The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 29—My Goddess

When I think of the misfortune of this time, I want to cry without tears, and I want to be crazy.

Just broke, the strength is not restored, I met Sun Wukong and other people and the metamorphosis Dragon Ball world! Later, Sun Wukong borrowed the Dimension of the Dimension god to destroy the Dimension channel, which made him hurt and hurt… but, even more unfortunate, the world he fell is also the world of Gao Wu, although he can’t talk to Dragon Ball. The world is better than the world, but it is also a world of strength!

As soon as he appeared, he led the world’s landlord, and the two played for a few days and nights, and they did not win or lose! This makes it a grievance!

Who is his annihilation? That is the evil of Dimension! With the master of the whole Dimension world, the god of Dimension is the same! Actually, the two Dimension’s landlords were quite different from each other. It turned out that the tiger fell plain was bullied by the dog!

Paralyzed, I won’t turn you over, can’t I leave? Therefore, if the Yuan decisively breaks Dimension, he must flee! However, the leader of the world will let him easily escape? Such a person who is seriously injured, there is no convenient, no bastard! If you capture the other’s God spirit tablet, then you are not arrogant! So, the leader of the world is chasing hard!

In countless Dimension channels, the two have launched countless matchups. In the end, it was led out of the liver fire, and the strength still failed to use the ban, directly giving the other to the second! As a result, he is even more wounded and hurts, and his strength has plummeted!

I wanted to find a low-level plane, absorbed the power of the world’s landlord, to restore the strength, I did not expect, and met Sun Wukong! It’s really a narrow road! Nima! Without such a play! My dear Dimension evil! The big BOSS of the full Dimension world, since the break, is like a coffee table, full of tragedies! There is wood!

You let me now encounter the abnormality of Sun Wukong, isn’t it the rhythm of finding death? Play people do not bring this way!

At this moment, although the face is fierce, angry, a pair of big eyes are bigger than the copper bells, and the eyes are raging, and I can’t wait to swallow the Sun Wukong! However, in my heart, it is sweating and shouting! He is afraid now! Now, my injury is extremely serious. If it is true and Sun Wukong fights, if the other party is a flourishing prime condition, then I will not give myself to the second!

“Well?” Watching Yuan is so fierce, but he dare not attack. Sun Wukong’s eyes flashed a trace of sorrow: “This goods will not be beaten, so I dare not go forward.” Let me fight?”

However, he did not dare to try it easily, because he himself was seriously injured now, and he did not dare to use all his strength. If he caused the riot of the destruction rule in the body, he would be tragedy!

Just in the two-player, a gentle voice is ringing: “I don’t care who you are? But, please also converge your energy… my world can’t stand the toss!” ”

“Adults talk, children don’t interrupt!” Yuan destroyed a big hand, it is a domineering martyrdom to the goddess.

The goddess was suddenly stunned, and for the first time someone dared to talk to her like this, somehow! Her heart suddenly gave birth to a smoldering fire! The goddess of the generation is actually a child, can she not be angry? If this words are heard from some mortal mouths, she can still laugh and calm, but from the mouth of the Yuan dynasty, that is the problem of dignity! Because the other party, with her is a position to exist!

Sun Wukong on the side also squatted, and immediately extended a thumb to the Yuan, saying: “The trough! This is the goddess of TRUE! Your sister’s heart is also awkward?”

“What kind of shit the TRUE goddess, there are two or two flesh, the dry old one can also kill her!” Yuan wiped the face of disdain, a big hand wave, the sky suddenly appeared a portrait composed of divine power, a face Intoxicated: “Is it seen? This is my perfect, TRUE goddess…”

Watching the portrait of the sky, Sun Wukong’s mouth is twitching… Even the goddess on the side is silent for a long time…

Can the person on the portrait really call it the goddess? Nima? That muscle is stronger than the brother! A fierce god is awkward, like a bull! The bucket-like waist is full of pieces of abdominal muscles, which makes people look at it.

“She…she…she is your goddess…the goddess…” Sun Wukong pointed at the portrait in the sky, swallowing his mouth, but he did not give it to the Yuan! Nima! Without such a heavy taste!

“That is! Look at the muscle of that body! The powerful arm… the sinister eyes… wow kā kā… Only the goddess like this, that is worthy of my annihilation…muscle is power… …power is beauty… you see… how perfect the goddess…”

“呃~~” Sun Wukong watching Yuan Wu’s intoxicating look, finally couldn’t stand it, almost spit it out on the spot! At the moment, the two dynasties erected two thumbs, and sincerely admire: “You cow! You are amazing! I have never admire anyone in this life… you fucking is the first one…” said, Sun Wukong suddenly sweared a thick mouth: “The trough! How heavy this taste! You should live forever in your life…”

“Hey! The world is big, it really is nothing… Everyone has his own goddess in his mind… The goddess in his heart… Although it is special… but it is also reasonable…” The goddess sighs slightly One, going back to the fall back, she found out that it was called Yuan, the head seemed to be not normal, and still far from a little better.

At the same time of speaking, Yuan Wu has been observing Sun Wukong, with the temper of the other party. If he is unscrupulous, if he sees his current appearance, I am afraid that in the first for a moment, he will launch an attack, the so-called hitting the dog. Change it to him, he will do the same! Because, he has just experienced such a past!

However, Sun Wukong has not launched an attack, so the other side’s injury has not recovered!

I am injured and you are hurt! I am at a different level from your Dimension! There is no reason to beat you!

In the thought of the power of Dimension left in Sun Wukong, the greed in the heart of the annihilation, if you get the power of Dimension, it will help his injury! The so-called rich and dangerous insurance, fight! Even if it is beaten! There is always no problem with Laozi’s escape? With this in mind, when the Yuan died, it became fierce, and the horrible Ki broke out again. This space finally could not withstand his terrible power and began to collapse!

The sudden destruction of the Yuan dynasty caused the goddess of the side to frown, and the face flashed with a deep worry!

“You retreat a little, with your strength, not enough to participate in this battle!” Sun Wukong facial expression dignified, toward the side of the goddess.

The goddess nodded and his body flashed, but he left here far away! From the emergence of Yuan Yi, she felt that the strength of this person is not what she can resist!

“I thought you didn’t dare to do it! If that’s the case! Then we will have a good activity!” Sun Wukong hey hey smiles, no fear! Aura has soared, and the red mans are rushing into the sky, and the hair is flying! In the twinkling of an eye, the transformation of the body transformation!

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