The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fourth chapter is a chic

For Sun Wukong’s proposal, the snow girl obviously has some heartbeat. Since Yan Chunjun mentioned Lingbo Feiyan, she has already killed her. However, let her be such a peerless beauty, in the face of everyone’s face, she is absolutely impossible to do!

Calm under some ups and downs of emotions, Snow Maiden once again restored the noble and elegant of the past: “You still have to leave! I just rushed out in a hurry… I don’t think I can use it, here will be a lot The Yan Guo soldiers are surrounded… When you arrive, it’s hard to go!”

“Then let me go with me! This is because of you, they will not let you go…” Sun Wukong looked at the peerless woman in front of her eyes, and her eyes were particularly firm. When watching anime, he was very fond of the woman in front of him. Just now, she witnessed the grace of her dance, and he was really heart-warming! For her, even if it is to destroy the Yan State!

“Go? Can we go there?…” Snow Maiden watched Sun Wukong, tone and calm, without any fear of being in danger.

And those dignitaries are now rushing away from this right and wrong, because they know, Next, here will be an inevitable bloody battlefield!

People go to the building, here, only three people are left. Gao gradually left still in the position of the Qin Shi, never got up.

Oh, no, on the ground, there is still a pig head (Yan Chunjun) lying unconscious.

Sun Wukong stands opposite the Snow Maiden!

“Follow me, where can’t go!” Sun Wukong looks like a gentle and calm voice, full of unprecedented absolute confidence.

“What? You want to save me?”

“I just saved you now?”

“Do you like me?” The snow woman suddenly looked up and looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes, which looked awkward.

“Yes…” Sun Wukong nodded unscathed and looked at the snow girl, looking very sincere! This time, he is indeed a heartbeat, attracted by everything in the snow girl!

“You help me, I just want to approach me, in fact, you are the same as them…” The snow girl’s tone suddenly turned cold, overturned, not watching Sun Wukong.

“Don’t take the garbage and compare it with me. For you, I am offended by the whole swallow country… For you, I can also be an enemy of the whole world…” Sun Wukong has a firm tone. If the snow woman calls him to destroy the world, he will Do not hesitate to start.

The snow girl looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes in an unprecedented steadfastness, and her heart was also trembled. This kind of look, she still saw for the first time, for a moment, the complex is difficult to understand. She was stunned by Sun Wukong’s firm aura, I don’t know how to speak!

Silence for a long time, only a sigh: “For me, you will die… does it matter?”

“Death? In this world, who can take my Sun Wukong’s life?” Sun Wukong looked arrogant and full of disdain. That absolute confidence is deeply shocking the heart of the snow woman. Immediately, I shook my head again: “You are very strong. I have already seen it… If it is because of this… I still advise you to give up the thoughts in your heart… Wugong is stronger and can overcome thousands of troops. Wanma?…”

“A sword is enough!” Sun Wukong’s faint words, in the tone, is full of unprecedented confidence. It seems that the so-called army, in his eyes, but one ants. This kind of self-confidence is shocking, and at the same time, it makes people feel that Sun Wukong is a big fool! Ok! At this moment, Sun Wukong is in the mind of Snow Maiden, that is a big fool who is confident and bursting! Because in her cognition, no one in the world can be an enemy of the army!

Snow Mai understands at this moment that no matter what she says, it is impossible to shake Sun Wukong’s firm determination. So, turn to the side of the sit-in Xiao Gao looked: “So you? Why are you still not leaving?”

Gao gradually saw Sun Wukong, the facial expression was calm, but it was silent.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the snowy woman’s face: “You don’t want to like me too, so I want to stay and help me?”

Xiao Gao’s words stopped, but after seeing Sun Wukong, still was silent!

The snow girl faintly glanced at the small high, turned to look at the door, the neat footsteps sounded at this moment, the friction of the armor was also ups and downs, a large number of soldiers have already vented this band of water: “Now! We even want Leaving, I am afraid it is impossible!”

Sun Wukong still looks calm, but Xiao Gao, but took a cold and shining sword from the bottom of the Guqin! Facial expression solemn and dignified! Strictly waiting. He proved his choice with his own actions.

A large number of soldiers flocked in and surrounded Sun Wukong. A man in mighty armor walked in from the doorway and looked at him. He turned out to be the general named 晏懿. It was he who went out to ventilate and reported to him as a general. Therefore, the task of catching criminals naturally fell on his head.

At this moment, he still has a grandson statue in front of Yan Chunjun. It is a arrogant and arrogant look: “The three are the unspeakable sinners of my Yan nationality. You don’t need to keep your hands, kill them!” Holding tens of thousands of soldiers, at this moment, his aura of the whole person has become different.

“Yes! General!” The generals were full of enthusiasm, screaming loudly, and picked up spears in their hands and stabbed them out to Sun Wukong!

However, at this moment, the magic sword inserted on the ground seems to be stimulated in general, the red awns are surging, and the “squeaky” sound is actually plunging into the ground and turning into a stream of light in the void. Sting up!

Blood splatter, accompanied by screams… The sword is shuttled back and forth at a staggering speed in the group, and turned into a stream of light. In an instant, the soldiers in the hall are killed! Immediately, a cymbal hovered, ‘嗡’, turned back and forth, in a flash, stand Sun Wukong’s side, suspended in the air, whistling! Excited, excited! The magical airflow turned very strange.

I almost didn’t get scared and fell to the ground. I didn’t have the image to run outside the door! And a large number of soldiers are also coming in!

Sun Wukong grabbed the magic sword suspended on the side of his body, and waved his hand, and the sword swayed. In the twinkling of an eye, Yan Chunjun, who had already passed out in the distance, was split into two by this sword, and his body was separated!

Killing Yan Chunjun, Sun Wukong seems to have done a negligible little thing, came to the snow girl’s body, back to her, and squatted down.

“Do…do what?” Snow girl frowned slightly, a touch of the road. The army is in front, she still has no fear.

“Come up! I am going to kill you!” Sun Wukong looked proud.

“I will go by myself! You don’t need to carry it…” The snowy girl said faintly.

Seeing the snow woman refused, Sun Wukong was too lazy to pay attention to it, and you did not agree with it, directly, and the snow woman was behind her.

“You… what are you doing?! Let me go down…” The snow girl is red and flustered. The heartbeat is slightly accelerated, and she is still so close to a strange man for the first time.

“Hurry up! I will take you out!” Sun Wukong ignored the snow girl’s protest, holding the magic sword, and rushed to the outside of the pavilion!

“Small high! Keep up!”

This time, he just used the sword in his hand to kill a bloody road! Behind the beauty, how to say it, it must be chic!

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