot all of us here?” In the basin, nearly a hundred figures surrounded the black figure in the middle, while Cao Ying was a look of anger Staring at the black man.

When I had just fled from the Wan Yao Mountain Range, this person suddenly became in trouble. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen refining pharmacists buried in their hands. If she did not respond promptly, I am afraid that she would be stunned by her hands.

“Danta’s two little geniuses, hey hey ~~ This head is not weak, but presumably your soul will be very delicious… especially you…hey hey ~~~” surrounded by many people The black man’s face still has a strange smile on his face. Watching Dan Chen, but his face is coveted and adds his cracked lips.

“I don’t know who is your old predecessor? You killed me here, and I am not afraid of Danta?” Cao Yingmei stared at the man in black and suddenly came out.

“hey hey ~~~ Do you look like me like an old man? Hey hey ~~ and go… Danjie turmoil, it’s really helping me… You are not dead in my hands, but in the violent magic Beast’s mouth…” The black man’s face showed a strange smile, but the smile was the bottom of the heart.

“You are too big to be too big! We are so many people here, still afraid of you?” A young man screamed.

However, the expression on the black man’s face was more and more strange, and his body shape flashed, accompanied by a few screams of screams, more than a dozen bloody heads, brought a red blood column, directly steep straight.

The man in black added the blood on the black trowel, which looks like a devil! Here, people are all chilling!

Cao Ying’s facial expression suddenly became extremely dignified. The strength of this person is beyond imagination, not the enemy of their Ability!

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