The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 23—Advance of Destiny

The starry sky at night is wonderful. The stars are twinkling. Although they are not dazzling, they gather together and let their own light bloom. They can still illuminate a sky.

A silhouetted figure is dancing swords in the moonlight. The chain sword in the hands is like a snake in the sky. Shuttle stalks and forth, hovering and spurting, exudes a faint coldness, a twisted waist, and a graceful graceful posture. A piece of blue dragonfly petals! In the whole body, hovering and dancing, beautiful as a picture! It is pleasing to the eye.

The girl slowly stopped dancing and turned to look forward to the man under the blue linden tree. The eyes were full of expectation and tension: “how?…”

“Yes…” Sun Wukong nodded faintly: “It seems that you have gradually become familiar with the skills of this chain sword… In the hard work, you can be flexible as your own arm… It’s already late. …and stop here today, go back!”

“Are you leaving?” The girl was a little reluctant to say: “That… will you come tomorrow?”

“If I have time, I will come here…”

“Well… then I will say it! I will come here every day to practice the sword…” The girl was very happy when she was practicing, and Sun Wukong nodded slightly, and the figure disappeared.

The five-day time passed in Sun Wukong’s knowledge of coaching and snowing and other training…

On this day, Ji has no nights.

Watching the standing guard in front of him, Ji no night’s face and violent: “I gave you five days of time, don’t tell me Haven’t you found a suitable woman yet? Hey! Waste, what do I raise for you…”

“A woman who can be looked at by the generals… It is too difficult to find… and the generals will be granted a few more days. The subordinates will find a suitable candidate for you…” The guard stood on the ground. A look of horror.

“Oh? What do you mean by saying that it is not the general of this general?” Ji has no faint watching of him, his eyes are calm and waveless, but the killing of terror is invisible, and it shines out. The fear is chilling!

“I don’t dare to do it! It is unfavorable for the subordinates to do things… and the generals will be envious… give the next opportunity to redeem the crime…” The guard was immediately frightened and smashed.

“Raining?” Ji did not go to his throne at night, picking up the ancient sword that was placed on the throne. This scene is that the guard is even cold, and he is begging for mercy: “The general is envious! The general is forgiving. what!”

“Useless waste, what do you want!” Ji nightless eyes suddenly screamed a terrible and fierce murderous aura, eyes condensed, a sword in his hand, ‘pu-chi’, accompanied by a terrible Called, the upper body of the guard was immediately opened with a huge blood port, and fell into a pool of blood!

Several guards ran into the hall, and they did not change the color and lifted the dead person out… and cleaned the hall at a very fast speed. The action of the sorrow seems to have been used to it. This scene…

“You said… Did I make a mistake?” Ji had no facial expression and calm, and turned to the side of the silent crow and the young Bai Feng looked over.

“The mission failed! It is time to die and thank the sins, the general did not make a mistake!” The madden financial expression tranquil and calm, everything that happened in front of him seems to have not been seen in his eyes.

It was a young white phoenix, and there was a hint of invisible flash in the eyes. But it happened to be seen by Ji Wuye in the eyes: “Look at your expression, it seems to be something dissatisfied for what I did?”

Juvenile Bai Fenggang wants to answer, but he is one step ahead of the crow: “White Phoenix is ​​not sensible, but also hopes that the general will forgive him. He is my subordinates. I will be a good student in the future!”

Ji had no faint look at Bai Feng, and immediately turned his gaze to the Raven, rubbing the sword in his hand, faintly said: “It seems that within a short time, I can’t find a suitable woman… Yeah … Anyway, in this palace, there is a more suitable woman… I still want to wait for more time… But, forget it, go with me to the palace…”

Ji said no night, it is now going out outside the hall…

The Raven and the young Bai Feng glanced at each other, and immediately followed up…

In the palace hall, Ji Wu night was not notified at all, that is, Sabre went in… The group of palace guards not only did not stop, but they were all respectful and fear, which shows his position in this South Korea. How big is it.

“The general, I don’t know what you are doing here?” The elf’s dressed up guy came to Ji no night, and he respectfully said.

“This general wants to see the king, let’s report it!” Ji has no faint road, the arrogant gesture, the tone of calm and calm, does not put the king in his mouth at all.

“Okay, please wait a moment…”

But for a moment, a middle-aged man in plain clothes came out. His facial expression was pale and pale, and his feet were a little vain. At first glance, he was over-exposed. He is the king of South Korea, the father of the practice! At this time, he is like a beggar, whole Korea, almost all of Ji Jiu night has the final say, so what else can he do besides playing in the harem?

“I don’t know what Ai Qing is looking for.” Han Wangxian got still a little king, but unfortunately, looking at Ji’s no-night eyes, the mask of fear that can’t be concealed is a sight that can be seen at a glance. .

“Now the Princess of Honglian has been out of the slim… It’s also the age of the married person. At the end, I will know how to marry the Princess of Honglian. I don’t know what the king is doing?” Ji Ji night’s slight hugs, full of Etiquette, but the face is not a little respectful. For the Kay of the Princess of Honglian, it is also straight to the point, and it is inevitable. Its arrogant gesture is unmistakable.

“But…but Honglian is still small… How is Aiqing waiting for a while?” Han Wang had some temptations and asked him no night.

“Does the king want to reject the good intentions of the last general?” Ji no night facial expression tranquil and calm, watching the Han Wang in front of him, the coldness in the eyes is a flash.

Han Wang’s heart was suddenly frightened, and his heart was stunned. He sighed: “Since Ai Qing has this good intention… then it depends on you…” It’s just a sharp look by Ji Wuyue. The king was scared to shrink! This shop is more cannot bear than the Yan Wang!

“Acquired is a good day, then acquired, the end will come to welcome the princess…” Ji no night satisfied with the Han Wang line, it is turned and left…

Under the blue eucalyptus tree, the girl is trying to practice hard. Seriously practicing the sword method… The perfect petite body, with the chain sword like a snake, to form a unique landscape…

“Not good… not good… Your Royal Highness Princess…” A maiden woman hurriedly rushed towards the girl.

“What’s the matter? Panic…” The girl practiced to stop her body and watched the palace lady. Some of her anger: “Did I not tell you? Don’t be near here…”

“No…His Royal Highness…you listen to me…the king…the king, he wants to give you the match to the ji no night…”

“What do you say?!” The girl suddenly stunned for a moment, turned and hurried to the palace…

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