The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 28鈥擟age

“I only know that you are going to be a ghost soon…”

Out of the cage, Sun Wukong stood in front of Ji Wu night, a touch of the road.

“Hey! I want to kill me, do you want to kill me? Are you worthy?” Ji did not scream at the moment, his body flashed, and he retreated to the back of the two rows of soldiers, and said: “Let’s throw the arrow!”

The sound just fell, and the countless arrows rained off the strings… so dense arrows, so close distance even if the people who are high in the world, I am afraid it is difficult to retreat! Ji no night’s mouth can not help but show a sneer sneer!

Unfortunately, at this moment, it is Sun Wukong who faces this arrow rain!

He just shook his right hand and screamed at the wind! The arrow that rushed from the moment was instantly swept back by the hurricane of Berserk…


The sound of the arrow piercing the physical body came from time to time, accompanied by the blood of screams and splashes, and the two teams of soldiers were instantly annihilated by the sharp arrows they shot!

“…It’s a bit resistant… No wonder Can you convince the Raven and Bai Feng to betray me…but if you only have such a good ability…but it’s not enough!”

Ji no night shouted at the moment, his body flashed, his hand interrupted the sword without mercy, and he slashed down to Sun Wukong…

“go to hell!”


With a scorn, Ji Wu night was shocked and wide-eyed, his eyes were full of incredible colors: “No… impossible… this is impossible…”

“It’s so powerful… I just caught the sword of Ji no night with just two fingers…” Watching the shocking scene in front of him, the young Bai Feng was shocked and widened his eyes! Even the Raven is a shocking color!

“This is what you said is not enough?” Sun Wukong two fingers caught the sword of Ji Wu night, let him force, but also does not move, the face can not help but show a ridiculous smile.

“hey hey ~~ I admit… I looked down on you… I didn’t expect that there would be a strong person like you on the world… But is it really okay?” After the shock, Ji had no night face. There was a strange smile on the top.

鈥滃棖鍡杝艒u! 鈥?/p>

When the voice just fell, the bow around the wall was instantly shot with numerous powerful and powerful arrows, but the target was a few of the crows in the cage!

The Raven was shocked at the moment, and the black feathers drifted around. With the screams of “鍛卞懕”, countless crows appeared so strangely, hovering in the sky, turned into a black tornado, and protected several people in the crow…

And countless arrows were blocked by the crows with their own bodies, black feathers flying, accompanied by fierce screams, a crow was pierced by the body, fell to the ground, became a cold body…

Sun Wukong secretly set up an invisible space enchantment on the side of the jade, and immediately watched the performance of the crow!

It is a pity that the crows are always exhausted, but in a few moments, the crows are turned into corpses, and the arrows are still going on. The young Baifeng and the Raven can only use their superb lightness to avoid the arrows. Unfortunately, the secrets of the arrows are numb, and Rao is their light work. In this small space, it is like a trapped bird, there is no way to dodge!

However, it is extraordinarily safe to get jade. Originally, she was also shocked. However, when the arrow hit the front of her body, it was blocked by an invisible enchantment. Now, she Sun Wukong, who was not far away, looked over! She knows that this must be a masterpiece of Sun Wukong!

However, why, he does not protect these two people?

In a moment, the body of the Raven and the young Bai Feng was pierced by a few arrows, and fell to the ground!

And the arrow seemed to be exhausted, and at this moment, it stopped.

“Raven, Bai Feng, I have already said that the person who betrayed me will only die. Do you regret your choice now?” At this moment, Ji Wuye has released the broken sword and stood in a window. Before, cold channel.

“Repent… oh… dead… what is so scary… This is also a relief…” The young white phoenix has a facial expression and calm, and the chest has been shot through several blood holes. Ki is extremely weak and weak. . The Raven is not much different from him. It is just an arrow in the middle. However, such a wound, I am afraid that Hua Tuo is also difficult to treat in the world.

“Oh… I didn’t expect that the first gamble in life… actually lost… don’t tell me… We are dead… can’t leave this cage?” The crow lies on back on the ground. , Watching the ceiling of the dense copper plate, the consciousness becomes more and more blurred.

“It’s useless! It’s going to hang so soon? Can’t you show it well?” Sun Wukong sighed helplessly. The figure flashed and came to the front of the two people. The white light in his hand condensed and poured on the two people. When he was squatting, the wound on his body recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye…

“How… how could it be…” Ji Ji, who was not far away, was shocked and widened his eyes!

However, it is relatively calm to make jade, because she has personally experienced it.

Watching are still lying on the ground and killing two people, Sun Wukong is unceremonious is one person and one foot, smashed the past: “Get up! Don’t pretend to die!”

“Silver ~ ~ you can’t light it…” The Raven suddenly took a cold breath, rubbed his waist, stood up from the ground, and immediately touched his chest without any scars, and his face was amazed. : “It’s really unfathomable! I thought I was going to die… I don’t want Goku adults to have such magical skills!”

The young Bai Feng stood up and checked his injury. The look of Sun Wukong was full of admiration. This almost reviving ability was simply unfathomable.

At this moment, Ji has no night, looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes, but full of fear, such a Mystic/mysterious and terror expert, standing on his opposite, is like an invisible mountain, pressing him Not past one’s prime! It seems that his life may be lost at any time. This feeling makes him very unhappy.

“Hello is a good skill… I don’t know what revenge I have with you? Why do you want to kill me?” Ji is no longer the name of the general. After the shock, he resumed his calm again.

“From the idea of 鈥嬧€媝laying the Princess of Honglian… Your life is no longer your own…” Sun Wukong said lightly.

“It turned out to be because of the Princess of Honglian…” Ji no night suddenly realized, now the cold said: “It’s really a blemish! But unfortunately, I want to kill my Ji no night! It’s not so easy…” He said It was the copper wall behind it that hit the past! Seeing that the head is about to hit the copper plate, but the copper plate is open in an instant, and Ji has no one to drill out at night… The laughter is arguing out…

The crow’s figure flashed and came to the copper plate that opened and closed. Unfortunately, the copper plate was closed in an instant!

“Awful, a step late… If we go out now, I am afraid that the face will be a thousand troops!” The expression of the crow at this moment has become somewhat dignified.

“Goku adults, what should I do now?” Juvenile Bai Feng could not help but look at Sun Wukong.

“Oh! More and more interesting… It鈥檚 a big trouble for Yan Guo… It seems that I have to make a big trip to South Korea…”

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