The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40 is only once

The terrible power, the eyes of the Lord of this world flashed in the eyes, watching the Yuan, and more rare shocked color: “Just broken, actually have such strength?”

After that, the killing of the eyes appeared, and the strength of the Yuan’s destruction has already made him feel jealous. Less than one percent of the strength actually has such terrible powers. These exist, for him, Has caused a threat, and when it is weak, it will kill!

Just like when he treated Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong’s growth rate obviously caught his attention. He even captured the God spirit tablet and became a landlord. This existence will affect his status sooner or later. Therefore, he A shot, it is no mercy!

The Lord of this world, floating in the void, the whole body is shining! A strong fearful aura filled the universe, only to see him pointing out, a terrible god shines down! Sprinkle on the magical power of the annihilation of the Yuan, so that the terrible magic is extremely annihilation!

The Yuan is shocked and the brow is wrinkled. This is the world of the Lord of this world. He controls everything and kills him. He can make life, evolve vitality, and take charge of reincarnation and life and death. Even, erase everything that he denied!

“Damn! If my strength is not restored, I will be afraid of the power of this rule!” Yuan screamed angry and hurriedly pulled back! He clearly felt the TRUE killing of the Lord of this world, and suddenly retired! My own strength is not restored, some terrible means can not be made, here is the other side of the world, the battle is very bad!

The Lord of this world seems to see the thoughts of the Yuan annihilation, a look of indifference: “Want to escape? Is it possible?”

I saw him with a light hand, the glory of the gods, above the void, released a chain of order and chain, intertwined in the shuttle back and forth, formed a piece of law to build a network of heaven and earth, gather together, will destroy Stay tight in it!

“Oh! It’s ridiculous! Do you think you just want to trap me on this way? If that’s the case, I won’t call Dimension evil!”

Yuan destroyed coldly snorted, the magical gas in his hand soared, forming a black hole in front of his body directly, flashing into the body, did not enter it, the sound of the mighty, echoing the sky above the sky: “The Lord of this world, you remember me Now, when I am full of strength, I will come back with you! Haha~~~” The black hole flashed away!

The brow of the main brow in this world is very surprised: “I didn’t expect the power of my rules to be trapped in him…don’t tell me his Dimension, still above me? Is this possible? ……”

Surprised, the Lord of this world snorted again and turned to look into the distance: “The life is quite big! Is it still dead?”

In the space crack to shatter, Sun Wukong’s arm broke, the foot was broken, the whole body was black, and Ki was extremely weak! The body is almost collapsed!

Watching the figure in the void, Sun Wukong’s eyes are indifferent, cold and killing is coming out! The terrible thunder of God, almost destroyed him! At the moment, he hates heaven!

“Damn! It seems that my strength is not enough!” Sun Wukong sighed, and want to get stronger, more powerful! I looked at the Lord of the world and looked at it. A colorful light door appeared in front of him, and he disappeared into it!

“Hey! If you let me escape in front of me, what about my face?”

The Lord of this world snorted, he first shot Sun Wukong, and the two have long since died! Naturally will not let Sun Wukong leave! This terrible time bomb, he is also not allowed to leave! Because he clearly understands the terrible things of Sun Wukong, the amazing growth rate, even he feels shocked! Can said that the existence of Sun Wukong is greater than the threat of the Yuan Wu!

I saw his arrogant power in his hands, unpredictable, a palm of anger, and the space was destroyed, the universe collapsed! In the bang, in an instant, bombardment is on the door of Dimension that is about to disappear!


Rumble back to the sound of the void, this side of the world under the impact of this terror, instantly collapsed! And the door of Dimension, under the terrible light wave, suddenly burst into blast, a scream came out from it, blood splattered out!

The universe is instantly cracked and the space is destroyed! However, a strange wave of volatility emerged from the hands of the Lord of Dimension, the collapsed universe instantly stood still, and the instant light reversed, everything in the universe, once again returning to the beginning!

When the door of the Dimension collapses, the main brow of this world is slightly wrinkled, and the figure slowly disappears. The whispering whistle is floating in this side of the void: “That is… the power of Dimension… It seems… Things are not over yet…”

Dimension channel, sparkling light, lightning interweaving, endless space, fast to fall back!

Sun Wukong floats in the channel, bloody, half body is almost destroyed, bloody and fuzzy!

In the terrible final blow of the Lord of this world, he survived fortunately! However, he was also seriously injured and died! The terrible rule of destruction in the Energy of Destruction is his body, and there has been no unfavorable undead body, and it has lost its usefulness at this moment! Because of the power of the rule of Dimension, it is no longer the desire of District Shenron to resolve!

“MD! I didn’t expect that the leader of the Dragon Ball world was so terrible! It was not an enemy at all! Fortunately, the door of this Dimension is still… otherwise the trouble can be big!”

Take out a senzu bean plug in the entrance… but the injury has not healed, just played a solid role! This made Sun Wukong frown at the moment! Open the eyes of God, even the healing of your own light has become inaudible!

If he does not remove the residual rule in his body, his injury may not be able to improve in a short time!

“Damn! Is this the horrible rule of the higher? It seems that it can only be offset by the force of my own rules…”

“hey hey ~~Sun Wukong, find you…” However, at this time, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared in this Dimension channel. Seeing people coming, Sun Wukong’s facial expression has changed dramatically: “Yuan is off?! How come you are here?”…

“I am the evil of Dimension, naturally free shuttle back and forth in the various Dimension planes…” In the channel of the arrogant arrogance, he looked at Sun Wukong, but hey hey smiled: “But…you This guy seems to be very hurt! Then, give me the power of Dimension left in your body! Maybe! I can think about letting you go…”

“The power of Dimension? You are talking about the thing that allows me to open the door of Dimension?” Sun Wukong watching is extinct, and the face is dignified.

“That is that… that is the magical power that has been preserved by the god of my Dimension… As long as I absorb that power, the strength will be restored in most of an instant!” Yuan is not evasive, faint.

“Oh… even the gods of Dimension are pulled out? It’s getting more and more interesting… but…can let you care so much….Do you think I will give it to you?” Sun Wukong looks at the watch Yuan annihilation.

“Hey! In front of me, you have no right to refuse!” Yuan Ming looked proud, his eyes filled with disdain, Sun Wukong of flourishing prime condition, he was not in the eyes, not to mention the serious injury at this time The body?

“This kind of look is really troublesome! Think of me Sun Wukong, hundreds of big battles, never lost! I didn’t expect this loss to be so bad! But, this time only!…farewell/goodbye… The next time you are farewell/goodbye…everyone, the Lord of Still Dimension, I will destroy it!”

Sun Wukong talks, the whole body shines a terrible colorful light, terror’s wave spread, this Dimension channel is like a mirror in the sound of kā kā, to shatter open…

Yuan-destroyed facial expression: “Dimension is shattered?! This is the power of Dimension… Damn… Do you want to destroy this space? You are a madman…” In the roar, this side Dimension channel! In an instant, it was shattered, the terrible storm swept, and Sun Wukong and Yuan Wu were simultaneously drowned in the endless stream of space… This space, ultimately, was attributed to nothingness!

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