The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 10: The National Palace of Yan State

This woman is bright and beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, with a gentle and refined temperament, with a strong maturity, white and delicate skin, beautiful and beautiful, beautiful and graceful, show in the bones, tall and tall, slim and plump, Wen Yazhong, with quiet, quiet, and not lost, the graceful manners, obviously, the status is not low.

At this moment, such a beautiful and noble existence is a look of anger, and the coldness in the eyes is different from her gentle and quiet temperament: “No matter who you are in the end, what is the purpose, today You must die!”

Obviously, this beautiful woman is moving the real fire, and immediately sighs out. In this ancient age, the woman’s festival is the most important. Once it is defiled, either marry him or endlessly! Obviously, this beautiful woman has married as a wife, then the natural choice she can choose is the latter!

The yin and yang in the hands are printed, and the dull blue beam goes straight to Sun Wukong and the snow maiden! The fierce aura, the mirrored space seems to be somewhat distorted.

Unfortunately, in front of Sun Wukong, even if she is strong, she can only return without success!

The fierce attack was just a shot by Sun Wukong, and it was broken. Immediately, the body shape flashed, and a hand knife hit the back of the woman’s neck. He was very forceful. He just lost the strength of the whole body, unable to fall to the ground, but did not faint.

At this moment, the beauty of the woman is very shocked, she did not think that the person in front of him, the high martial arts, is simply unfathomable, he is in the hands of the other party, but still can not go! Suddenly, my heart could not help but raise a thick uneasiness! Such a person came to the palace! The consequences are really unpredictable!

At this moment, she regrets a bit. At the time of bathing, the decision to open the surrounding people is at least a few.

Watching the beautiful woman’s face, Sun Wukong said faintly: “It’s just a misunderstanding…”

“How is the feel?” The snow female facial expression behind her calm and waveless, suddenly asked such a sentence.

“Not bad…” Sun Wukong reflexed the condition, and immediately turned the black line of the head, turned to look at the snow girl, watched her smiley face, Sun Wukong was good: “Snow girl… I suddenly found …you have the black belly side…”

Snow female facial expression calm, did not answer. However, a smile that flashed in her eyes, Sun Wukong saw it, she did not have the mad of TRUE.

It’s just Sun Wukong’s words, but it’s making the soft woman’s face flash a little angry, and the shameful facial expression is red. But she is very good at conserving her, but she can’t even export it.

“What are you going to do with her?” Snow Maiden watched the beautiful woman, a touch of the road.

“De-glare, then… it looks like eighteen…” Sun Wukong didn’t smile by hey hey.

“What…what?!” Snow Mai suddenly surprised her eyes wide open.

“You dare!” The beautiful woman immediately sighed out, and at the same time, her eyes flashed a fluster. At the same time, my heart is a bit bleak, she hates, hates her useless husband, the whole Kami Mystic/mysterious secret, not at home, now his wife is difficult, but he does not see him.

“Well! Would you like me to check for you?” Snow Maiden is a snow woman, really not an ordinary person, surprised in the past, suddenly a smile, watching Sun Wukong, eyes have some fun.

“Just kidding that’s all! Don’t be too serious!” Sun Wukong smiled and turned and walked out the window: “Let’s go! Let’s go find the Yan Wang and talk about it, I am Sun Wukong, but not everyone can be wanted.” ……”

“You… you are… are you killing Yan Chunjun?” After listening to Sun Wukong, the beautiful woman was very surprised.

“What, not like?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the past, a faint road.

“Your courage is really big… I dare to swear at the palace… Since you killed Yan Chunjun, you don’t want to be a bad person… You still have to leave! Even if your martial arts are strong, it is impossible to mess The palace of the Imperial Palace… “Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman has eliminated a lot of hostility towards Sun Wukong at this time. I want to come. The character of Yan Chunjun is really not how.

“Go? How is it possible! Brother came to the palace this time, is to find the trouble of the king of Yan! The sister, dare to pass the old man, I don’t know his mother does not recognize it!” Sun Wukong is very domineering, When the figure flashed, it was broken through the window: “Go, snow girl, let’s go to a big fight!”

The snow-faced woman of the DPRK nodded her head and tapped her footsteps to catch up with Sun Wukong…

“There are assassins… there are assassins! Fast! Stop them… Archers are ready…”

Sun Wukong and the snow maiden just appeared, they were discovered by the patrols. Suddenly, the whole palace was bustling, and a large number of guard soldiers came here, but for a moment, the roads around them were blocked. !

Sun Wukong did not fear, took the snow woman’s hand, and landed on the ground like this, watching the dense palace guards around, Sun Wukong smiled at the snow girl: “Afraid?”

The snow girl shook her head gently, and there was no wave on the face of the old well. The faint road said: “I am just worried about them…”

Sun Wukong couldn’t help laughing, glanced at the guards around him, and he was very arrogant on the face: “Call your old Yan Wang to roll out!” MBD, dare to pass the old man, I have to ask him to confess to the old man! Otherwise I will destroy you whole swallow country!”

“Bold! I dare to be rude to my king, despise my big Yan country… Archers are ready to launch!” After the guards heard Sun Wukong’s words, they were furious and roared, and ordered the killing!

“Ha ha ~ ~ a group of ants, dare to put it in front of me!” Sun Wukong disdain! Watching the sky and the arrow rain, with one hand and one wave, a transparent light shield enchantment suddenly wrapped him and the snow woman wrapped in it!

The sky and the arrow rain ruthlessly smashed down, and the nails were on the light shield, and they were crushed by the shocking force of a berserk!


The guards around the squad were shocked and the bows and arrows did not work.

“Let’s put the arrow! Give me a slap! Put your hand on the bow… Launch! I don’t believe it… I can’t shoot your eggshell…”

The rain of the sky was once again scattered down, and the nail was stabbed above the light shield, still unable to bear the slightest embarrassment, and immediately, the shattered by the earthquake…

Watching the body shield on the side of the light shield, the eyes of the snow woman, full of shocking colors! This sky of arrows, I am afraid that any expert in the world has to shun, but Sun Wukong, but turned a blind eye, the world’s fear bow, in front of him, completely become a display.

“Kill! Kill me! Bows and arrows can’t be done… Even if you use people, you have to leave him… The majesty of the palace, don’t be embarrassed!” The guards commanded the crowd and screamed. Numerous guards with swords and spears rushed to Sun Wukong…

“Hey! It seems that no blood will not make you fear…” Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and the magic sword suddenly turned into a stream of light, and went through the air… On it, the magical Taotao, red Mans surge! It is very exciting to send wēng wēng vibrato!

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