The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 18, Angel

Sun Wukong and others shared the time of about five days and finally came to Planet Yardrat. Planet Yardrat is much more beautiful than Sun Wukong’s previous outer planet, but there is still a little difference compared to Earth. The gravity here is four or five times that of Earth, so only Sun Wukong can walk freely on this planet, and the nephew and other women only stay in the world ring.

Walking all the way, Sun Wukong looked around curiously. He is now in a forest where trees and flowers have never been seen before.

“Hey? The fruit on the tree is a bit like an apple! But is this too big? And the red is like a fire.” Suddenly, Sun Wukong saw the fruit of a fruit tree that was two people taller. After a curious walk, I reached out and picked up one. When I smelled it, I would bite it down: “I don’t know if I can eat it!”

“Ah~~ Help!!” Suddenly, a young girl’s cry for help came from the depths of the forest. Then there was the roar of a beast. Sun Wukong turned around and saw that there were several big trees crashing down not far away, and a one-horned behemoth with two wings.

“Well? This monster is angry, at least there is a combat power-level around 20,000. It seems that this planet is really not easy!” Sun Wukong small was surprised, his body flashed and appeared directly in front of the monster. . At this time, the behemoth just stretched out his claws and shot at a delicate girl…

“You are going to be a hot flower!” Sun Wukong flashed his body and kicked the behemoth out of the way. He knocked down several big trees along the way and stopped when he knocked down a small hill. After a few squats, the wing was weakly fanned twice, and the gravel that was collapsed was buried alive.

“Hey, are you okay?” Sun Wukong carefully looked at the petite girl’s paper in front of him. It looked quite polite, but only 1 meters 5 height, a pair of Loli!

“I didn’t expect Yardratian to be as good as humans! Well, but this sister paper is really eye-catching!” Sun Wukong touched his chin and looked at his sister’s paper.

“Good… great…” The big breasts Loli looked at Sun Wukong with amazement, then woke up and said, “Thank you… thank you for saving me, my name is Angel, don’t you know that the benefactor is?” Shy watching Sun Wukong.

“Oh, my name, my name is Sun Wukong. It’s from Earth. Well, in your opinion, I am an alien!”

“What? You are an alien? Where is Earth? The aliens are almost the same as us!” Angel curiously watched Sun Wukong, surprised.

“From Earth to here, at least twenty days, but your long image is quite amazing. There are many planets in the universe, but there are very few races that are similar to humans!”

“Is that the case? I want to go to other planets to see!” Angel looked forward to the road.

Sun Wukong smiled and said: “If there is a chance, I will be able to take you to see and see!”

“Really? You don’t lie to me?” Angel’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he was excited to watch Sun Wukong.

“What’s the matter, I am also traveling in the universe, and it’s nothing to bring with you! But what do you do with a girl in such a dangerous place?”

“Because my father was injured when hunting, I came here to find a herb called Jade Star Grass! But the monsters here are really much better! It seems that I can’t find the Jade Grass!” Angel looked depressed The way.

“Jade Star Grass, what looks like? I will accompany you to find it!”

“Hey? Really?” Angell looked at the gravel mountain not far away, and said with a happy face: “You are so powerful, if you have your help, I will find the Jade Star Grass!”

“Then, do you know where the green grass is?”

Angel pointed to the front: “I heard the village names say that the emerald grass grows on the cliff not far away, but there is a nest of fearful birds, it is difficult to get close!”

“Since we know the place, let’s set off it!”

“Do you really want to go? The ostrich is very ferocious, and still is a group, very dangerous!” At this time, it was Angel’s hesitation.

“Nothing, small beast, I don’t look at it, let’s go!” Say, Sun Wukong took Angel’s hand and walked toward the depths of the forest…

Along the way, Sun Wukong encountered a lot of vicious monsters, all of which were insta-kill by Sun Wukong. Now Angel looks at Sun Wukong’s eyes and there is a star of worship! Even if the monsters are the first warriors in their family, they have to work hard to kill them. In front of Sun Wukong, it is like a toy. Can this be called Angel’s worship of the girl in the spring?

Along the way, it took twenty minutes to finally come to a cliff. The so-called phoenix bird, in fact, looks like a pterosaur, but it is three or four times as large as the pterosaur, wrinkled skin, and the pointed mouth is covered with tiny sharp teeth, which looks both disgusting and Fierce.

“Goku brother, you see, Jade Star Grass!” Angel pointed at the excitement of a cliff face.

“You are here waiting for me, I will come and go.” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and it appeared on the cliff of the cypress grass. He reached out and picked it up. He carefully looked it up: ” Is this the Jade Star Grass? This flower really looks like a star!”

“Europe ~~”

“Goku brother, be careful!”

Suddenly, a timid bird flew toward Sun Wukong, and the pointed long mouth slammed directly into Sun Wukong’s eyes… and not far from Sun Wukong, there was a nest of fearful birds. There are also a few timid ostriches that are hairless.

Watching the three little horror ostriches, Sun Wukong frowned and directly hit the horror bird that attacked him and slammed into the wall. Quiet a while didn’t get up.

“Look at the little timid ostrich, you will spare your life!” Saying, Sun Wukong just left here, but did not want to, the screaming of the ostrich, but attracted countless fears Birds, hundreds of fearful ostriches are simulaneously besieged toward Sun Wukong…

“Goku brother, be careful!” Angel in the distance yelled with concern.

“Cut! It’s really trouble!” Sun Wukong put the Jade Stars into the world ring, then shouted, a formidable gas rushed toward all directions, and the surrounding phoenixes were shocked and dropped. Under the cliff.

“Well… it’s amazing! I’m afraid even Zhamu’s brother is not the opponent of Goku’s brother?” Angel Watching Sun Wukong’s figure is already a little star of worship.

Sun Wukong stunned and came to Angel’s side and took out the Jade Star Grass and handed it to her: “Give, this is the Jade Star Grass! Receive it, where is your home? I will send you back!”

“This direction…”

Sun Wukong nodded and picked up Angel, vacated and flew in the direction she pointed…

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