The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 20 Instantaneous Movement

In a huge crater, Sun Wukong watching the young man lying under the diamond footprints, could not help but sigh: “They are trampled on the ground and not adult, this person is still alive, the vitality is really tenacious. !”

As I said, this person’s body suddenly emits a strong light, and the light splits into two, and it turns into two people!

Sun Wukong’s look of surprise: “Isn’t this a fusion technique?” After thinking about it, two senzu beans were fed to the mouths of the two: “Come on, or you have to hang.” It is.”

Both of them hesitated, and the senzu bean was swallowed up hard… but for a moment, the wounds on his body recovered as they were, and they became alive and kicking.

“This… this is… what thing did you just give us what? It’s really magical, so serious injury, I thought I couldn’t live for a long time, I didn’t expect it to be cured so soon!” A look of shocking watching his body, surprised.

Seeing that he was both surprised and thankful, thank you, Sun Wukong was unhappy: “Hey, I said, I gave you the most precious senzu bean on my body. You didn’t even say thank you. Too rude!”

“Ah! Sorry! Sorry! Because I was so surprised before, so for a moment I forgot, my name is Zhamu, he is Lixia, thank you very much for your help, don’t know if you can tell the name of the benefactor?”

“My name is Sun Wukong. If you really want to thank me, just teach me the skills you just used to flash! And you are also interested in the two of you.” “Used two senzu beans, not just to learn their Instantaneous Movement and fusion!”

In fact, for Yardratian’s combat power-level, Sun Wukong is also very surprised. Just when the two people just recovered, Sun Wukong clearly felt that the two people’s battle was only about 10,000. I didn’t expect that after a fusion, the battle The power-level has risen directly to more than 100,000, which is really amazing!

According to Sun Wukong in original work, Yardratian has no compat power-level for formidable, but the combat power-level of these two guys is also at least 10,000! There are also hundreds of popular Yardratian. I think that for Sun Wukong, who can transform into Super Saiyan in original work, Yardratian is not really strong! If you don’t even have this combat power-level, how can they create such abnormal skills?

“Do you want to learn my Instantaneous Movement?” Zamuton was hesitant: “I want to teach you very much, but this is the secret of our tribes. Only those who have the title of Warrior in my family are eligible to learn. ……”

Lixia thought for a moment and said: “But you killed the giant bear and saved us all. I think the patriarch will agree.”

Just then, a large group of people came over here. An old man who took the lead came to Sun Wukong and said with gratitude: “This warrior, thank you very much, you not only saved our tribe, but also saved other tribes. The old man is Zada. The patriarch of this tribe, I bring people from other tribes to thank you for your help!”

“Grandpa, Goku wants to learn our Instantaneous Movement and the fusion technique. I don’t know if I can…” Zamu quickly put in, and the old man was his grandfather.

“Of course there is no problem! He saved the warriors who have all of us, not to mention the Instantaneous Movement. Other skills, as long as you can learn, we can teach you!” Zada ​​looked like a hero. It seems that the people in their tribe are very generous and know how to be grateful!

“Goku brother, you are really amazing! Even the powerful giant bear is not your opponent, I really admire you!” At this time, Angel suddenly ran to the front of Sun Wukong, a face of worship Watching him.

“Angel, I was almost killed by the giant bear! Are you not comforting me?” The side of the wooden watching Angel, a sour face.

“Are you not okay? Still the first warrior!” Angel glanced at him and ignored his words.

Sun Wukong smiled and said: “The feelings of the two of you are quite good!”

Zhamu smirked two times, and Angel made a big red face. Zada on the side smiled and said: “The two people have fixed the dolls since they were young. They are already used to making noises. It really makes you laugh!”

“Oh? Dolls? That’s a congratulation!” Sun Wukong laughed. For Angel, he was just the big brother who loved the little sister like that’s all. He is only interested in those excellent and beautiful sister papers in Dimension, that’s all, except for the woman who looks very beautiful outstanding, he is not eye-catching!

When Angel listened to Sun Wukong, she felt a sense of loss in her heart. She was very fond of Sun Wukong. On the side of Zamu watching Angel’s expression, it is very delicious, and looked at Sun Wukong, my heart is called a tangled! One side is his own fiancee, and the other is his own savior, it is embarrassing!

Sun Wukong also saw their thoughts, and regretted it: “Unfortunately, the environment of your planet is not the same as the environment of our planet. My wife can’t adapt. Otherwise, I can call my wife out to let you know. understanding!”

“Ah! Goku, brother, you already have a wife? Where is she?” Angel was surprised and lost. On the contrary, it was a surprise from Zhamu, and watching Sun Wukong’s eyes was much more kind.

Sun Wukong thought, a glowing ring flew out of his chest, Sun Wukong grabbed it: “She is in this ring!”

“Can this small ring be loaded?” Angel and others were surprised to watch the world ring in the hands of Sun Wukong.

“This don’t tell me is a space ring? Did the science and technology of your planet have reached this level?” Zada ​​was also surprised. Yardratian’s wisdom is on the eccentric skills of creation, and for science and technology they are not very good at it.

Sun Wukong just smiles and doesn’t explain much. In this way, Sun Wukong returned to their town under the enthusiasm of Zada, and Zhamu was the first for a moment to teach the training method of the Instantaneous Movement to Sun Wukong.

After only one day’s time, Sun Wukong learned the Instantaneous Movement. This is indeed a big blow for Zhamu who has been learning for several years!

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