The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 5 Punishment

“For the disobedient sister paper… What kind of punishment should I apply?”

At the moment, Sun Wukong, with a smirk, the size of his life in his arms is like two little sheep, how they struggle, and can not break away from Sun Wukong’s iron-like arm!

What is even more shocking to them is that they have lost control of internal forces, as if their internal forces were banned by foreign objects, not listening to their calls.

“What did you do to us?” The big man didn’t look so smooth and calm, coldly staring at Sun Wukong, but the fluster of his heart was not shown on her face.

It’s still a little life, still, so calm, like water, no panic, purple eyes stained with faint sorrow, just watching Sun Wukong like this, actually made him feel like a big pear!

“The watch takes this look watching brother! Brother is embarrassed to start with you!”

Less commander silently, still watching Sun Wukong, not seeing the slightest emotional fluctuations!

“hum hum! Brother is not soft! Who told you to kill me!” Sun Wukong is not looking at the eyes with the younger brother, that look, he can not afford to hurt!

“I clearly have a six-soul curse on you, why are you okay?” Da Shi Ming looked at Sun Wukong, his eyes were cold, but in his tone, he seemed to be confused! She is very confident about her own means, but why is the other party not doing anything? Even if the other party can unlock his own curse, but in such a short time, is it possible? Don’t tell me Really lost yourself?

“Hey! District curse, can bear me! Tell you, brother is a poisonous body, the horse is poisonous, the god horse curse, all ineffective against the brother!” Sun Wukong is very stinky Secretary. In fact, what he said is not wrong. With his god, what is poisonous and cursive is not the slightest effect!

The six souls of the curse had just entered the body of Sun Wukong, and it was wiped out by his cells! Although he is still injured, but if he is hurt by this means, he simply finds a piece of tofu and forgets it!

“Is there still such a physique in the world?” Da Shi Mingxin thought it was true. After he was surprised, the hair was lightly supported by the front hair. He was very tempted: “Since you are fine! Then, let us know how? You are not saying, just Is it to discuss with us?”

“hey hey ~~ want to be beautiful!” Sun Wukong grinned, holding two women, and his body flashed, it appeared on a roof, gently put down two women, but hey hey smiled: “There is no one here, it is a good place to do bad things!”

“You…what do you want to do?” The sky is not afraid of the size of the commander. At this moment, the facial expression is also slightly changed. When I think of the terrible possibility, my heart is raised with a touch of fear. The big command is fat expression. Wukong looked, coldly said: “If you dare to move us a little! No matter the end of the earth! I will kill it!”

“Āiyā! You dare threaten brother! Brother to see how to treat you!” Sun Wukong inside the squat body, hey hey straight smile, a pair of clutches Siming towards big stretched past, scared of the School of Naturalists expert facial expression drastic change Cold and arrogant temperament, adding a flustered girl should have: “You are a disciple, give me go away!!”

Sun Wukong ignored her drinking, and twice, she took off her shoes and revealed her white feet. Now she is even more furious, but unfortunately, she does not know what means Sun Wukong has applied to them, making them weak and unable to move!

A little commander on the side wants help, but also has powerlessness.

Holding a big foot of the big commander, Sun Wukong smiled and said: “Do you know? I have always been very curious. Why do you guys in the Yin and Yang family always put on such a cold and ruthless face, don’t tell me? Do you know how to laugh? Let me confirm today, will you laugh at the end?”

Said, directly to the big brother’s foot scorpion grabbed the past…

The big eyebrows of the big division frowned a little, and looked at Sun Wukong: “You don’t fall into my hands… otherwise I will want you to die… unless you kill me…”

“Āiyā! Really don’t laugh? I don’t believe it either…” Sun Wukong directly ignored the big commander, grabbed the room, and sent a trace of ‘qi’ into the sole of the foot of the big man, when itchy, itching The sense of the moment is a hundred times strong…

“Oh…” The big commander snorted and almost couldn’t help but laugh out loud! I hurriedly held my heart and tried my best, and my sly face was slightly reddened!

“I see when you can bear it!” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled and turned to look at the past with a small commander. The latter actually shook his head and shook his head.

“hum hum! It is useless to ask for mercy! Who told you to kill me! I have not killed you. I am very worthy of you. This punishment is a must!” During the talk, Sun Wukong shook his head in the lesser life. Take off her shoes…

Watching the white, crystal-like jade feet, Sun Wukong was not praised by tut tut, and immediately shook his head with great force: “But! Brother is not a foot fetish, feeling a hair!” The foot of the life slammed up on it… The constant cheeks of the year have finally surfaced, and the blush…

However, it didn’t take long for a lot of sounds of the stomach and the friction of the stomach to rise and fall, and a large number of Qin army would surround the group here!

A general riding on a horse shouted at Sun Wukong on the roof: “The people above gave me a listen, and immediately put the two adults out, otherwise it would be an enemy of my Daqin Empire! We will be all over the country, leaving you nowhere to hide…”

“Hey! It’s coming! It seems that I haven’t played!” Sun Wukong put down two women. Under the glare of the two women, they kissed each other on their cheeks. Hey hey smiled and said: “This is even Punishment for you… We have a farewell/goodbye!” Speaking, the figure is flashing above the sky, and it is easy to wave, and a wave of Buddha is above the body of the size. The ban on the two women was immediately lifted. At the same moment, the two women’s hands were smothered and smothered, and the unrelenting Sun Wukong blasted over the sky…

“Haha! My name is Sun Wukong! Two people have to remember!” In the laughter, the figure flashed, and it was empty…

The group of Qin soldiers below all looked at their eyes: “That… that person… will fly?…I am not mistaken?”

“Yes… it will fly… We all saw it…”

“don’t tell me is… god? I heard that only to have god can’t fly…”

“Don’t pull it… I think that person is just practicing the light to the realm of the gods…”

“So?? It’s amazing…”

“Guarding the law adults…” The general came to the side of the size of the commander, holding the fist.

“Shut up! Whoever wants to say things out today… kill innocent!”

At this moment, the big commander, the eyes are cold and terrible! Strong killing, cut is to let those Qin soldiers dare not look straight! Have to stay away from this terrible female Shura!

“Sun Wukong? I will see you next time! I must ask you to survive, you can’t die!” The big commander is almost gnash one’s teeth looking at the figure that disappeared at the end of the line of sight, with an extremely dangerous light shining in his eyes.

Less commander is also looking at the sky, his eyes flashing, I don’t know what to think…

For a moment, those Qin soldiers did not dare to come out, the atmosphere here is still terrible…

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