The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 23 Super Saiyan 2

“Hey! You’re playing very cool! Now I’m going to change my son!” Sun Wukong spit out bloody saliva, and the crazy gang attacked the past. Without Gula assisting, Gerdo only Sticking to dozens of tricks, you will marry an old punch of Sun Wukong! A hit, Sun Wukong naturally will not let go of the opportunity, taking advantage of his own immortal body, he completely gave up the defense, just blindly attacking, hurting and hurting, punching with fists, but for a moment, Gerdo It’s already hurt.

Sun Wukong is also very embarrassed. It seems that the injury he suffered is not light. In fact, he has no injuries. He has an undead body. He has automatically healed in his for a moment.

Just as Sun Wukong wanted to give Geldo a final blow, a formidable Energy Wave attacked Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong had to sneak away and lost the chance to kill.

Gerdo grabbed the gap in this moment, and his body flashed and merged with Gula.

Gula watching Sun Wukong is very excited: “It’s a Legendary Super Saiyan, it’s amazing to be able to rival our father and son.”

“What Legendary Super Saiyan, brother is just an ordinary Super Saiyan that’s all, I want to be Legendary Super Saiyan, you can insta-kill your two slags with your fingers!” Sun Wukong waved his hand, said.

“Oh! Listen to your tone, you don’t seem to be Legendary Super Saiyan? What is your current form?” Gerdo was a bit confused about Sun Wukong.

“Cut! It’s hard to explain it to you with IQ like you! Don’t talk nonsense, let’s continue!” Sun Wukong said, and once again attacked Gula’s two fathers and sons.

The three men fought again together…Gerdo took advantage of Gula to entangle Sun Wukong’s empty space, with one hand and one finger, a red beam instantly rushed toward Sun Wukong… the penetrating power attached to it If it is hit, Sun Wukong’s body is enough to be worn.

“Hey!” Sun Wukong coldly snorted, one foot forced back Gula, hands together, a golden sphere formed in the hand, and then instantly expanded to form a circular golden transparent barrier, wrapped in Sun Wukong, Gerdo The emitted beam hits the barrier, and it just sways a small 涟漪. This is another stunt that Sun Wukong and Yardratian learned: the energy barrier.

“Gula, now” Gedau shouted, his body flashed, and Gula flew over the top of Sun Wukong’s head, one hand extended: “Death Ball!” The two men’s fingers condensed an energy ball. The two energy balls merged into one, and they quickly became bigger. In the fierce voice of the two, they crashed toward Sun Wukong…

“Well… very powerful Death Ball, if it is smashed, even if I have an undead body, it is difficult to survive?” Sun Wukong was shocked by the death of Gullah’s two fathers and sons. Although he has an immortal body, it is only in the usual situation, if the body is turned into nothingness, then the undead body is still a fart!

The two fathers and sons of Gula have not been very different from the strength of Sun Wukong. The power of the Death Ball jointly produced by the two can be imagined.

“Turtle ~ pie ~ gas ~ work ~ wave!”

Sun Wukong used his full strength to make his own Kamehameha, and the golden Energy Wave resisted the Death Ball from Gula and his father…

“Sun Wukong! I admit that you are strong! You are the strongest Saiyan we have ever seen, but you are strong and you want to resist the Death Ball that our father and son have sent! Drink!”

Gula and Gerdo both screamed at the same time. The two men also completely broke out the gas in their body without any reservation. The Death Ball instantly became several times larger, and Sun Wukong’s Energy was added little by little. Wave gave the back pressure over the past…

“My grass! Potholes! It used to be Sun Wukong father and son to work together to do other people! How come to me and become a father and son of others to do me! This decisive is not scientific!” Sun Wukong shocked, even eat The strength of the milk is used up, but still can not stop the approach of Death Ball.

Sun Wukong’s body was pressed a little bit, and Death Ball was getting closer and closer to him… He was completely shrouded in his eyes…

“Grass! Laozi is Sun Wukong! There are a lot of sister papers waiting for me to save! You can die in this place! Ah! Yeah!” Sun Wukong screamed, screaming in the blue veins, golden yellow And gradually there is a road arc…

“Drink!” Accompanied by Sun Wukong’s big bang, his hair was more straight and straight, and the golden vindictiveness was entangled in the arc, and Ki instantly skyrocketed! He has reached the peak of super 1. Under the threat of death, he finally got the breakthrough again, and the body transformation became Super Saiyan 2!

“Turtle ~ pie ~ gas ~ Gong ~ wave! Ha ~ ~ ~” Sun Wukong once again issued Kamehameha, the original Kamehameha instantly soared to ten times more then, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood-like aura will be Deflex of Death Ball go back……

“Ah! No… impossible… how can we lose… can’t… can…”

Gula’s two fathers and sons were gasified a little under Kamehameha in Sun Wukong until they disappeared completely…

“Call ~ call ~ ~ finally killed them!” Sun Wukong gasping a few mouthfuls, feeling his strong now, the heart is called an excitement: “This is the strength of super 2! Sure enough. !hey hey! This Friesa three father and son is really my lucky star! Not only help me breakthrough to Super Saiyan, but also let me breakthrough again to Super Saiyan 2 !hey hey! As a thank you, I will destroy your planet to give you It’s fun to be buried!”

Sun Wukong took a closer look and then an Instantaneous Movement disappeared… grabbed the ugly short and small alien who was running away and said, “Do you think you can escape?” He slaps a few.

“Don’t fight! Please don’t fight! The little one will never run away! I will take you to the planet where the king of Gerdo is living…”

“This planet is the planet where Fliesa lives?” Sun Wukong watching the ice blue planet in front of him, faint to the ugly aliens pinched in his hands.

“Yes! This is the homeworld where King Gedo is living! If you don’t believe it, you can confirm it yourself!”

Sun Wukong carefully sensed it and found that there are indeed a lot of Ki in this plane that are similar to Fliesa, and they are quite strong! “It seems that it can’t be wrong! Thank you for giving me the lead!” Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction and directly threw the ugly alien to the ice blue planet. Then, the direct body is transformed into a super 2 form. In order to eliminate the aftermath and prevent accidents, he exhausted full strength and issued a Kamehameha, which made the planet disappear into the dust of the universe.

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