The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 10 insta-kill

Chris’s foot is empty, his hair is flying at the formidable Ki that erupted from him, his body shape is much higher than before, and his skin has a crystal-like luster that makes people look at it. There is an inexplicable domineering and aesthetic! This is obviously the form that he showed after eating the eggs of the Zerg!

“As long as there is this egg of the Zerg, I will be invincible. Even if you are strong, there will always be fatigue… So, you are absolutely impossible to beat me!…” Reese, arrogant and arrogant, seems very proud and proud, thinking that with the eggs of the Zerg, it is already invincible.

“Hey~~ the frog at the bottom of the well, it’s really sad…” Watching the smug guy, Sun Wukong shook his head, sighed, and looked like this, but the angry Chris brows straight, the current roar, the attack The past: “Hey! It seems that you still don’t understand the meaning of it, then let me go to show you the facts! What is TRUE’s helpless and fear…”

“I don’t understand you!” Sun Wukong snorted and screamed and slammed out! The two once again blasted in the air! This time, Sun Wukong has no reservations and directly broke the full strength of Super One!

“Boom”, double fist collision, mountain stone burst, fists and feet intersect, broke out of the startling the heavens roar!

Sun Wukong, with full strength, is able to blow a planet with every punch and every foot! Continuous attacks, so that Chris can only passive defense, bombarded again and again fall back! This makes his facial expression very ugly. Sun Wukong’s strength, far beyond his estimation, and he has been overreaching before, this is simply a big insult to him!

“Boom ~ ~, Chris was once again kicked out, and the endless abyss emerged again! And this planet, unexpectedly huge, the same, is much stronger than other planets. If you change to Earth, I am afraid it will be nearing destruction!

Such a fierce and terror battle has already seen Cao Ying and other women in a daze! These battles have already surpassed their imagination, knowing that Sun Wukong is very strong, but they don’t know, even formidable has reached this point! A big planet, can only barely be the venue for the two people battle! What a shocking battle? Simply unimaginable!

“Damn! Damn! How can I lose! I will never lose! ahhh ah ~~~” Chris is crazy, and suddenly there are three sparkling and translucent worms in the hands! Zhang is about to eat it all at once, but his figure in front of him flashes instantly, and a whip leg directly blows him out! Sun Wukong grabbed the three eggs of the Zerg falling down in his hand, and said faintly: “I have already played enough! It will not give you any chance! So, you still have to die!”

In the hands of the lightsaber condensed, the body shape flashes, the blood sprays, a big good ‘human head’ stood straight, fell into the abyss below…

“Hateful!” It was just a head. At this time, I could still speak and look at her expression. It was full of resentment and remorse: “It seems that I am too naive…”

Chris’s headless body, the vitality quickly dissipated, the hands were unwilling to grasp, the body deflated quickly dissipated, and immediately the line of the kite, but also fell to the bottom of the endless abyss!

Sun Wukong slammed the Energy Wave, and Chris’s body blew under the light…

“That’s it… finished?!…” Cao Ying’s watchful moment, Chris, who had disappeared in an instant, was unfathomable, and before it was so fierce, how suddenly, it was insta-killed. ?

“So, Goku only needs to be serious, this kind of goods, only by the insta-kill…” Bulma doesn’t care. The opponent who killed this kind of goods has nothing to show off, because she knows that Sun Wukong’s strength is far more then!

“This guy…has to have a strong how… ah…you in the end, where did you find me such a perverted brother-in-law…if there weren’t so many women…they were perfect… …” Han Xue was in a daze, watching the huge screen, screaming out, the eyes flashing, I don’t know what to think.

“Wh… what brother-in-law…you don’t want to say…” Han Yue’s pretty face suddenly became red, and the eyes looked at the blind and other women, and they didn’t react to them. They couldn’t help but feel relieved, inexplicable, and so little. Joy.

“Sister Sister, Goku’s strength is more then this, isn’t it?” Kaoru seemed to think of something, and asked the nephew next to him: “You all said that this is just a superform of Goku, then, I Can you think that there is Super 2, Super Saiyan 3 form?”

“You are smart!” The nephew smiled and said: “As you think, Goku has a total of five body transformations. Each time the body transformation, the strength increases by about 50 times to 100 times. …now you know exactly what kind of existence Goku is?”

“No… isn’t it?!…” Han Yue and other women were shocked and stunned. Acceleration of the heartbeat, can’t believe it, five times of transformation? Every time the transformation is increasing 50 to 100 is the strength, this … super one is so terror… think of Super Super Saiyan 3 … they are afraid to think about it… hard to believe, this world On, there is such a strong person…

“Is that Goku brother is not the strongest presence in the world?” Purple research at this moment, bright eyes, the figure in the watching screen, is already a blind worship.

“This is not… Listen to Goku… There is a stronger presence on him…”

“There is a stronger existence?!” Han Yue and other women are all at ease, this super one form is such a terror, then what is the realm behind it! Destroying the universe, it seems that it is not a hole in the wind…

“This is really a metamorphosis of the world…” Later, a few women only left this amazing!

Ki converged, Sun Wukong once again returned to the ordinary form, his body flashed, appeared in front of the humanoid butterfly living beings, faint smile: “Now, your enemy has been completely wiped out by me, then , should you give me the Dragon Ball?”

“Ah! Oh!~ Good… good…” The little guy hurriedly solved the Dragon Ball at the top of the head. His hands were covered and his expression was very excited. He could only describe it with gratitude: “Thank you… thank you… Not only did you avenge us… but also guarded our planet… I really appreciate you… As a thank you, please take a trip with me! I have thing to give you…”

Sun Wukong took over the Dragon Ball and heard that there was a thank-you, and immediately came to the interest: “Oh! What is the thing?”

“You know when you come with me…” The little guy is a Mystic/mysterious smile, walking in front of the road.

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