The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 16: Six-star Ball

“Fast! Everyone is flying into the air!” The color scales immediately sighed and sighed.

All the girls know, they are the Sky-dance Art taught by Sun Wukong, floating above the sky! No longer affected by the earthquake.

And this violent earthquake, come quickly, go fast!

“I didn’t expect that the earthquake on this planet was so fierce…” Saya raised his glasses and said with amazement, the earthquake just happened, compared with the 12-class earthquake! But time is too short!

“Look at you! There is a village over there!” Xiao Yu pointed to a village in the distance.

Bulma looked at the Dragon Ball radar and said: “Dragon Ball’s reaction is in the village. Let’s take a look!”

The group once again landed on the ground and walked towards the village not far away…

Just entering the village, I heard a very arrogant voice coming into the ears of everyone: “How? I know that I am amazing! If you don’t give me the bride, I will use my superpower again to make it more intense. Earthquake, destroy all your villages… Maz…”

“Great big … fish? Walrus?” All the way forward, everyone suddenly appeared in the eyes of a huge living beings like walrus, covered in fat abscess, back shark’s fin, short and fat fish tail, both funny and ridiculous.

“Well? That thing… seems to be called Zemao? Did it come to the planet? It seems that some planets flying to Dragon Ball are the same as in original work!” Sun Wukong said after a sentence It is awkward. But what is the specific content of the thing, but he forgot. After all, the kind, who will deliberately remember!

“Look, you see, isn’t the Six-star Ball hanging on the girl’s neck?” Kaoru pointed to the Dragon Ball hanging from the neck of a woman wearing a wedding dress.

And next to the girl, it was full of people, and its appearance was almost exactly the same as human beings, that is, the ears were slightly pointed.

The scene is obviously like a wedding celebration, but there is no such thing as a festive celebration. Everyone is sad.

“It’s really…” All the girls were overjoyed and ran over!

With so many beautiful women coming together, it is obviously attracting the attention of others! I have seen it over here! Between momentarily, the group of people are stunned, all outstanding, glamorous, the figure, but also full of charm, such a beautiful, they have seen, for a moment, are shocked to heaven!

And that huge walrus-like living beings, but already obsessed with red hearts, looked obsessed: “Well… so cute girls! I didn’t expect that there are so many beautiful women in your village! I don’t care. You all want to be my bride! Otherwise I will make an earthquake, let the volcano erupt, drown your village…”

“No… no… Zinamar, they are not people in our village… You can’t do this… I am married to you… please let them go!” The woman wearing a wedding dress immediately The face is pleading.

“Hey! I don’t want you, I want them…” The strange fish named Zinama? I turned my head off and ignored the woman. Instead, I looked at the girls with a happy face: “You are coming to marry me!”

“Married to you?” All the girls were stunned, and they were all full of anger. The color scales are even more crisp. I haven’t waited for Sun Wukong to take the shot. She is in a flash of shape, and her hands are rushing out, hitting Zinna’s head with a fist…

“嘭~~”, the huge body of Zinama was flew out by the colorful scales, and fell to the ground, taking the Venus! The mouth is still angry with the screaming: “Damn… I am mad, I want to make a big earthquake… I want the volcano to erupt…”

“The eruption of your sister!” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and his foot flew down, bombarded on the fat belly of Zinama, ‘嘭’, its huge obese body, directly by this A foot slammed into the ground and fell deep into it…

“MD, Laozi’s sister paper, you dare to think about it, it’s really looking for death!” Sun Wukong screamed and slammed again and again, and it was a bang, the ground shook, accompanied by Zinna. The screams…

Sudden changes made the villagers burst into a daze. They thought that the horrible Zinama was actually pushed by a child on the ground. This… This shocking scene will not be a dream?

“Don’t… don’t fight… I know it’s wrong… I don’t dare anymore… I surrender… I admit it… I’m sorry…” It was slammed by Sun Wukong, and Zinna could still stand up. In the face of Sun Wukong, he whispered for mercy, the stars in his eyes sparkled, and the poor image of his face still knows how to be pitiful!

“This guy is quite resistant!” Sun Wukong praised him and stopped. He also knew that this guy is not a big evil in the original work. Therefore, there is no killer. .

“Don’t you want a bride?” Sun Wukong faintly watched him, said.

“No… No… Don’t… I just had a little joke… It was a joke… In fact, I can’t control the earthquake…just prediction the strength of the earthquake and the arrival of that’s all…”

“What?!” The villagers were shocked. So, have they been cheated before?

“Not good! The earthquake is coming again… and it’s going to be more fierce than before… Even the volcano is erupting… It’s finished…” The fascinating facial expression suddenly changed and screamed.

“Booming ~~~”

As the sound fell, suddenly, the earth shook violently… For a moment, the people turned their backs, and the girls had their previous experience and flew into the air, free from disasters.

The volcano in the distance also erupted at this moment, and the hot magma ran down slowly at the crater…

“Not good… In this way… our village will be destroyed…” The villagers were shocked.

“I can solve this disaster for you, but the opposite, the ‘glass’ ball that you hung in front of you will be given to me!” Sun Wukong looked at the woman, a touch of the road.

“Can…can…as long as you can solve this disaster…you can do anything…” The woman agreed not to want to.

“Xuner! It’s up to you!” Sun Wukong looked at the smoker next to him and smiled.

“I? Ok!” Kaoru squatted, and then nodded and turned and flew toward the crater…

The mind was moving, a small red figure appeared on her shoulder, but the palm was big, small and cute, beautiful and moving. She is the spirit of the fire that was born after the scented refining of all the different fires! Can said that the scent of the moment is the fire of the supreme! Everything in the world is controlled by her!

“Little red, rely on you!” Watching the crater below, Kaoru smiled.

“No problem!” Xiao Hong smirked and leaped down. Like the crater, the whole body exudes a fascinating red awn. If the sacred person is in the world, the erupting volcano seems to be spiritual. It gradually subsided, and the magma that spewed out of it, and the good things have life, and turned back, for a moment, has returned to normal!

“Get it!” Xiao Hong flew out and stayed on the scented shoulder of Kaoru, and smiled.

“Working hard!” Kaoru smiled a little, licked her little head and flew back to Sun Wukong and others!

“Things are solved! Give that thing to me!” Sun Wukong watching the woman, smiled.

“Good…good…” The woman hurriedly untied Dragon Ball and handed it to Sun Wukong.

“Six-star Ball is also here…” Sun Wukong smiled and refused the invitation from the villagers, released spacecraft, flew off the planet, and set foot on the journey to find the Seven Dragon Ball.

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