The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 10 God of Dimension

The white clouds rushed toward the side… Tianming pointed to the desert below, and was very surprised: “Look, it’s the sand boat before, run fast!”

“I didn’t expect to catch up with them so soon… The speed of Xiao Xiao is really amazing!” Shao Yu watched the sand boat underneath, and looked amazed.

Sun Wukong sat on the side and ignored the Tianming and Shaoyu. Instead, he closed his eyes and operated his own rules. He erased the power of the rules left by the Lord in this world! At the same time, I am also aware of the power of the higher rules! Improve your own rules.

Although the remaining rules of destruction in his body brought him endless trouble, even the injury can not be cured, but at the same time bring some harm, but also some benefits!

The reason why he can restore the body of the adult at this moment is also the power of the rule that the Lord of this world has left in his body!

The masters of Dragon Ball world, what they have mastered, are the highest rules in the world! Therefore, Can easily breaks Shenron’s willingness to invalidate Sun Wukong’s undead body. Naturally, the smaller willingness is also shattered by the rule of the world’s rule, invalidating, so Sun Wukong reverts to the original Looks like it!

Light and radiant, Sun Wukong sits on the back of the little scorpion. His body is sparkling and translucent like a blood diamond. It flows a mysterious force, exudes a strange rune, and a hidden fearful aura. However, it was a few people who had a little bit of silence. The appearance of watching Sun Wukong at the moment was a surprise.

“What is he doing?” Tianming watching Sun Wukong, very curious.

“Don’t be noisy! Quiet!” Shao Yu immediately made a quiet gesture, but looked at Xiaoli.

Xiao Li watches Sun Wukong, a calm face: “I think he should be healing! Don’t bother him!”

“Goku’s big brother is hurt? I didn’t see it at all?” Shao Yu looked surprised.

Xiaoli nodded faintly: “When I first met him, I was hurt and thought he was going to die soon…”

“Is it full of injuries?” Tianming and Shaoyu watching Sun Wukong, unlike! It’s not a lot of people who have been seriously injured before recalling.

“It seems that the stranger has its own uniqueness…” Shao Yu felt that one of the three people was silently watching Sun Wukong, watching the magical scene of his body…

At the moment, Sun Wukong’s body is covered with various Mystic/mysterious rules. The blood seems to be shining, the bones roaring, and it looks like it is Aura!

The law is shattered, but it is immediately revived, sitting there, using various laws to erase the terrible rules of the body, and at the same time, to protect the flesh.

“This way, is it really not critical? He… his skin is cracked, ah… this… this is too dangerous…” Tianming suddenly screamed out, but it was blocked by Shaoyu. With a mouth open, he gave him a look: “Shut up, do you want to kill Goku Big Brother?…”

Tianming knew that he was losing money, nodded his head and blocked his mouth with his hands. He didn’t dare to scream.

In fact, it is their own care, Sun Wukong will not hesitate if he is afraid of interruption! With his strength, with the strength of several people, it is impossible to shake him outside!

Sun Wukong eyes closed, sitting there, his body trembled, formidable like his body has this reaction, can imagine what kind of pain! The face of Xiaoli’s three faces is a nervous color…


With a soft bang, Sun Wukong’s shoulders blew open, and a group of blood flowers bloomed, very beautiful. Xiaoli Eyes miniature, nervous fist clenched! This scene seems to be more serious than the last time… but she can’t do anything… can only watch like this…

Qi Qingguang rose from the cracked wound, and disappeared in a moment, and the cracked flesh disappeared between the smoke. In a moment, it was completely healed, even a little scar did not stay. under!

This kind of scene, Xiaoli is not the first time to see, but it is nothing, but Tianming and Shaoyu are surprised and wide-eyed!

“Small 貅貅…landing…” Suddenly, a voice rang, and I turned to look at Sun Wukong, and immediately made a sound of a dragon screaming and darting down to the bottom…

Just flying off the ground, Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, it was located on the yellow sand, the faint sound, but it was introduced into the ears of Xiaoli: “You are far away…”

Although I don’t know what happened, 貔貅still carried Xiaoli three people, flew down in the desert in the distance, and landed down…

“Goku’s big brother won’t have anything to do?” Shaoyu watched the red-winged figure in the distance, and there was a worrying color on his face. If there was nothing, Sun Wukong would open them.

“Let’s take a look at it!” Xiaoli’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, but the bright eyes are a glimpse of the distant figure. Among them, the hidden flashes are worried…

At this moment, Sun Wukong is in danger of exploding, and some of the tendons are like dragons and snakes, protruding from the surface and will break.


It is the same for his bones, it is about to be broken, and the sound is ringing and blazing in the body. The intricate rules of the rune are shattered and regenerated, regenerated and shattered… in a terrible cycle…

The blue smoke rose from his body, and in his body, it was a mist…

However, in front of Sun Wukong, it is another scene!

“Who are you?” Colorful space, Sun Wukong watching The handsome, unspeakable man in front of his eyes, his brows are slightly wrinkled, when is there such a person in his body? I didn’t know it.

Just now, he clearly used his own rules to counteract the terrible high rules in his body. However, the force of Dimension in his body that has never been shaken suddenly burst into color and wrapped his consciousness into a colorful light. In the middle, when you open your eyes, it is the scene in front of you.

“Oh ~ don’t have to be nervous…” Junyi’s man smiled slightly, and he exuded a feeling of intimacy: “Take your blessing… I just woke up with you…”

“Well?…you are…the power of Dimension?” Sun Wukong seems to think of something, some amazingly watching people in front of him.

“Oh! To be exact, it should be the god of Dimension!” The youth is smiling and between the hands and feet, it is so airy and free.

“The god of Dimension?” Sun Wukong suddenly looked surprised: “You guy, don’t tell me still not dead?”

“Sun Wukong, you are a bit rude to say this!” The god of Dimension looked at Sun Wukong with a smile.

“Ah! Sorry!” Sun Wukong is a hey hey smile.

“But, you are right! I am no longer there! But it is not dead… In order to seal the evil of Dimension, I have exhausted all my strength… As the god of Dimension, as long as there is the existence of Dimension world I will not die of TRUE… Unfortunately… my real body has been destroyed, and it is not a matter of time to restore my original strength…”

“So… Sun Wukong… I want to ask you… to destroy the broken Dimension for me… because looking at the whole Dimension universe… for you… this is also the first… I chose yours reason……”

“Hey? Is it your choice? I am not right! How does the yuan destroy him is the one he chose?…”

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